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Hanratty's Favorite Superhero (Top 4 FNM)

Standard Control FNM GWU (Bant) Tempo



Like Leo DiCaprio, this Bant deck has some Flash. But just like Tom Hanks has the FBI behind him, there's some extra muscle here too. Between counterspells like Dissolve , flashy power like Boon Satyr , and draw power to rival more typical control decks, once the board is mine, you can only try to catch me if you can. Here's the cast and crew.

COUNTER the bureau's best efforts

Dissolve - The best counter in Standard with its Scry.

Syncopate - The next best counter, which is even better in a tempo deck.

CHARM the pants off that flight attendant, bank teller, whoever

Azorius Charm- The bounce and the lifelink are both great in this deck, especially with all the Heroic creatures and Auras in the format. Cycling is just a convenience.

Selesnya Charm- A staple in this deck. It's an instant blocker or cheap body to Boon, pumps non-trampling fatties, and works nicely to remove blockades from my 5/5's (or Gods).

REMOVAL of any trail leading to you

Detention Sphere- another nice Exiling card for dealing with whatever is troubling you. I bet DiCaprio wouldn't have minded putting Hanks in one of those.

Supreme Verdict- allows me to play the control game against aggro. If I don't need it, I'm probably winning.

DRAW the acclaim of con artists everywhere

Jace, Architect of Thought - Provides an answer to mass creatures and some card advantage.

Sphinx's Revelation - Effectively seals games with solid life gain and massive card advantage- at instant speed, of course.

FIXING a broken family with tons of money

Sylvan Caryatid- So good in this meta. It's basically a Farseek that handles early attackers, especially mono Red. Add in the fact that my biggest threats are 4 and 5 drops and I'll be ok without flashiness.


Boon Satyr - Love this card. It round out the curve nicely here, filling the 3 and 5 drop slot for some truly mean Bestowing- end of their t4 (or 3 w/ Caryatid) Advent and instant-speed Bestow on my attack step seems nice.

Advent of the Wurm- If I could run 8, I would.

Fated Intervention : A 2-for-1 against decks with heavy spot removal, and the Scry helps in a pinch if I need to dig for answers.

SIDE of Jennifer Garner

Druid's Deliverance - a Fog for aggro, and I might get lucky with a knight or really lucky with a Wurm.

Mistcutter Hydra- a total nightmare for control. After flashing in a creature at the end of their turn, I can crank out this badboy for a huge attack. Also owns MUD decks.

AEtherling- Another anti-control beatstick that effectively ends the game; also good against MBD / Orzov Mid.

Call of the Conclave - Comes in against aggro alongside Druid's Deliverance or control with Rootborn Defenses. There to lower my a curve a bit and provide a good Populating target.

Rootborn Defenses: A blowout against opposing Supreme Verdicts and spot removal.

Negate: Allows me to load up on counters in the control matchup and thwart spot removal or Planeswalkers on the cheap.


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Due to the Journey prerelease, last week's FNM was a half-assed 4 round affair with no Top 8, and I went 3-0-1. I'll do my best to recall the results:

Rd 1: Rakdos Midrange W 2-0: A very "draw-go" type of matchup, as his deck was full of removal and burn. I won Game 1 pretty handily thanks to a couple Sphinxes after we traded blows. Game 2 was a bit closer, as he successfully resolved Master of Cruelties while I had nothing on board and one card in hand. Luckily, that card was a Sphinx, and it drew me into a D-Sphere, and I once again came out on top in this war of attrition.

Rd 2: Golgari Dredge D 1-1: I won game 1 as I countered his serious threats, like Nighthowler and Shadowborn Demon , and let my fatties roll over his dorks etc. In game 2, he had a Whip of Erebos that was a total pain in the ass. Maybe I should've scooped to save time for a third game, but all I really needed to stabilize was a D-Sphere and, despite 3 Sphinx's, I couldn't find one. I held him off for seriously like 15 turns before finally collapsing under the weight of his constant graveyard barrage. With about 2 minutes to go in the round, we had no choice but to call it a draw.

Rd 3: Izzet W 2-1: In game 1, I used a Verdict to clean up his Young Pyromancer tokens and cruised to a win. In game 2, he got out 2 Guttersnipe which took me out pretty quickly as my D-Spheres were still out to lunch. In game 3, I was able to ramp into an early Wurm and put him in defense mode before he could set up his boardstate and take advantage of his instant-and-sorcery loving creatures.

Rd 4: Orzhov Midrange W 2-1: In game 1, I was able to withstand an early Pack Rat and Mutavault barrage to come away with the win. In game 2, he was able to pull off back-to-back Gray Merchant of Asphodels to steal away the win after I thought I had it wrapped up with Aetherling on the table. In game 3, a Rootborn Defenses gained me the advantage when he tried to remove a Centaur, and Mystic Genesis sealed it by countering one of those damn Gray Merchants for a 5/5 Ooze.


Date added 11 years
Last updated 10 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

6 - 0 Mythic Rares

39 - 5 Rares

5 - 4 Uncommons

6 - 6 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.00
Tokens Centaur 3/3 G, Enchantment Centaurt 3/3 G, Knight 2/2 W w/ Vigilance, Ooze X/X G, Wurm 5/5 G w/ Trample
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