G/W/x enchantress modern MH2 update

Modern C--8CLARK8--D


PuncasterMage says... #1

4 Temple Gardens and some fetch lands would help and be more consistent than 13 basic forests.

December 12, 2016 1:11 p.m.

C--8CLARK8--D says... #2

@PuncasterMage, this is true, thanks for the help!

December 12, 2016 3:55 p.m.

Idoneity says... #3

If I may, I'd recommend Circle of Protection: Red for the sideboard. 'Tis horrendously effective against burn strategies in a way with both creatures and spells, as well as being cheaper than Story Circle .

The deck seems to be focused against creature-based decks, being fraught with specific cards against them. In note of this, Overwhelming Splendor may be a bit high on the mana curve.

Deafening Silence also seems to juxtapose the current build. With plenty of one-of silver bullet cards, perhaps Idyllic Tutor could hold that plan together? This would also allow for a very diverse sideboard plan. A couple of Commune with the Gods couldn't hurt, either.

A singular Plains could be of aid if you run into someone playing Blood Moon . Journey to Nowhere is quite effective removal that is also on-theme. On Thin Ice could help if you had snow basics, too.

Heroic Intervention in the sideboard could help against Fracturing Gust or spells of the sort.

Dosan the Falling Leaf could help against control decks. This enchantment build seems to have absolutely no instant speed interaction, so Stasis Snare could be great, or Cast Out for planeswalkers.

Courser of Kruphix could be solid life-gain and card filtering, as well as a blocker.

Seal of Primordium could be okay, but maybe not. Worship would be fun.

'Tis all, my friend. Happy enchanting.

October 26, 2019 1:58 a.m.

TKDbeast says... #4

Awesome stuff! I'm so excited for MH2's enchantress support, and I'm happy to see people already experimenting and learning!

Here are a bunch of questions - sorry if there are too many! Answer as many as you'd like!

  1. Thoughts on Suppression Field ?
  2. Thoughts on Courser of Kruphix ?
  3. Thoughts on Sanctum Weaver?
  4. Why Privileged Position over Greater Auramancy ?
  5. Why Conclave Tribunal ?
  6. Why Wheel of Sun and Moon over Rest in Peace ?
  7. When do you want to cast Solitary Confinement ? If you're on the brink of losing, is it a good play?
  8. How good is Hall of Heliod's Generosity , and when should you use it?
  9. Why did you select Canopy Vista over other lands?
  10. Between Sigil of the Empty Throne and Setessan Champion , are there enough wincons? Additionally, are they fast enough, or are Solitary Confinement s and your other enchantments strong enough to buy you time?
  11. How good is Calix, Destiny's Hand ?
  12. How do you foresee the Modern metagame and Enchantress archetype affecting one-another in the future?
May 28, 2021 12:39 p.m.

C--8CLARK8--D says... #5

@TKDbeast thanks! I have been trying to make ths deck work for 4 years the new mh2 cards are a huge upgrade.

(1)I dont use Suppression Field atm due to its interaction with Arbor Elf and Voyaging Satyr as this is the main way the deck produces mana

(2) i used to play Courser of Kruphix but i have found drawing a card when you cast an enchantment to be more consistent than playing a land off the top with courser

(3) sanctum weaver looks really good and will most likly replace Voyaging Satyr and Fertile Ground

May 28, 2021 2:21 p.m.

C--8CLARK8--D says... #6

(4) Privileged Position protects all of your permanents Greater Auramancy only protects enchantments and is replaced by Sterling Grove

(5) honestly this could be Oblivion Ring , i previously played mone creatures making the convoke on Conclave Tribunal important

(6) having both isint necessary but it can save you in corner cases such as your oponat having Maelstrom Pulse

(7) Solitary Confinement is best played alongside Enchantress's Presence and Setessan Champion to fill your hand and discard extra copies or lands while digging for a win con, if your about to loose it can buy you time but only if you have a way to draw cards

(8) it gets back enchantments if your oponant has destroyed one, you could also use it to get back a Solitary Confinement that you have sacrificed

(9) Canopy Vista is a sometimes untapped forest for Utopia Sprawl but generally you wold want to enchant a basic forest, you could use a different forest + white land but canopy vista seems to do the best job besides Temple Garden

May 28, 2021 6:33 p.m.

C--8CLARK8--D says... #7

(10) the general plan is to slow your opponent down with the enchantments, in the past the lack of Solitary Confinement made this difficult if you didn't draw Ghostly Prison , Sphere of Safety and Leyline of Sanctity . if you want more win cons you can increase the number Sigil of the Empty Throne and add Luminarch Ascension additionally with Sanctum Weaver enough mana could be produced to cast Emrakul, the Aeons Torn

(11) I did some testing with Calix, Destiny's Hand and feel in this deck it does everything you want but does not win the game so I ended up cutting it for more win conditions

(12) depending on the current meta you can adjust the numbers of the stax enchantments to compensate for the usual meta game shifts. This deck does do best in a meta filed with aggro and midrange, control is difficult due to counterspells. for the most part I see this deck being solid tier 2 for the future the upgrades from MH2 bring it out of its tier 3 state of the past.

@TKDbeast I hope that answers your question if you have more feel free to ask!

May 30, 2021 12:58 p.m.

JojoThaumium says... #8

This looks great! What are your thoughts on adding snow plains and some On Thin Ice ?

June 7, 2021 6:53 a.m.

Pringlesman says... #9

You have five leyline of sancity between your main and sideboard.

June 12, 2021 9:55 a.m.

C--8CLARK8--D says... #10

JojoThaumium I tested On Thin Ice when it first came out but it doesn't hit planesswalkers

June 14, 2021 11:14 p.m.

C--8CLARK8--D says... #11

Pringlesman Thanks! I didn't see that

June 14, 2021 11:15 p.m.

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