I Sacrifice Your Creatures For Breakfast

Modern Headers13

SCORE: 162 | 122 COMMENTS | 27169 VIEWS | IN 97 FOLDERS

Dspignatari says... #8

I like this a lot!

July 27, 2014 12:55 p.m.

goldencrisis says... #12

Really nice for the price. I recommend Disciple of Griselbrand if you need a bit of life buffer while still holding onto your sacrifice game.

August 18, 2014 2:58 a.m.

mr_spooner says... #16

Surprised no one suggested this yet. Harness by Force is strictly better than Act of Treason . Swapped the two immediately in a very similar deck to yours when I found out about that card :P

I really like this deck! It's like a more serious and crueller version of mines: Let Me Just Take Your Creatures ($5 Budget Deck!). +1 :)

September 10, 2014 6:45 p.m.

Dude2033 says... #24

Wouldn't Fling be nice in here somewhere?

+1 btw :)

November 15, 2014 4:30 a.m.

Headers13 says... #25

I use Fling in my mono red version of this deck, Control, Attack, Sac, Repeat, but I found it relies heavily on your opponents creatures being big enough to make it worth it.

The library control, instant destruction and card draw from sacrifice options in this deck provide a much more comprehensive response to opponents decks than the all out damage in my mono red deck.

Thanks for the +1.

November 15, 2014 9:26 a.m.

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