I am worried about decks that main or side enchantment nukes. I am intentionally keeping Gladecover Scouts in the sideboard for opponents that have a lot of individual enchant destroys, to keep my base creature alive.
The deck works by getting an early enchantment creature drop and then playing white control cards(also enchantments) on opponent boards while the deck ramps enchantments on the one actual creature on my board. Cards like Ethereal Armor and Sphere of Safety benefit from sheer quantity of enchantments, so even land enchants go a long way if one of those cards gets out.
If I can survive to 5 mana, and can get sphere out, usually that protects my life total decently. Flexibility comes in where the enchantment creatures can bestow or actually just play as creatures. That way, if I need numbers to chump block until I get Sphere of Safety out, it makes it possible. In a perfect situation, getting a Rogue's Passage out with 4 other mana, after my creature is at 20 Power or more and then a oneshot. If I do manage to get my 1 drop, the lifelink is very nice to build on.
Right now, the deck is fairly low on land. But, I think that based on the costs of most of my enchantments (excluding most bestows) I really don't need a huge amount of mana. Any feedback is appreciated, I know there are definitely holes that need to be patched.
Also looking for ideas on how to get some draw engine involved. Being that quantity of enchantments is a staple of this deck, drawing more cards would be very nice.