This is why I like the tappedout community, on a whole we're pretty quick to point out BS :)
Back to the deck though... I do think Slippery Bogle is a little underwhelming in edh. If he's just in to provide a U/G creature to trigger vig, I'd suggest Fathom Mage , Experiment Kraj , Gilder Bairn , Grazing Kelpie , Omnibian , or Sages of the Anima .
I really like Doubling Season , but after looking at your deck the only cards that can really take advantage of it are your walkers and around ~7 creatures. Its a pretty good number but I would personally make the deck more "counters matter" so that Doubling Season doesn't become a dead card.
Also, try out things like Acidic Slime , Worldly Tutor , Mystical Tutor , Snapcaster Mage , and Glen Elendra Archmage . With all your self-bounce and flicker effects, you can really take advantage of etb effects, or reset the archmage's persist to give you a lot of counterspells.
May 17, 2013 12:17 p.m.
PriestessKikyo1 - thanks! :)
CrazedXenomorph - I'll consider 'em, I do love me some hydras. Thanks!
Krayhaft - When I started building this deck, the bogle was really appealing as a tutor card, but as I make the deck tighter and start using Vig less I'm starting to think about taking him out. Those are some good suggestions for replacements and I love Omnibian :) Doubling Season has enabled some of my craziest (and therefore best!) wins but I think you're right about it needing more support, especially at the lower CMCs. I'll see what I can come up with :)
May 17, 2013 12:32 p.m.
I'm curious as to how well the Birthing Pod does in your deck. It looks like you have a decent line-up of CMC's, but this doesn't seem like a deck that likes to sac creatures (at least, not at sorcery speed). Not sure what I would replace it with, though :\
May 17, 2013 12:44 p.m.
I've got a friend who plays Momir Vig, Simic Visionary as his Commander, and he says this deck looks good, especially if it's your first EDH. Doesn't matter if the deck isn't 100% competitive, if you're having fun that's all that matters
May 18, 2013 5:36 p.m.
I've got a Momir Vig deck in a very similar vein to this one, I love using the deck to tutor up a solution to a problem. You're decklist seems pretty strong as well, especially for a first time!
A few cards that I would suggest are Aluren , being able to flash in responses, and tutor at instant speed is very strong with Vig, and it allows you to keep counterspell mana open! It also does mean things with Cloudstone Curio if you decide to keep it in/ put it back in (and Tidespout Tyrant can come along for the ride as well!). Then I'd definitely say Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir although he can piss off whoever you're playing against. Another dude I'd suggest is Phantasmal Image , mainly because he's only 2 mana, and that can be very relevant when you need to cast a creature to tutor him up to kill an annoying legend. Also, Venser, Shaper Savant is badass. There's others but I'll leave you to do your own thing, you've done it pretty well up to here!
Here's my decklist if you fancy having a snoop Mr Vigstuff, and I'm proud to say I also run Simic Growth Chamber .
May 20, 2013 5:44 p.m.
Ralloc - Hah, Birthing Pod . For a long time I thought it was instant speed and was using it to fetch up Mystic Snake and friends. Even without that interaction it's hella useful to get out the creatures I need, even if there aren't any cards that benefit from being sacced. I'm thinking of making the deck more graveyard matters so ill see how that affects the pod.
Jwooney - Oh man, there are so many possibilities for Aluren that my heads hurting. Gonna make some drastic changes tonight, I think. I love your deck and +1'd, and some good suggestions there. Hoping to get my hands on a Venser. Someone in my play group uses Teferi and so I have felt the pain, I couldn't bring myself to do that to someone!
May 21, 2013 2:57 p.m.
iOnlyUseBigGuns says... #8
I'ma plus one this for the name. I am not the greatest at just looking at simic decks and understanding haha.
June 13, 2013 1:54 p.m.
Joshuawesome says... #9
+1 for the Thomas Dolby reference alone. Jesus Christ I'm old.
June 19, 2013 1:45 a.m.
nextsurething says... #10
Great build and combos, you've lent me some good ideas!
Drift of Phantasms has served me well in my own Vig deck. Vig can tutor it up, and it can in turn tutor for Cloudstone Curio , Mimic Vat , and Equilibrium , among others. It's often the first critter I tutor for. I also recommend Tolaria West as another really solid Transmute card for Blue.
CrazedXenomorph says... #1
May I suggest Primordial Hydra , Feral Hydra , Hydra Omnivore , Protean Hydra ? They are all rather good mana dumps that will either consistantly get bigger or do quite a lot for you. They are big bodies, and can be used to distract your opponent from your other cards as they can be seen as a monstrous threat.
May 17, 2013 6:22 a.m.