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G/W/U Shorecrasher

Legacy* GWU (Bant)



Creature (2)

Enchantment (6)

Artifact (3)

Instant (4)

The goal of this deck is to destroy your enemy with Rafiq of the Many in combo with Shorecrasher Mimic.

Most of the time you start your 1st turn with Birds of Paradise or Noble Hierarch to increase your manapool. In the 2nd turn you have more options. The best one is to get a Shorecrasher Mimic and another Noble Hierarch into play. Other options are Edric, Spymaster of Trest, Jhessian Infiltrator, Shardless Agent or Birds of Paradise.In your 3rd turn the best thing is to get Rafiq of the Many, but you can also get Favor of the Overbeing to echant Shorecrasher Mimic or Edric, Spymaster of Trest (if there are no other options enchant Shardless Agent or Jhessian Infiltrator to get some damage).In most of the games you will kill your enemy in the 4th turn or in the 5th turn if it didn't worked out that well.

Explanation of the single cards:


Birds of Paradise: Gives you the mana you need.

Noble Hierarch: Nearly the same, but you also get Exalted which is awesome.

Shorecrasher Mimic: Bread and butter of this deck. Everytime you play an spell which is green and blue it becomes 5/3 and gains trample. You will get this effect in each of your turns.

Jhessian Infiltrator: He's a good finisher because he is unblockable and he's a green and blue spell for Shorecrasher Mimic.

Dauntless Escort: This creature has to safe your keycards but doesn't give Shorecrasher Mimic his bonus because it's green and white.

Edric, Spymaster of Trest: This legendary is awesome to draw cards because you will always get some damage to your opponent with a trampling, flying or unblockable creature and is green/blue.

Shardless Agent: Three mana 2/2 Cascade is awesome and it is green/blue too! The best card you can get with Cascade is of course Shorecrasher Mimic but Favor of the Overbeing or Jhessian Infiltrator are good as well. Birds of Paradise and Noble Hierarch are not the best things you can get but it's ok because they are for free, but Swords to Plowshares can be ugly if your opponent has no creatures on the battlefield, but notice that you don't have to cast it.

Rafiq of the Many: This legendary is just evil and gives a creature which attacks alone double strike and +1/+1 because of his Exalted ability (actually +2/+2 because of the double strike). That means that your Shorecrasher Mimic does a minimum damage of 12 to your enemie, because Rafiq is green/blue too. Creatures which are enchanted with Favor of the Overbeing or on which is Stonewood Invocation casted, do in combo with him a lot of damage as well.

Other spells:

Swords to Plowshares: You can exile a creature for one mana and it's controller gains life for the power of the creature. Notice that you can play this spell on your own creatures if you need life.

Favor of the Overbeing: Another green/blue spell which you should only play on green/blue creatures because it gives them a bonus of +2/+2 and flying and vigilance as well. This is offensive and defensive at the same time and for two mana a very good choice.

Stonewood Invocation: Very nice finisher which gives +5/+5 and trample and has Split second, so nobody can cast spells while this card is on the stack.

Finest Hour: This enchantment is the highest mana intensive card in this deck and blue/green too. It gives Exalted and another combat phase if a creature attacked alone, so it harmonizes very well with the play style.


Autumn's Veil: Good against blue counters and black spells which would kill your creatures.

Mark of Asylum: This enchantment prevents the burst damage that would be dealed by red burn decks to your creatures.

Qasali Pridemage: He has Exalted and can destroy an artifact or enchantment for you.

Dueling Grounds: I put this enchantment in my sideboard to safe me from aggro decks, which would maybe kill me in turn 2 or 3. But these decks get kind of useless, if you play this card. You normaly want to attack with one creature so it doesn't matter for you.

Please tell me your opinions, about my deck :)


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Date added 12 years
Last updated 12 years

This deck is Legacy legal.

Rarity (main - side)

29 - 6 Rares

12 - 7 Uncommons

11 - 2 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.77
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