Brightglass Gearhulk can fetch Venerated Rotpriest and the multitargeting Divine Resilience. The poison blitz potential combo might be fun.
Instead of overloading on the toxic creatures I think I want to lean into deathtouch with Fynn, the Fangbearer. I also want blue for Mockingbird to copy the Rotpriest and Elusive Otter for another multitarget 1-mana fetchable spell. So Poison Dart Frog and Skyserpent Seeker seem like the right kind of cards. And Skrelv, Defector Mite, Resilience and Diversion Unit will have to keep the deathtouchers up for defense.
Feral Encounter can dig for combo piece creatures and also make a deathtoucher kill an opponent creature, (the targeting doesn't come from the spell, so Rotpriest doesn't trigger from it sadly).
Maybe some sort of first strike spell like Zealot's Conviction or Twinblade Blessing can buff the deathtouchers better. Basilisk Collar is a classic combo with the Gearhulk or other first strikers.
Skrelv's Hive confuses me. In theory it'll add lifelink, and Mockingbird can make use of it, and it's maybe a mild counterpick against sweeper decks. But does it really have any real value in practice? I don't know if I see it.
I'm getting mana problems though in testing. Color demands are harsh. Curve is generally low so shaving the land count a bit is maybe ok, but it's hard to build a land base that does G/W on 1, GG on 2, GGWW on 4, and sprinkle in some U along the way.
Still, if you hit a Gearhulk on 4, you should be in a good position on 5 to have a couple Rotpriests and maybe a couple other creatures in play, with a Resilience in hand to suddenly churn out 6-10 poison counters at once. That's a real blitz.