chrisdavis says... #2
Tell me what you think of this deck.> Junk tokens...Maybe T1
March 20, 2014 5:53 p.m.
Bradmanthegreat says... #3
I've playtested Brimaz so much and he is just not good enough. He dies so easily. In all honesty I'd rather have Banisher Priest because removal is great especially in creature form.
March 20, 2014 10:05 p.m.
Bradmanthegreat says... #4
also, Hero's Downfall . Don't go junk. It isn't super workable right now, but Orzhov and Golgari are good separate at this time.
March 20, 2014 10:06 p.m.
Thanks Bradmanthegreat and chrisdavis for the suggestions. Both Banisher Priest and Hero's Downfall are excellent suggestions. That sucks to hear that you haven't been able to make Brimaz work, I just got a playset together and this build specifically had him in mind. However, I think the fact that he "dies so easily" isn't a good reason not to use him. The same argument could be used for most creatures (e.g. Boros Reckoner ). I think the more accurate way to say it is: he's so good he is always killed immediately. Frankly, if he eats a kill spell that's ok in this build. In this deck the goal is to get to the 5 CMC and higher: every card is a bomb. Essentially what I'm doing is running a lot of "battlecruisers" and every kill spell wasted on a Brimaz is one less that's available to kill and Archangel of Thune or Angel of Serenity . Having the latter gives me a good way to bring Brimaz back too, and with a lower CMC also retaining the ability to unload them fast.
However, I might limit Brimaz, King of Oreskos to say 2x and run 2x Banisher Priest . Maybe put more Banisher Priest in the sideboard. Also Sin Collector might be better then Duress since Angel of Serenity can bring him back.
Lastly, I'm thinking about Blind Obedience in the sideboard for aggro, plus the synergy with Archangel of Thune could be huge.
I'm also looking at that hole at the 4 CMC slot and trying to decide whether I should drop a few 3 CMC cards to fill it (what comes to mind is Angelic Accord or Desecration Demon .
No Junk huh? I was thinking a splash for Voice of Resurgence
March 21, 2014 10:47 a.m.
Bradmanthegreat says... #6
Desecration Demon is huge right now. Voice can be good, but if you just want to splash I think it isn't worth it with what you have so far. You can make a very strong deck without it.
March 21, 2014 1:05 p.m.
Bradmanthegreat I know it is, food for thought. Check out my crazy sideboard update idea. I really like it because it's completely unexpected.
March 21, 2014 2:03 p.m.
golffore297 says... #8
I would say to try to fit 1 more Blind Obedience in the sideboard because it can be super helpful against those annoying Monored Devotion decks with lots of haste and Burn decks to offset some lifegain with the burn. Also, Whip of Erebos seems like it would have a home here between Lifelink for Archangel of Thune and great interaction with Obzedat, Ghost Council .
If you are thinking about adding Red, then it might end up being a little more control than midrange, but it opens you to Rakdos's Return , which is great against Azorius and Esper control, and Dreadbore , which is a worse Hero's Downfall , but still helpful in some situations. And Sire Of Insanity , which is very under used, but quite powerful late game when you want to keep spells out of your opponent's hand and force them to topdeck something good after you have established a boardstate.
If you want to check out that build for ideas it's here: None for You!. It's not really done, but it does have some other ideas if you want to try those.
There's never enough room in a deck for all of the things that we want to run, so good luck finding out what is right for yours!
March 24, 2014 3:42 p.m.
byepolarbear says... #9
Really didn't expect to see so much red in an Orzhov deck XD
I think you should seriously consider bringing red into the mainboard otherwise there's really no reason to be shocking yourself game 1 and I feel like there are too many Scry lands. I'm building a similar deck and I had the same idea when it first started only splashing blue for Sphinx's Revelation , Supreme Verdict and Detention Sphere but the third color really slows down the deck and it becomes far less consistent which is the real power of running a "good stuff" deck. If you're getting color screwed or you can't cast your 3 mana bomb until turn 4+ the good stuff becomes not so good.
I'd love any suggestions you might have on mine as well =-D
Orzhov Good Stuff - <3s for Input!
Good luck! <3
March 27, 2014 7:01 p.m.
fluffybunnypants says... #10
Honestly, I ran something similar back when I was still playing standard. I found that Boros Reckoner is pretty necessary mainboard. I started out running Thoughtseize in the main, but wound up running Anger of the Gods in the main instead. I really wanted Angel of Serenity to be my finisher, but I wound up running two Aurelia, the Warleader s instead as she was more likely to end the game upon hitting the battlefield. I like the addition of Brimaz, but the downfall was ultimately that I didn't have a solid two drop, and I'm not sure how I feel about Spirit of the Labyrinth outside of Legacy and Modern based on the low power draw spells that you're running into and the lack of prevalence of control in the current meta. I mean, it kind of shuts down Underworld Connections , but it shuts yours down as well. I was playing with the thought of running Tithe Drinker in the two drop slot, but it never really lived up to what I had hoped it would be.
March 27, 2014 7:10 p.m.
@byepolarbear thanks for the insight. I think you are spot on about the lands, but I'm going the other way (less red). The idea was always just to lightly splash red out of the sideboard for Slaughter Games and then I started packing more and more in there. So what I've done is lose the scry lands, which removes some of my red sources but I've also eased up on the demands for red mana. There were at least 3 Azorius control decks and one Esper the last time I was at my LGS, and nothing screws control more then Slaughter Games so I want to keep it to bring in out of the side. I've limited my self to 8 red sources, which I think is enough for 4-5 cards out of the sideboard -given that all of those cards are mid to late game plays and all require only 1 red. Also, I took a quick look at your deck and was surprised how similar it is to this one. I'll post some more thoughts on it.
@fluffybunnypants It does make me sad that Boros Reckoner is not in here -he's one of my favorite cards, but I'm not sure how to work him in. There is a glut of great drops at the 3 CMC: Boros Reckoner , Brimaz, King of Oreskos , Banisher Priest , Fiendslayer Paladin , Lifebane Zombie , and I need a few spots for Underworld Connections .
I also agree that the 2 CMC slot is a bit underwhelming, I've been thinking about Spirit of the Labyrinth , Tithe Drinker , High Priest of Penance , or just fill the 2 CMC slot with kill spells (which is what I played earlier this week). I suppose my other option is Boros Charm , a favorite, or keep a lot of red mana sources for something like Ash Zealot but those plays don't feel right for this build. I want my 2 drop to have value late game if it comes back either via the whip or AoS. Right now I've put in 4x High Priest of Penance over 2x Spirit of the Labyrinth and 2x Bile Blight , mainly because he can take out any non-land permanent and I can recycle him with Angel of Serenity .
I love Aurelia, the Warleader and she made me strongly consider going W/R over B/W, but I think Angel of Serenity gives me a bit more versus control. I still might go away from B/W in favor of W/R or W/U, but as a midrange deck, it seems like W/B gives me the most flexibility in many matchups.
One thing I've noticed is that I have a LOT of 3 CMC creatures (and would love to stuff more in there at 3CMC). This gives me the idea to take advantage of that potential log jam and add 2x Immortal Servitude , which would allow me to over extend and still be able to grab back guys with Angel of Serenity at 7, Immortal Servitude at 6, and Whip of Erebos at 4. To do this I would swap out High Priest of Penance , and maybe 2x Thoughtseize + Celestial Flare in favor of 3x Boros Reckoner , +1 Banisher Priest (3 total), 2x Fiendslayer Paladin , and 1x Immortal Servitude .
That gives me a wealth of creature based options to slow down aggro, and I still would have 10 cards to bring in from the sideboard against control.
So guys, of these ideas, which do you think are worth testing out and which ones would you avoid? Thanks again!
March 28, 2014 9:57 a.m.
byepolarbear says... #12
I like pulling the heavy red, the splash for Sire and Games seems solid but Wear / Tear feels worse than Revoke Existence because of the exile. Sorcery speed is a huge downside but being able hit gods and deal with enchantment creatures permanently is really appealing to me. Haven't tested it out at FNM but I'll find out if my logic is decent or if I'm wrong lol
I really like the Priest as a 2 drop and had it in the deck but I decided to bring in creatures with more raw power.
I feel like Immortal Servitude is a bit weak because of the speed and it's a complete blank if you only have 1 creature of a CMC in the GY. I feel like -4 Pennance +1 Whip and +3 lifebane is a more reliable approach.
Or more 2 CMC removal instead of the priest since he's passive removal and it's generally better to be proactive and be in control rather than be passive and give your opponent the choice of how the game plays.
Hope this helps! =-D and sorry about not linking all the cards, on my phone.
March 28, 2014 3:06 p.m.
byepolarbear says... #13
Oh I forgot - beware splashing for just the sideboard! I've done that quite a few times and for the matchups where you don't side in anything the 3rd color your land base only hurts you. Mizzium Mortars may be a good because it's solid 2 mana removal that protects against Baron and can pop most early and mid threats. Or Dreadbore which would be more reliable. Just some ideas :)
March 28, 2014 3:16 p.m.
mrbloo1848 says... #14
If you want to splash red just for those cards in the sideboard, you really are depriving yourself out of the good R/B and R/W spells made available to you by playing 3 colors like Warleader's Helix , Dreadbore , Rakdos's Return , along with monored spells like Mizzium Mortars which is a more reliable answer to opposing Blood Baron of Vizkopa and Stormbreath Dragon .
Also, Temple of Silence should be considered in this deck. Scrying is very powerful and you do have the option to play it (if you have the copies). Additionally, Mutavault is also another option to consider since you're essentially running 2 colors.
Personally, I much prefer Precinct Captain over High Priest of Penance , but that's based on my own experience with the former.
I have a feeling that splashing red just for those 5 cards in the board doesn't seem worth it. You're better off either going all out on 3-color or stick with 2 colors and tune the deck to be more consistent. There are pro's and con's to either paths.
chrisdavis says... #1
I like the deck. If I would change anything it would maybe would be more land seeing that there's 13 card with cmc 5 or higher. Besides that good deck.
March 20, 2014 5:51 p.m.