Mono Black Discard
The deck centres around exposing an opponent's tactics with Duress and Despise whilst reducing the options they have by making them discard everything. Creature control is taken care of by creatures with deathtouch added to that targeting Agent of the Fates heroic.
The faster this deck can make an opponent discard their cards the better, hence the low cmc of all the discarding sorceries. After the first few turns it is important for this deck to establish a board presence with creatures such as Agent of the Fates and lilianan's rever. With what's left of an opponents hand they are normally more reluctant to have their creatures fall foul of deathtouch. Once their hand has been emaciated then creatures such as Master of the Feast can be brought out, at which point the deck has a Scepter of Fugue available to cancel out their card draw for Master.
The late game is normally controlled by Painful Quandary. This shuts down an opponents ability to cast spells without paying a heavy cost. This paired with Shrieking Affliction puts opponents between a rock an hard place. If they want to play a spell then they have to discard a card or take 5 life, if they do so then they will more than likely take 3 damage from having 1 or fewer cards in hand.
Key Combos
Agent of the Fates + Ordeal of Erebos
Heroic trigger and eventual discard.
Painful Quandary + Shrieking Affliction
Mid-game choice of discarding and taking 3 damage next turn or don't and take 5.
Main Board
Agent of the Fates
Incredibly useful removal as well as a deterrent for attacking creatures due to deathtouch. Again its contribution to devotion is also use for a Gray Merchant.
Gray Merchant of Asphodel
Can single-handedly swing the game in my favour with the potential life loss for opponents and lifegain for me. In multilayer games this can be a game winner.
Liliana's Reaver
Discard, spam and deathtouch, a triple threat creature with added devotion to boot.
Master of the Feast
Useful for getting opponents to draw cards so I can then make them discard them, hopefully doing them damage in the process. On top of the fact that this is a potent flyer.
A trigger for Agent of the Fates heroic ability and hopefully with the amount of cards being discarded a substantial pump or a large creature in its own right.
Spiteful Returned
Another Agent of the Fates trigger and with a small amount of pump and extra damage to defending players.
Ordeal of Erebos
The final Agent of the Fates trigger with incremental pump followed by discard.
Painful Quandary
A nasty choice for opponents to make, especially if they are to decking.
Shrieking Affliction
A key source of damage for opponents when they have been made to discard cards.
Waste Not
Possibly one of the best discard based enchantments.
Scepter of Fugue
Consistent discard and useful devotion if a Gray Merchant hits the battlefield.
Liliana of the Dark Realms
Useful mana ramp and because Liliana Vess and of the Veil are too expensive.
Cry of Contrition
Low mana cost discard with and added discard trigger if targeted at the correct creature.
Useful at removing creature and planeswalker threats before they hit the battlefield.
Extra discard at low mana cost.
All my deck centre around trying to do one or two things well based around a certain theme, they are not intended to be able to defend and cope with everything and anything that comes their way. (Good Card Suggestions vs Deck Dilution)
I am a 'kitchen table' player with a limited budget. As with all my decks advice and suggestions (as well as +1's) are always very welcome but keep in mind anything above the $5 per card mark I'm unlikely to consider.
The more reasoning you can give with any suggestion you make, the more likely I am to consider running it in the deck. This is because I can't always spot the combo or idea you are going for. Letting me know what your thinking gives me a better insight into how you think this deck might be made better by the suggestion.