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Heartless Hand





Creature (7)

Instant (2)

Sorcery (3)

When I got my playset of Heartless Summoning , I WENT MAD happy XD. Before building this deck, I build Innistrad Grixs Sacrggroand still testing. Which is amazing, but I looked a the artifact infect cards and thought about how i can abuse them without even playing their mana costed. Then, found out that Hand of the Praetors give my opponent's poison counters for just casting a infect monster. That my friends how this deck begins. lol!

The win condition of course is poison your opponent faster as possible. So +1 please if you like it.

How the deck combos is Heartless Summoning + Hand of the Praetors plus the no cost infect creatures = countless of poison counters. The deck carries about eleven draws power cards like Gitaxian Probex4, Ponderx4, and Tezzeret's Gambitx3 to thin out the deck. The no cost artifact monsters are Ichorclaw Myr and Necropede . Also, With Heartless Summoning and Necropede is that i can spam minis ones on my opponent's monsters lol. Corpse Cur brings back our monster back from the grave to my hand and continue the combo or set next turn. While going though the deck you have fours of both Mana Leak and Dismember for removal and counter.

Now for the side deck idea; in my area, there are so many people ruining milling decks, Birthing pods and Werewolves. Which is so easy, so Surgical Extraction mess up their deck plans by exiled their stuff. Despise leaks their hand's information and corrupt a planeswalker or their monsters. Go for the Throat is in there if I need more removal. Clasp and vat is for more poison and token spam. Last, Life's Finale is our day of judgment, but is effect's my opponents deck as well.

I do see other card like the ones in my maybeboard box, that i could add in like Plague Myr another monster for the heartless machine gun combo. Core Prowler , a blocker and proliferating poison counters. Cackling Counterpart, when i star the combo by playing the no cost monster; i can chain Cackling Counterpart to create another infect monster for poison counters. Last is Ghoulcaller's Chant . Its another Corpse Cur, except only one black and my infect artifact is in my hand for to be cast again.I hope you all like the deck. Take it for a test drive and have fun with it. If there are any suggestions you think that this deck needs please RESPECTFULLY tell me and if you like this deck please +1 it thanks you.


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