
This deck focuses on ramping a lot by taking advantage of Roiling Regrowth and Harrow and how they each are instants.

Let's explain each category through each panel, as usual

Here are cards from the main deck.
Against more control heavy decks, Roiling Regrowth is a safer option as Harrow requires you sac a land even if it gets countered. You're likely going to cast Roiling Regrowth during your opponent's end phase, however, as you're saving your resources for answers under your many card sleeves.

For going against more aggressive decks, Harrow is a better option as it's likely that they won't have answers to your cards except to beat you up. It can trigger Scute Swarm much faster and also thin out your deck for your end game.

In the end, this leads all the way to Splendid Reclamation, which is almost game ending. It's going to be hard to time it, however, since it's a sorcery.

Under Construction

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This focuses on providing answers to your opponent's every move. While the green side of Simic doesn't have it, white blue does. White and blue has many ways of efficiently doing it. And thus, the category "No You Don't"

This is mostly why we're splashing white, as it's one of the best colors to use for removal spells as we have access to Prismatic Ending and more!

We have 2 win cons in this deck: Squall Line and AEtherling.

Brineborn Cutthroat is something you need to dish out early game. Usual control decks focus on slowing down the game until they get their win-con. This one fuels Brineborn Cutthroat. It's not the best, but at the very least it has flash, which means it's easy to time this card right, so you don't have to stay tapped out for a turn wondering whether or not you should have saved the mana for a Mana Leak on turn 2.

Another win con is Squall Line. This is a card that can wipe an opponent's board if they're playing flying creatures, but we're mostly going after our opponent, and creating a devastating amount of damage sent to their face. This deck can easily ramp, so it's easy to build up to a Squall Line.

Our final win con is Primeval Titan. It's beautiful. It's a late game card, and you're bringing them in late enough that the next card you respond to shouldn't matter at that point.

Other than the Mystic Sanctuary you can swap out this deck's lands for lands of your own. However, I'd recommend more fetchlands, but given that this is Simic, it's going to be hard obtaining the fetchlands, ESPECIALLY because it's SIMIC and it's ENEMY COLORS. Misty Rainforest is probably 50 dollars. Until it gets reprinted in Modern Horizons 2. In which instead it'll be 45 dollars.

Mystic Sanctuary helps bring back any spells you need again. It'll be easy to build up to 3 islands due to the deck being focused around Harrow and Roiling Regrowth.

Under Construction

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90% Competitive

Date added 4 years
Last updated 2 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

7 - 2 Mythic Rares

32 - 3 Rares

10 - 10 Uncommons

2 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.71
Tokens Copy Clone, Insect 1/1 G, Samurai 2/2 W
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