

mana reflection

I have retired from posting to tapped out. Moved to moxfield. Updated Decklist Here

Hey you! Yeah, you!

Do you like big mana?

Are you actually a Timmy masquerading as a Johnny or Spike?

Do you like consistency in your decks?

If you answered yes to all three, this is not the deck for you. If you answered yes to the first two, and no to the last one, this may be the strategy for you.

The whole concept of the deck revolves around Primal Surge. Play as many big green creatures as you can, and if the game drags on long enough you go infinite and laugh your way to victory.

Please read below for slightly more detail. Lots of cursing will follow, reader discretion is advised.

If you're unfamiliar with my deck, having what looks like a brawler commander can seem like a weird stratagem. Most other Naya commanders do not work with this deck. If you read my comments you can piece together I started this deck with Mayael the Anima. A very cool card, that I tore in half after she lost my so many games.
Samut is basically the key piece that makes this deck function. With haste in my command zone, I can focus the rest of my board on pieces that help the deck function without instants and sorceries, instead of filling it all up with haste enablers to make sure my combos can occur the same turn I drop the mana ramp. Since she's also got Double Strike AND Vigilance, she ends up being a commander that allows our deck to move, keeps us on the offensive, and can be a defender against other combat heavy decks. She's all in all just a very cool card. Wish I liked the Egyptian motif more, but it is just not my cup of tea. I will probably drop her as soon as I find another commander that enables haste and works better with the strategy. Of my options so far, she is my favorite.

Alternatives: Mayael the Anima, if you try this with a more timmy style. I recommend only running her with Scroll Rack and Sensei's Divining Top. This deck used to run like this, and she really ended up pissing me off after I lost several games to her ability just running into NOTHING.

Marath, Will of the Wild is another viable option I guess. Technically he works better because once you can go infinite, he's just a win condition in the command zone. I didn't like it because it ended up that every game just kept ending the same way, but if you don't mind that then I'd try him out.

Early game your strategy is the standard green, "try and ramp as fast as possible". Play Samut, Voice of Dissent as soon as possible. Once haste is enabled, you can begin digging. Depending on your hand there are many strategies that you can play out.

Easiest way to win is just through commander damage, otherwise there are a few infinite options to go for.

Primal Surge is an instant victory if it's allowed to resolve.

Samut, Voice of Dissent + Odric, Lunarch Marshal can set up some pretty insane board states. With Birds of Paradise as a dork, that's free flying. With Gisela, Blade of Goldnight out you can start doing insane damage.

Infinite options can get more complicated. Umbral Mantle by itself can go infinite with plenty of dorks in this deck. Temur Sabertooth is another viable engine, but requires more to get it going.

My playgroup is generally smart enough to remove Karametra's Acolyte or Selvala, Heart of the Wilds as soon as they hit the board as those are the two most reliable cards to get the engine started. Once the infinite mana engine is online, you try and dig for both Temur Sabertooth and Genesis Hydra. With those two, or Sabertooth and Regal Force, you can dig through the entire deck and play any permanent. From there, pick your win-condition. Typically the easiest way is to go as tall and wide as possible. It's not hard to make an entire field of 100/100 unblockables when you can play your entire deck.

At some point when I'm not feeling lazy I'll list the main combos this deck can pull off. There are a shitload of combos in this deck, so I won't list them all. Longtime magic players should be able to recognize the main ones, but there are some secret jank combos buried in this deck.

Genesis Hydra is an absolute unit of a card. With Temur Sabertooth and a mana engine, this card basically just tutors anything that isn't Primal Surge. Otherwise, you can just play it as a big body that gets you a free permanent. Hopefully it's something you need.

Regal Force is another good tool. Stole this one from a Simic deck. We typically have lots of green creatures out by mid-game so he's usually worth dropping.

Gisela, Blade of Goldnight for when you just want to beat someone's face in.

Blightsteel Colossus for those decks that say, "oh but I have infinite life :)". You know who you are.

Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx is an absurd card, and more mono-color decks should run it. Can net you what is generally classified as "a metric shit-ton" of mana.

Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker aka the Game Breaker. Not only does he go infinite with Restoration Angel, but he can clone almost anything on the battlefield. Especially fun with Karametra's Acolyte. Speaking of which,

Karametra's Acolyte and Selvala, Heart of the Wilds are both my main-stays for getting the mana engine online. I find Acolyte much easier to work with than Selvala, but both work. In a pinch you can use Voyaging Satyr and Nykthos.

Selvala, Explorer Returned is another great card. If you don't run her I implore you to reconsider. She seems like she gives your opponents card advantage but her real bonus is the secret technique I outline below.

Selvala Explorer Returned secret technique Show

No matter what colors you run this card in, here is some friendly advice. Do not run any other non-permanents. It is not worth flipping 5 cards and hitting a naturalize. It's so rage inducing. Just let it be a win condition if you intend to run it, or run Genesis Wave

What I'm looking for currently Anything that serves as a "Primal Surge" safe-option for any staples I'm currently missing. I have my Naturalizes covered, but more spot removal and anything that can wipe the board would be greatly appreciated.

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it wins so fast and so hard for a "casual" edh deck. i didn't even put focus on the infinites but they go off so fast.

i love this deck.



93% Competitive

Top Ranked
Date added 8 years
Last updated 2 years
Exclude colors UB

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

19 - 0 Mythic Rares

42 - 0 Rares

14 - 0 Uncommons

14 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.97
Tokens Copy Clone, Eldrazi Horror 3/2 C, Elephant 3/3 G, Elf Druid 1/1 G, Emblem Garruk, Caller of Beasts, Wurm 5/5 G w/ Trample
Folders Good lists to get parts from, Cool concepts
Ignored suggestions
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