

Instant (1)

Sorcery (1)

Main Deck
Tainted Remedy combo deck. Generally, I'm going to control the game until I've incidentally burned my opponent out using my removal, targeted life-gain and creatures.

Enlightened Tutor gets me to Tainted Remedy quick, and is a great backup in case of removal or counters.

Some good draws include:
Turn one - Enlightened Tutor , go. Turn two - Life Burst me, go. Turn three - Tainted Remedy , go. Turn four - Life Burst you, Life Burst you, win.

Turn one and two - land, go. Turn three - Tainted Remedy , Skyshroud Cutter , Skyshroud Cutter , Skyshroud Cutter , Skyshroud Cutter , win. Refreshing Rain also works in this scenario (assuming Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth is on the table, or you're playing against black).

One unique note of power that Skyshroud Cutter , Invigorate , and Reverent Silence have in common is that they make my opponent gain life as a COST. That means once the spell is on the stack, the cost has been paid and removing Tainted Remedy won't help at that point.

I included one Reverent Silence , even though it destroys our cornerstone enchantment. I did this because it's 6 life for 0 mana and it won't get the chance to destroy Tainted Remedy if my opponent is at 6 or less.

Being a combo deck, this one loses to counterspell and removal effects. I bring in Autumn's Veil and more Rebuff the Wicked against such decks.

Nature's Claim seems like the obvious choice for artifact/enchantment removal.


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Date added 9 years
Last updated 6 years

This deck is Legacy legal.

Rarity (main - side)

30 - 4 Rares

16 - 8 Uncommons

14 - 3 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.18
Folders Legacy, Legacy
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