Kaalia, M.D. of Destruction

Commander / EDH* BlckRck


Spirits says... #3

Fellow Kaalia of the Vast player, Kaalia, the Purifier EDH

Impressive first build. Not really anything I can see is missing, it's all flavor.

I find Boros Charm to be pretty good board protection since you'll see board wipes in Commander. Protects your lands and such as well for full clears.

Stoneforge Mystic could assist with the turor / playing of equipment. Whispersilk Cloak, Sword of Light and Shadow, Darksteel Plate. Can also Phyrexian Reclamation her if your equipment is exiled.

Return to Dust for enchantment and artifact control maybe.

Solid build +1

July 6, 2016 4:39 p.m.

BlckRck says... #4

Thanks Spirits for your advice.

I really like the idea of Boros Charm. Replaced my Gods Willing with it (wanted to get rid of it anyways).

I'm not sure about Stoneforge Mystic - but I'll give it a chance the next time I play.

July 8, 2016 1:46 p.m.

Ennosigaeon says... #5

How about running a Temur Battle Rage? A fine way to give a creature double strike with instant speed allowing even more sacrifice with Rakdos the Defiler or a ridiculous amount of damage with Gisela, Blade of Goldnight.

July 8, 2016 2:40 p.m.

Norrak72 says... #6

October 14, 2016 6:33 a.m.

I don't have too much to add because we have very similar builds, but I might suggest a little card advantage in the form of Phyrexian Arena, Necropotence, and also the Sword of Feast and Famine / Aggravated Assault / Waves of Aggression combo, which can instantly end a game.

I'm also a big believer in having some cheaper creatures in case the Kaalia plan goes bad; Baneslayer Angel and Stormbreath Dragon are a couple of possibilities.

Angel of Serenity and, as somebody also suggested, Utvara Hellkite are other possible inclusions.

November 21, 2016 2:34 p.m.

Ghawn says... #8

Hello there friend :) I like your deck but I definitely think you are missing some important cards Quicksilver Amulet is good to drop your fat dudes into play. Strionic Resonator to get additional ETB, Attack, and Kaalia triggers for faster and more painful games. Sword of Feast and Famine is a little pricy BUT I think it is the best sword for Kaalia. Increasing Ambition seems just a tad bit too slow and your overall removal is lacking I would say look into Magmaquake and friends for that ground destruction and potential planeswalker removal. Dragon Mage is super important for the Kaalia deck because you want fuel in your hand to keep you going after she dies or to just apply pressure.

My list for more ideas.http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/kaalia-bammed-up-a-notch-copy/

December 22, 2016 9:51 a.m.

multimedia says... #9

Hey, this is a streamlined, excellent version of Kaalia, nice job.

Consider including a back-up reanimation plan--expand on the idea of cheating these big Demons/Angels into play for when Kaalia is killed which will happen--more low mana cost protection for Kaalia and mana cost efficient board wipes?

Consider adding these cards:

Cards to consider cutting:

  • Utter End
  • Legion's Initiative
  • Nevermore
  • Underworld Connections
  • Pithing Needle
  • Moonveil Dragon
  • Thundermaw Hellkite
  • Balefire Liege
  • Deathbringer Liege
  • Hammer of Purphoros
  • Dreadbore
  • Whispersilk Cloak
  • Orzhov Basilica

Good luck with your deck.

November 30, 2018 9:34 a.m.

Demarge says... #10

With kaalia if a creature she sneaks out isn't killing an opponent outright the utility has to be really good when it hits the opponent or enters, especially when you're not going to blow up the lands once kaalia is down, sure aurelia or moonveil can run away with the game if left alone, but it's better to assume you're only probably going to get a 2nd hit in with them if your table is sitting on even power levels.

Sire Of Insanity if you can get this out fast enough it will take over the game if it's ability goes off once, usually you will empty your hand to setup a kaalia swing anyway and putting everyone even with you on hand size is pretty good ( Dragon Mage is of the same mindset only with the trade off of reloading kaalia while giving opponents a random chance to answer you)

Skyline Despot is frankly just a stronger Bloodgift Demon that triggers tempest, it also will give you the card draw the turn it comes out and even if it dies right away, if you lose monarch kaalia is usually in a good position to take it back (monarch is also just a fun mechanic to get people to be more active in a game)

Now m20's additions to kaalia are all worth a look over, vilis is just powerful draw, drakuseth is a balefire you can politic your way to keeping him alive, sephara is essentially just a worse avacyn (but she's so good having a worse version can kind of be worth it), and m20 kaalia is just good draw.

Now in most cases kaalia is naturally built to be almost unaffected by Possibility Storm while it can just ruin some other deck's plans or protect kaalia.

I could probably sit here recommending card after card, but instead I will link my Heavenly Rakdos, any questions on my card choices feel free to ask (I'll admit I'm also kind of looking to see if I can build a combo kaalia deck sometime)

August 13, 2019 2:47 a.m.

Spirits says... #11

Hi Demarge,

Drakuseth, Maw of Flames won't work, because he enters the battlefield tapped an attacking, never attacks.

Skyline Despot is a risky Bloodgift Demon , may not provide the card advantage. But fun, agreed.

Sephara, Sky's Blade is difficult to utilize her lower cost mechanic, doesn't protect herself, and only protects creatures ( Avacyn, Angel of Hope protects all permanents. I'm still thinking on her, but seems wrong.

Vilis, Broker of Blood was a welcome replacement to Iona, Shield of Emeria .

August 13, 2019 11:34 a.m.

Demarge says... #12

Skyline Despot will always draw you at least one card, unlike the demon who has to survive an entire turn cycle to draw, while if the dragon lives you get more dragons, monarch triggers at the end step and requires combat dmg to be taken from you, being kaalia someone else taking monarch from you just means they've become your target (meaning it often isn't correct for them to attack you)

Now mostly slow card draw engines might not be good fits for a fast deck like kaalia, if you compare Phyrexian Arena to Painful Truths they both cost 3 mana, but on the turn you play it truths draws you 3 cards making it vastly better at that point. turn 2 if arena survived you draw your first card, truths still winning. turn 3 if arena survived you draw a 2nd card, truths still winning. It won't be until the 5 turn after you played the arena for it to finally beat truths, even if you assume the table won't remove it that's still really slow for a deck that is meant to gain advantage early and end the game before the other decks deal with you.

Now for another dumb combo that's great for people playing Razaketh, the Foulblooded . if you have Conspiracy out naming angel and Bishop of Wings you can sac a 3rd creature to tutor, bishop will make an angel spirit token netting you 2 life... and then you sac the angel spirit to tutor, eventually you find yourself whatever means to make infinite mana ( Phyrexian Altar ) and then Exsanguinate for game (or Aurelia's Fury ). It's a combo I'm slowly toying with rebuilding my kaalia deck around if I ever want to change things up on it (or I could just run it in an esper commander, then I can use a certain hack spell to make bishop trigger off spirits entering or dying).

August 13, 2019 6:26 p.m.

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