GW Hexproof Auras [advices please!]

Standard* m4go


It might be worth running as many temples or guildgates as you can afford. Yeah, you're a turn behind because they enter play tapped, but they fix your mana cheaply.

January 2, 2014 6:38 p.m.

Arvail says... #2

Your lack of Fleecemane Lion is alarming. You probably should run something other than Angelic Accord . Another problem I see is that you're running lots of creatures that take some time to get running. You need them to hit the field as soon as possible. Soldier of the Pantheon is a good call.

January 2, 2014 6:54 p.m.

I think you should change your creature base up a bit. More hexproof. I would suggest 4 Gladecover Scout , 4 Fleecemane Lion , 4 Witchstalker , and 4 Fabled Hero should be your only creatures. Also, since you can't use shocklands going 2 colors would be much more consistent. G/W Hexproof Auras seems much more doable with no shocks. 23 lands seems right, so you can consistently monstrous. That leaves you with 21 enchantment slots. 4 Ethereal Armor and 4 Unflinching Courage seems auto includes. Gift of Orzhova seems good, you don't really have too many options though. Boon Satyr as well because they are flexible. Some number of Chosen by Heliod would be good since they draw a card and replace themselves. Forced Adaptation I actually kind of like here. So for enchants I would run: 4 Ethereal Armor , 4 Forced Adaptation , 4 Chosen by Heliod , 4 Unflinching Courage , 3 Gift of Orzhova and 2 Boon Satyr . I made the deck like I said right here on tappedout and WITH Temple Garden the average price is only $77.08

January 2, 2014 9:01 p.m.

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