I've been doing a lot of playtesting against BR Zombies and Bant Control. While I feel pretty good about the decks performance against anything else aggro, control simply blows this deck out. So I've slimmed it to be a little more aggressive and I'm simply mainboarding some hate, luckily Dryad Militant and Thalia, Guardian of Thraben are decent cards on their own.
Arbor Elf/Avacyn's Pilgrim - T1 mana dorks to ideally pump out Loxodon Smiter T2
Dryad Militant - hates Feeling of Dread and other things like Snapcaster Mage
Loxodon Smiter - 4/4 for 3 with some sometimes relevant other abilities. It's a staple of the deck
Silverblade Paladin - another card that's a cornerstone here
Strangleroot Geist - helps against wraths, but otherwise just a lot of efficiency
Sublime Archangel - pushes damage up especially with Silverblade Paladin on the board
Thalia, Guardian of Thraben - puts non-creature decks back a turn
Wolfir Silverheart - pairs extremely well with Silverblade Paladin
Selesnya Charm - the Selesnya Swiss Army Knife, every ability is relevant. Trample and combat tricky to push damage through blockers, exiling Thragtusk, Angel of Serenity and such and the knight can be especially useful as a flash to rebind creatures during combat removal
Rancor - makes threats out of nearly everything and anything with first strike or doublestrike becomes really rough to block
Gavony Township - I'm holding off on running 1 more for another 2 Temple Garden
The sideboard has also gone through an overhaul.
Oblivion Ring - takes out planeswalkers or other problematic permanents
Garruk, Primal Hunter - ideally I want another one for control match-ups, but keep boardstate after sweeps and card advantage
Nevermore - name whatever their game plan was
Knight of Glory - races with BR Knight of Infamy, but I have better buffs to a single creature
Centaur Healer - when healing against burn is relevant
Rest in Peace - puts down the stop sign against graveyards, but it also hates my Strangleroot Geist. So Knight of Glory will probably have to come in then.