Playing versus some Jund/BandEldrazi/Affinity bots I got a little goldfishing in to see if the deck remotely functioned; I was surprised that it seemed okay and probably worth further tuning.
Discard was a 3:2 split of Inquisition of Kozilek:Thoughtseize which felt pretty good without hitting too many bad topdecks.
Fatal Push was great removal; pairing it with Chromatic Star only helped it's case. Battle at the Bridge was very useful as a combination spot-removal and life-total stabilizer. Dark Salvation was amazing, and treads the line between removal and finisher bomb. Collective Brutality felt a bit lackluster; however, I can't tell if that was due to the matchups or the deck itself.
Chromatic Star and Talisman of Indulgence did a surprisingly good job of filtering the mana.
Dark Petition really performed well thanks to spell mastery; tutoring for Hailfire with enough black to cast it, or tutoring for Damnation for effectively 2cmc, even tutoring for a final Tron-land, etc. I'll probably up the count to 2x copies. The 1x Increasing Ambition also performed admirably, and the number felt about right.
Torment of Hailfire was a blast to play. In combination with the tutors and removal spells, it often felt like a supersized version of the bad half of Cruel Ultimatum. The only tricky part is that the "opponent chooses" clause might be a bit tricky. The bots had a tendency to over-value their lifetotal compared to their boardstate; a real opponent would be able to see when to race for lethal.
Also, the creatures were very relevant. Much like in EldraziTron, Walking Ballista was a super-flexible powerhouse at any point in the game. With the topend mostly consisting of XBB and XXB bombs, playing Dark Confidant seemed feasible in the Tron shell, and it was fantastic. Protected by discard, whenever Bob stuck, he drew into so many Tron lands it was ridiculous.