Like, I know a bit of HTML and CSS, but where would you actually edit the page code?
April 23, 2015 11:16 p.m.
Blizzicane says... #3
ninjaman16782 - Thanks! I will look at your deck when I get a chance. :3
Saberxbro - Thank you so much hours were wasted messing around with this page! As to where you would put such code it would be in the description via an external CSS link. :3
April 23, 2015 11:55 p.m.
finboy2506 says... #4
I would add Blue Sun's Zenith and Wild Ricochet
Because Blue Sun's Zenith will may you or the opponent/s draw heaps and your commander will deal damage to the and also when your commander deals damage, it counts as commander damage
April 25, 2015 12:24 a.m.
Blizzicane says... #5
finboy2506 - Nekusar effect doesn't deal commander damage. From the official EDH rule website: If a player has been dealt 21 points of combat damage by a particular Commander during the game, that player loses a game. Nekusar effect isn't combat damage, if that was the case I would probably twice as much games/get hated out twice as fast.
Blue Sun's Zenith is not in here because it only targets one player and if I want draw for myself I might as well run Minds Aglow to do damage to all my opponents and get draw as well not to mention its cheaper and if someone is crazy enough to put mana into the pot to draw more. But I don't like either because they are mana intensive while wheels are much more cost effective mana wise.
As for Wild Ricochet, if I want to copy my own spells I could play Fork for cheaper if I want to stop removal/counterspells then I can just use counterspells that are cheaper.
Thanks for the suggestions anyway. :3
April 25, 2015 1:17 a.m.
finboy2506 says... #6
Nekusar's texts says
Whenever an opponent draws a card, Nekusar, the Mindrazer deals 1 damage to that player, which means nekusar does commander damage
April 25, 2015 1:36 a.m.
Blizzicane says... #7
finboy2506 - Combat damage is only ever dealt to a player as a result of an attacking creature that is either not blocked or has trample. Damage dealt by spells and abilities are not combat damage. So Nekusar ability does not count as commander damage because it is an ability but it does work with things like infect or lifelink as Nekusar himself is dealing the damage. :3
April 25, 2015 5:04 a.m.
finboy2506 says... #9
I know that damage dealt by spells and abilities are not combat damage, it's just normal damage, but Nekusar's text says; Whenever an opponent draws a card, Nekusar, the Mindrazer deals 1 damage to that player and the text is saying Nekusar does commander damage, because when a commander does damage in any way, it count as commander damage
April 25, 2015 7:12 p.m.
Blizzicane says... #10
finboy2506 - Did you read what I posted earlier? "From the official EDH rule website (Rule #6): If a player has been dealt 21 points of combat damage by a particular Commander during the game, that player loses a game". It MUST be combat damage in order for it to count as commander damage.
Link to the Official Website look at rule #6 if you need further proof
If that still doesn't satisfy you just google it or ask Rules Q&A and you will get the same answer as I am giving you here. :3
April 25, 2015 7:19 p.m.
BreadManDan says... #11
Nekusar's ability causes damage, but not combat damage because he isn't in combat. Damage, yes. Combat damage, no. It's one of the reasons enchantments like Sigil of Sleep and Curiosity work so well on him, much like Niv-Mizzet. You can cast Sigil of Sleep and provided it doesn't get countered or destroyed right away and you have a way of drawing some cards you can remove some of the threats on the board, even if it is destroyed chances are you'll be able to remove something from the battlefield and slow down your opponent.
April 25, 2015 7:29 p.m.
I would recommend replacing the Copy Artifact with the Phyrexian Metamorph that's in your maybeboard. Since you're not using artifacts to combo, Metamorph will give you much more value.
It might also be worth running Stranglehold to slow your opponents down, espcially with things like fetchlands and tutoring for removal. Means you're forcing them to rely on the card draw Nekuzar gives but then have to take damage from it.
Also, the page layout is really well done, if not a bit resource intensive. But thats the price you pay for such a good looking page :P
April 26, 2015 10:19 p.m.
Blizzicane says... #16
I am glad the combat damage thing got sorted out now then on to my latest comment. :3
enpc - I will have to consider that but that slot was mostly for speed purposes such as using it to copy another mana rock which is what I use it mostly for which is why I didn't include in Metamorph but I may include it in addition to Copy. Stranglehold was an on and off thing for me because Nekusar draw usually meant they would draw into it anyway (which it did happen) but perhaps I will consider it again but I doubt I will have any space for it. XP
Thanks it took a bit of work. I made it so it should work without crashing any decent computer in the last 8 years (but it will have a bit of startup lag for anything) but I have the snow related things disable for Phones because it could cause immense lag (they also stop working when you go to another window). Anyways, thanks for your suggestions. :3
April 26, 2015 10:37 p.m.
I'm having a look at that code - thats actaully a really nice way to do it, making it default to off and then turn on if its not a mobile browser as aposed to to the other way around.
As for the Stranglehold, yeah, it seems like an "if you can make the space" kinda card. But I thought It was worth mentioning. Out of curiosity, do you fin yourself running into the issue where you only have 6 counterspells (one being Misdirection) meaing that the chances of having more than one at a time aren't very high?
April 26, 2015 11:19 p.m.
Blizzicane says... #18
enpc - The amount of counterspells I usually have in my hand range from 0-2 but once I have some sort of draw going it changes to 1-2. So yes, when I am not drawing cards I will usually only have one counterspell outside of Snapcaster Mage acting as #7 so I usually hold them up unless I find it absolutely necessary to counter the spell. I am thinking about replacing Lightning Greaves with another counterspell as I prefer the flexibility of a counterspell.
April 26, 2015 11:54 p.m.
GreenGhost says... #19
+1 for the reference to coding. Other than that really solid decklist.
April 27, 2015 9:49 p.m.
I'll admit i didn't even look at the deck. but that doesn't matter. i also will admit i have no idea how you got your back round and all of this formatting. but that doesn't matter. what does matter is that you have someone throwing up-votes for your up-vote button and its snowing on your page. i have no choice but to +1 this deck. sorry for not adding anything constructive to the conversation, just felt that the awesomeness of this page needs to be pointed out.
April 27, 2015 11:04 p.m.
I wish I could give you more up votes for the Ika Musume button. Simply all the up votes de geso
April 28, 2015 12:27 a.m.
Blizzicane says... #24
aholder7 - lol. Thanks anyways!
Podma101 - Oh you posted and up-voted before I did this to the page lol. I have a few more adjustments to make mostly adding imgs to the description and something else that is not working right so I have it on hold for now. But anyways thanks again!
zebeg - I had it in here but I never used it at all and so the colorless mana hindered me more than help. But thanks for the suggestion.
As for the deck itself, I am going to retest Curiosity now that Niv seems to be staying for now. I will probably get rid of one of the discard wheels that don't refresh my hand. Also, I still need to some how obtain Alpha lands and the rest. :3
April 28, 2015 9:21 p.m.
oakenshild says... #25
I would suggest Ophidian Eye over Curiosity. The +2 colorless manna shouldn't be a problem with all your manna rocks and the flash can avoid a lot of hate or be slapped down at anytime for a surprise win.
Saberxbro says... #1
This page is just beautiful.
April 23, 2015 11:10 p.m.