Have a nice Cantrip, See you next Landfall
So as you will see by my post I tagged you in, I really think you should be playing with mountains and valakut. It gives you a great win-condition besides Avenger of Zendikar which you need about 11 mana to keep safe for a turn. 7 to cast, 2 to simic charm and 2 to remand their counter. Also I do not think Lotus Cobra or Hedron Crab is worth it if you don't have a plethora of fetchlands to abuse their landfall triggers. Really consider splashing red, it will make your deck better because it provides better sideboard options, more removal in the MB and another win condition. If you still feel like red is bad, a least get some Cryptic Commands because you will need it to protect yourself from aggro and B/G/x decks
March 18, 2015 11:20 a.m.
Add some Valakut, the Molten Pinnacles to make it into a real scapeshift deck!
March 27, 2015 4:34 p.m.
incarceratedGeneticist says... #5
So you're playing a competitive modern deck with scapeshift without Valakut and lots of mountains? I applaud you.
March 27, 2015 6:28 p.m.
UnderworldFiend says... #6
Thank you incarceratedGeneticist. I try to think outside the box. Thanks for the +1's
March 28, 2015 12:42 a.m.
benwah3000 says... #7
If you're going for landfall mechanics, consider Primeval Titan
Serum Visions is a great cantrip. Search for Tomorrow is much better than explore as it technically lets you draw and puts a land on the battlefield that wasn't in your hand and its only 1 mana if you suspend it.
Sakura-Tribe Elder also serves as a chump blocker that can be sac'd after blocking to get a land.
April 30, 2015 1:14 p.m.
UnderworldFiend says... #8
I thought about prime time but he costs too much for me to utilize properly. I will replace Explore with Serum Visions though.
April 30, 2015 1:24 p.m.
RobertFischer says... #9
Why the fetchlands? You don't want deck thinning: you want to see lands as frequently as possible. Your Scapeshift will act as de-facto deck thinning, anyway.
I'd be inclined to dump Cryptic Command for 2 Life from the Loam and another Serum Visions. This will speed up the deck, help protect you from 8Rack, and give you a bit more longevity.
I'm also suspicious that you're seeing Kioras and Avengers more often than you'd really like, but I haven't play-tested it yet. I'd probably run those both as 2-ofs, and run 4 Coiling Oracle.
Although I'd probably run Sakura-Tribe Elder instead of Coiling Oracle, to ensure the mana ramp. I want to love Coiling Oracle so bad, but it's just not good unless you've got bounce effects to trigger its ETB multiple times.
May 4, 2015 5:02 p.m.
MAGESTIC_LLAMA says... #10
Whats the point of sideboarding three Fog? Completely pointless card, take it out.
May 6, 2015 11:15 p.m.
UnderworldFiend says... #11
I appreciate your comments RobertFischer and will take them into consideration. And Fog is necessary against tokens or other large board threat based decks when all I have is courser and crab to block with. If I can't win before they beat my face in, then I need some fog.
May 7, 2015 12:52 a.m.
I got to admit this deck has me pretty confused. Using Scapeshift in a landfall deck is great... but you only have 6 cards that have the ability. Four are within bolt range and two are expensive and hard to cast... None of the cards are extremely reliable win-cons, so I would go bant colors so you can access Emeria Angel and Admonition Angel, both very solid creatures. Prime Time is also very nice in this build.
May 13, 2015 11:11 p.m.
few things.
first of all your description is out of date. it references a several cards that are no longer in your deck.
second i agree with watermellon. you have a crab (which is not embarrassing to bolt) and 2 expensive guys. you've made clear you don't want to go valukut and therefore i doubt you'd be splashing red. if you splash white then the Emeria Angel suggestion is great, although the other one is really hard to splash with triple white. so for staying in green i might suggest Grazing Gladehart to help combat some of the more aggressive decks or burn. Lotus Cobra is also an option depending on how you feel about him.
i also dont feel so great about simic charm. personally i feel it could be replaced with Mana Leak. the +3/+3 is nice in combat, but not letting the creature onto the battlefield would be better. hexproof is unneeded if you counter the kill spell. and returning a creature just means they'll replay it. countering it means that it never comes back (recursion not withstanding). but again this one is more of a personal choice.
i'm glad you're trying something a little different with the scapeshift no valakut thing. just make sure you actually have enough landfall to make it work. hope i helped and i wish you the best of luck.
May 26, 2015 2:59 p.m.
Stickman618 says... #15
I don't know about having 4 Mana Leaks since they get worse and eventually useless in the late game. I would recommend 2 Mana Leak and 2 Spell Snare.
Spell Snare works well against most decks since they are almost always guaranteed to have a 2 drop.
This is a really nice deck. +1 from me!
September 11, 2015 12:45 p.m.
UnderworldFiend says... #16
Sorry about the Twin/Bloom references, I'll get to working on those later. But they were roughly the top two decks when I made this.
February 19, 2016 8:33 p.m.
Any update? I really enjoy this deck, want to buy one myself.
ilagirl says... #1
This deck seems a lot worse than normal scapeshift lists, having to have a crab in play as well as cast a scapeshift is a lot weaker than being able to search out your win con, not to mention is way more vulnerable to removal, something the other scapeshift does not have to worry about. Besides from that it has no removal of its own, you cannot survive fast aggro decks with just bounce and counterspell effects
March 17, 2015 7:21 p.m.