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G/W WallZ *Competitive*




Super modern Saturday event: overall 3-2 Jeskai control 1-2 loss, yet again this deck just board wipes and counters too often.

5color humans 2-0 win, creature decks just get shut down.

Lantern control 2-1 win, this was a hard matchup but duskwatch recruiter will help you around codex shredders and ensnaring bridge has no effect on this deck. Last game was a team swing for 40. Spellskite is essential and kataki is essential to board in.

Infect 2-1 win, if you can field of ruin inkmoth nexus or have stirring wildwood to prevent an attack you should be fine, however blighted agent is nasty. Board in path to exile and elesh norn(essential). Each game I won was due to elesh norn resolving.

Affinity 1-2 loss, decks that go wide early are hard to deal with on any standpoint, however banefiring a hornets nest for 5-10 should secure you a win granted etched champion and cranial playing haven’t hit the board unless you play kataki. Board in kataki and elesh norn.

Update: Sandwurm convergence just wins games, the 5/5 production is insane, typically can be a turn 4-6 cast.

Sandwurm convergence is a new addition i haven’t play tested with yet, however it is necessary because flyers will shut this deck down game one of you don’t draw worship or have stirring wildwood to block with.

First modern night at the LGS I went 3-1. First match was 0-2 to jeskai control Notes: I did make a few mistakes with sideboarding, I didn’t bring in leylines which would have shut down the helix’s and bolts and v clique. I would say I lost strictly off of inexperience with the deck and the match up.

Second match was 2-0 to red/blue wizard burn? Notes: This was an extremely easy match up, he focused on creature removal with burn spells, so hornets nest ran the board along with a game 2 turn 3 worship which he had no answers to.

Third match 2-0 B/W eldrazi death and taxes. Notes: He started the game off right tidehollow scullering my assault formation but thought knot seeered away stalwart shield bearer over my worship (he must not know what the card does). I ended up turn 5 or 6 casting Emrakul. Game two was quick, I had shield bearer out with Wall of omens and assault formation, which left him chump blocking with a thought knot seer. I casted Iona naming white which led to a concede.

Fourth match 2-1 against boggles Notes: I lost the first game very quickly, triple rancor and ethereal armor went too strong and I kept a one lander (dumb on my part). Game two I created 10 hornets and used asssault formation to block infinitely since he has to assign the exact amount of damage to the defense because of multiple blockers and trample effect with first strike, so I used assault formation to pump defense and none of my things could die, elesh norm hit the board and I swung for game. Game three was interesting, he played daybreak coronet, eventually he had 70 life and I would just block with a hornet here and there, eventually I could team swing with walls and flyers for 89 and he could only block a 2/10 wall of omens which led to a win.


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Top Ranked
  • Achieved #43 position overall 6 years ago
Date added 6 years
Last updated 6 years
Exclude colors UB
Splash colors R

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

1 - 5 Mythic Rares

33 - 7 Rares

11 - 3 Uncommons

9 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.67
Tokens Insect 1/1 G w/ Flying, Deathtouch, Wurm 5/5 G
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