Hey guys. After racking my brain trying to figure out a viable hexproof deck for the options we have available to us via theros, I've come up with this. I had been reading a few other people's comments all over various forums where people were trying to pull of either Naya, Bant, or selesnya forms of hexproof and they all seemed to be lacking something. After stumbling upon a user's comment about trying to fit a devotion idea via Heliod, and after repeatedly running my naya hexproof deck against a friends' jund deck and losing to things like devour flesh and thoughtseize sideboard... this hit me!
The Explanation:
The idea here is to be able to play as much green as you can muster game 1 in order to either play Nylea as a creature, or her trample ability. ( I liked the idea of Heliod but, with all the mana ramp I have plus hexproof creatures on the field, getting nylea activated is alot easier. )
Ethereal Armor - Given. It's ridiculously important to run this card in any hexproof aura deck.
Nylea, God of the Hunt - I run three copies in order to appropriately have her almost guaranteed on the field every game. The fact that she doubles as an enchantment doesn't hurt anything. 6/6 Blocker when devoted? Yes please! Attach aura's to Nylea such as Gift of Orzhova and a Ethereal Armor so she can swing in the air for 10/10? lifelink?! Yes PLEASE!
Bow of Nylea - Double green helps alot in order to get Nylea devoted. The added threat of deathtouch on your creatures is no laughing matter against any aggro.
Gift of Orzhova - I didn't include this in my original version because I figured I wouldn't need flying when I had trample instead. Boy was I wrong! Gift of Orzhova has helped when I've tested online every time it hits the field! Another form of Lifelink doesn't hurt either.
Celestial Archon - Now, the hidden gem. I LOVE this card in this deck. Though it does nothing for devotion, the bestow idea here is beautiful! An extra aura that helps DOMINATE the game. If there is no response to my Archon being bestowed the game is over. 4/4 Flying first strike is no laughing matter.
Boon satyr - Keeping up with the devotion theme is this 6 and a half dollar gem. +4/+2 bestow that can be flashed is definitely relevant in this deck especially with alot of the midrange out there. Helps alot when Esper decides to tap out for supreme verdicts or Sphinx's Revelation. :D
All in all there is alot of symmetry here. I feel like there is a very good ratio of Cards to spells to lands which seems to fit. The fact that 5 of my creatures double as enchantment auras if need be is a HUGE help which some people have overlooked.
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated! I'd also like some ideas for my sb. I just through it together because I have the cards. I am looking to take this to my first Theros FNM on Friday and would appreciate any constructive criticism.
+1 if you like the idea. Thank you very much for taking the time to read all this :D