How are you doing on FNM? I see a lot of aggro decks and green devotion.... play any vs those?
September 26, 2014 7:15 p.m.
UpperDeckerTaco says... #3
Magic45 this deck wrecks any aggro, or devotion deck. It's main Downfall is other control decks, it can be a toss up vs those
TacomaChem says... #1
Digging the deck, +1. I might tick Shrapnel Blast up to 4 and take voyage's end down to 2, especially because of the amount of scry from your manabase. Hitting for 5 at instant speed is just too good! Paired with your Scuttling Doom Engines you could potentially hit for 17 in one turn :D Even blowing up a Darksteel Citadel to end the game is no problem. Thanks for checking out my deck, I like your distinct take on a similar theme.
September 17, 2014 10:18 p.m.