xtopazinferno says... #1

October 2, 2016 11:41 a.m.

If Emrakul, the Aeons Torn was legal, it would probably be my commander. Alas, Emrakul is too cool for Commander.

October 2, 2016 12:44 p.m.

Alondith says... #3

Old emrakul is not banned in duel commander

October 2, 2016 7:13 p.m.

Fair enough, but I'm definitely not following the Duel Commander banlist with my choice of mana rocks. I figure Emrakul's not banned there because a lot of the stronger mana rocks that make this deck work aren't allowed in French.

October 2, 2016 7:22 p.m. Edited.

thegigibeast says... #5

Hello fellow Kozilek player! I have too been playing him as my commander for about a year now (started when I saw Juwdah's primer on mtgsalvation) and I am now looking to upgrade my deck. I have a few questions for you: how is your experience with Emrakul, the Promised End? Is he strong enough in multiplayer to justify upping the count of titans in the deck? That is my main question actually, but have you also considered trying out the new colossus, Metalwork Colossus? It can actually be quite easy to cast (at least in theory) and could provide some strong early game presence for the deck, something that is quite important.

Also, if you want, you could take a look at my list. Don't be fooled by the huge price tag (The Tabernacle at Pendrell Vale is a proxy and I have many foils), our list is similar, but I think you should try at least Solemn Simulacrum, as it is ramping, card draw and early game presence (also chump blocker), everything a deck like us wants on a creature. Also, I see it is in the maybeboard, but Conduit of Ruin as been a blast every time I played it: at worst, it tutors me a creature at a small cost, which is good for the deck, and it can later help you cast your creatures easier, act as a blocker/attacker... Awesome card overall. Also, I am not sure it is worth including UrzaTron in a commander deck like this... From 1 year of play experience, I never had them all togheter (one time was close but one got destroyed...), I think it would be better putting more utility lands in the lot. Also, Inventor's Fair is nuts with Crucible of Worlds! Here is a link to my deck if you are interested:

[Primer] Kozilek, Butcher of Truth

Commander / EDH thegigibeast

SCORE: 2 | 1380 VIEWS

October 3, 2016 10:48 p.m.

thegigibeast: I can't personally speak for the usefulness of Emrakul, the Promised End in here just yet, because honestly I don't have the deck yet. This is actually a theorycraft deck I made about a year ago, tried building, aborted, and recently updated and finally ordered, but I'm still waiting on it to show up. I'll definitely let you know how Emrakul works once I get a few games under my belt with this deck though.

I've definitely considered Metalwork Colossus before, but the thing is, other than the cost reduction (which is, admittedly, pretty rad, and something this deck could really utilize) and the easy recursion, it's a vanilla 10/10. I'm just not sure if it would matter enough to include, though it IS cheap enough I could just get one to try out, I suppose, so I may just do that for fun.

I have no idea why Solemn Simulacrum isn't already on here. I really just don't. I even added Burnished Hart, but no Sad Robot. Fuck you, brain.

Conduit of Ruin just seems rad. It can fetch me Blightsteel Colossus when I have Rogue's Passage out for a definitive closer if timed well, and any of my other four Titans whenever they'd work out best.

Frankly, I think I'm gonna do some waiting myself before I bring myself to cut Urzatron, because I've pulled it off before and I bet I could pull it off again.

Crucible of Worlds is a card I've wanted an excuse to get for a while now, and I feel like it could do this deck a decent amount of good. Using Inventor's Fair with it sounds like a riot though, I love the idea of a colorless deck packing what, thanks to having a downright silly number of artifacts, basically amounts to a recurrable Diabolic Tutor with instant speed.

Thanks for the comment, suggestions, and deck list, and keep (mana) rockin' on!

October 4, 2016 9:49 p.m.

thegigibeast says... #7

Your list is the one I like the most on the website here, after a quick look at others, because they tend to run way too much eldrazis, while you have an approach similar to mine with way more artifacts. I would like to continue improving both our decklists togheter, as it has been quite some time since I have not come accross another passionate Kozilek player to playtest and theorycraft with me. We could enable chat and talk once in a while ;)

Anyway, since I have the full decklist I listed above (except for The Tabernacle at Pendrell Vale proxy I will remove because definitely, I don't think it is worth 1000$ for what it does... Also always get destroyed by Strip Mine and the likes...), here is a list of the cards and things I considered doing and testing in a near future:

  • Emrakul, the Promised End seems interesting as another beater, and I actually have won many games because of a well timed and/or recurred Mindslaver, so I think another similar effect could be pretty good. The things that I am less sure about is that it would be another high cmc card in the deck, another card we don't necessarily want to see in our opening hand (even worse sonce we can no longer Partial Paris mulligan...). I think I will try swapping another high cmc for it, like Kozilek, the Great Distortion, as I found it was the 'worst' of the titans, the counter ability is highly conditional, even if it is nice to have, you can't always afford to throw away good cards, and sometimes you would need those cards...

  • Metalwork Colossus I will actually test him in another artifact's slot, as with the number of mana rocks and cheap artifacts we play, this could easily be dropped on turn 2/3, which would be a nice threat to block early creatures, have early board presence and start applying pressure on our opponents. Also, it might be less evident but it can also be used if in your graveyard to sacrifice artifacts to prevent them from being exiled to later recur them, for example if someone wants to Path to Exile your Metalworker, you can instead sacrifice him and another artifact to return Metalwork Colossus to your hands and later recur (either through Kozilek's reshuffle and a tutor effect, Trading Post which is awesome value you should try, Buried Ruin...)

  • Staff of Domination at first I wanted the deck to be non-combo, but now I simply want to make it better. This would combo with Metalworker so easily! Also, it can be great with all the mana we can generate either to control the field a little bit or get some card advantage.

  • Thought-Knot Seer would be another early game creature, and it can also act as some sort of 'removal'. You just have to target the player running red or green to remove the mass artifact destruction spell from his/her hands, or the blue player to remove the counterspell...

  • Erratic Portal because the more ETB or cast effect creatures we are going to run, the more relevant this artifact is going to be if used on our creatures. It could also force a tapped out opponent to return a creature to his/her hands and could also be used as a great political tool.

October 4, 2016 10:49 p.m.

Yeah, artifacts are cool. They do all kinds of crazy things, and it's hard to beat the crazy acceleration you can get by chaining mana rocks in the early turns. It really seems like the way to go with a Kozilek deck.

Mindslaver is always cool, I should definitely see about getting one for this deck. I couldn't really make much judgment as to Kozilek, the Great Distortion's worth against Emrakul, the Promised End yet however, but I feel like it'd be a good swap. Not like you'd be missing out on the card draw or anything, you have the world's meanest Opportunity on legs sitting in your command zone.

I think I'm starting to see where you're coming from with Metalwork Colossus, and I definitely like the fact I can use it to save my artifacts from things that want them perma-gone. It'd also be something funny to sac all my artifacts to in response to someone casting Scrap Mastery, for what that's worth. (At least, I'm pretty sure you can just hammer away at that ability as long as the first activation is still on the stack for silly shenanigans where applicable.) I think I'm definitely gonna give it a shot.

Staff of Domination is just silly. Great utility, and with Metalworker the card might as well read "Do whatever the hell you want." I kinda want one myself now, actually.

I never gave Thought-Knot Seer much thought before, but I suppose when people see Kozilek in the command zone, they do tend to keep a removal/counterspell with your name on it, so I can see how it could work out.

Erratic Portal does seem like it could be pretty fun and can be used as anything from a way for something like Metalworker to dodge removal, to a way to stop a rampaging Zurgo Helmsmasher from dropping Worldslayer on some poor fool's head, to a way to just bounce Kozilek for four more cards.

I'd be down for more Kozilek talk, definitely. This deck was super fun to build, super fun to test, and I'm sure I'm gonna have a great time playing it when it finally gets here.

October 5, 2016 12:32 a.m.

LuisDGarrido says... #9

why isn't Rings of Brighthearth not on here? It's infinite mana outpour!

October 5, 2016 7:05 p.m.

Pyromancer999 says... #10

Im in love,The pure mana goodness...Kozilek would be proud.

October 16, 2016 11:09 a.m.

crawler3 says... #11

+1 For Zalgo text

October 28, 2016 11:20 p.m.

Deepstriker29 says... #12

No Metalwork Colossus? It's about as big as a Titan and can very likely be cast for free in this deck.

October 29, 2016 11:01 p.m.

I'll admit I've been considering Metalwork Colossus for a while now, for the reasons you mentioned as well as a decent way to not get completely neutered by Merciless Eviction or something similar trying to exile all my artifacts. Frankly, I should just get one to try out.

October 30, 2016 1:37 a.m.

Deepstriker29 says... #14

Metalwork Colossus is definitely worth the slot. It's just such an excellent option to throw out when your opponents are expecting Kozilek himself and have removal stocked for him. Even if it simply eats a Pongify or Doom Blade, it can still save artifacts from exile by throwing them in your graveyard and cycling back to your hand, after which you can slap it down for >5 mana within 2 turns and continue offensive presence in the face of being targeted. If your deck is comfortable with casting Titans and their hefty mana costs repeatedly, Colossus will fit like a glove. TWO titans on the same turn! (kinda)

October 30, 2016 2:18 a.m.

You make a compelling point. I'll make it a priority to get one in here.

October 30, 2016 2:25 a.m.

FrozenAura says... #16

Wow this is much better than my colourless deck haha (but it is also worth 4x as much as mine...).

Why Chromatic Lantern in a deck where you have no colours? I can see why you would want Gilded Lotus but not Chromatic Lantern when Pristine Talisman would do essentially the same thing but you gain a life when you use it. I guess it would let some of the utility lands tap for mana though.

Here is my colourless deck if you want to help me out with it Monochromatic Eldrazis

October 30, 2016 8:27 p.m.

Yeah, Chromatic Lantern is only in over Pristine Talisman because of those utility lands. Maze of Ith and Eye of Ugin get to tap for mana when I need it, and I can also tap Ancient Tomb for mana without shocking myself.

That said, I was just considering Pristine Talisman over Lantern earlier today, since Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth serves an identical role here. I'll have to think it over, because I'm not sure I absolutely need the redundancy.

October 30, 2016 9:15 p.m.

brokendwarf says... #18

No Planar Portal or Ring of Three Wishes? Colorless obviously doesn't have many tutors so it'd be useful to search for things.

October 30, 2016 10:42 p.m.

In practice, I find the sheer draw power of the deck tends to make sure I have everything I need fairly quickly, but I'll at least consider Planar Portal, because I do love tutors.

October 30, 2016 10:58 p.m.

ortalof says... #20


I mean, you draw four? cool. 36/99 land cards means you have quiet good chance to draw 2 lands. why not play them? and the other rocks? and DRAW EVEN MORE??


November 22, 2016 8:27 a.m.

FrozenAura says... #21

Oh! Yeah Ghirapur Orrery would be really good in just about any colourless deck. I have one myself and I don't typically run out of cards in my hand but with this I may run out more often and benefit more from it. Pornman should probably put this in his deck as well.

November 22, 2016 12:55 p.m.

Alright, I'll keep my eyes peeled for a Ghirapur Orrery to try out in here, if this deck is good at anything, it's emptying its hand.

November 22, 2016 11:15 p.m.

Hey man You should definitely add voltaic construct :) it combos with metalworker and he sets up dozens of strong and interesting combos with karn silver golem :) I really like your deck man, i also run a kozilek Butcher of truth deck :) http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/the-end-is-here-1/ Please check it out and tell me what you think? :)

December 1, 2016 11:37 p.m.
December 1, 2016 11:38 p.m.

Oh wow, it's pretty much like my list, but significantly more pimp. I like it.

Voltaic Construct is something I need in my life badly, now that you mention it. I'll see if I can't find one.

Also noticed Silent Arbiter on your list, is he good at keeping aggro off your back? I feel like I could use some defense. As it is now, it's a bit of a glass cannon if I don't get rolling immediately.

December 2, 2016 3:07 p.m.

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