Post-Rotation Lifegain deck with Chalice of Life as the main win condition. I am VERY open to suggestions/criticisms. Is lifegain even good? Is it good enough that I don't even need chalice?
Chalice of Life: The main focus of the deck. Build around this and kill the opponent
Rhox Faithmender: Big butt blocks most relevant creatures, and helps us gain life faster
Heroes' Reunion: Decent by itself (especially against aggro), 14 life with a Faithmender in play flips a chalice right away
Centaur Healer: A great body for 3 mana that also gains life
Thragtusk: alternate win condition, also gains life
Restoration Angel: Great for blinking Thragtusk/Centaur Healer. Also can beat down if necessary or just save a chump blocker
Tablet of the Guilds: Not impressed with this card yet, hoping to replace it with new cards that are spoiled
Oblivion Ring: Catch-all removal in a deck that has no other removal
Arbor Elf/Avacyn's Pilgrim: To help me hit a turn 2 chalice/centaur healer. They also synergize well with Gavony Township
Temple Garden is a bit awkward to come into play untapped but it's strictly better than Selesnya Guildgate in this deck.
Celestial Purge for zombies
Dryad Militant for snapcaster decks (if they still exist)
Garruk Relentless for control (not impressed with him so far)
Thalia for Control
Naturalize for random stuff (could easily swap something else in here)
Elvish Visionary - to shrink my deck/combo with restoration angel?
Garruk, Primal Hunter - Card draw in a deck that has no other ways to do it
Neartheath Pilgrim - Seems bad but only Rhox Faithmender actually has lifelink
Sigarda, Host of Herons - Maybe against Zombies?