Hail to the King, Baby \m/

Commander / EDH SynesterBleeder


SquaredT says... #1

+1 lots of fun

I got the Mind Seize deck and I use Nekusar, the Mindrazer as my commander

April 23, 2014 7:24 p.m.

Podkomorka says... #2

I was curious what makes you think this deck and Nekusar are competitive?

October 13, 2017 11:21 p.m.

Podkomorka I have tried tuning this deck to get more of that competitive edge. I do know I am missing some of the more expensive cards that I could replace with cards tha are in the deck already. With play testing it every chance I get, I always find that I can control the board very well and win pretty consistently. So what I feel makes it competitive is the consistency and power of the synergies that are in this deck. As a litte side note, my play group thinks that this deck is competitive when ever they have to play against it. I know that doesnt make it competitive, but I feel nice when they say that! Haha I think I will start recording my win to loss ratio at this point for more data for your question. I hope this answered your question.

October 18, 2017 9:42 p.m.

amazingronaldo says... #4

I love Nekusar. I had a Nekusar deck for a long time Fort Nekusar. Mine was a fort and control deck and Nekusar was the win-con with Helm of the Ghastlord and Elder Mastery as my mean enchantments to add to player's misery lol.

+1 from me. :)

Lately I have been trying to think of a new iteration of Nekusar, this one being more centered around The Locust God and The Scarab God as my real commanders. I had them as commanders in separate decks but really think the wheel effects work great for the goals of either commander, and I could find other parts of each that could work for the other commander.

Good luck with yours and it sounds like you enjoy playing it.

November 21, 2017 5:25 p.m.

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