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Heartless Hidetsugu Hates edH (EDH)

Commander / EDH Combo Mono-Red



Mostly a mono-red combo deck I put together because I had so many cards I wasn't using. I try and one shot the table and keep myself alive.

Since I don't NORMALLY try to get there with damage from creatures, I have some things like Platinum Emperion to keep my life total safe from Hidetsugu.
Vulshok Refugee, Darksteel Myr, Darksteel Sentinel, Darksteel Plate are burn proof and can have General's Regalia or Pariah's Shield redirect Hidetsugu's (or whatever) damage to them.

Pentagram of the Ages, Loxodon Warhammer, Dark Sphere, Basilisk Collar, and Glacial Chasmfoil keep me from dying.

Menacing Ogre is there just for fun. I got one in an Onslaught draft a long time ago because the table "force drafted" me into it. His only REAL purpose is to put me at an odd life total for Heartless Hidetsugu. But good times are had whenever he drops.

Smoke is an old classic. Since I only care about untapping Hidetsugu, hey great, everyone else is slowed. Paired with Icy Manipulator and Urabrask the Hidden, it gets pretty annoying.

Kumano, Master Yamabushi is someone you shouldn't sleep on. He is super dangerous with stuff like Basilisk Collar. If he's not exiling creatures, he's pinging players down to even life totals.

Lich's Mirrorfoil is a new addition to the deck since sometimes I lack a way to survive a "heartless attack". But...I never quite realized you got an "extra life" as it were. So with the mirror, a Furnace of Rath, and Heartless Hidetsugu, you actually straight up win. Well...provided everyone has an even life total. It's even thrown a few 'one trick pony' decks off track.
Normally it would shuffle away Heartless Hidetsugu but with the new "tuck commander" rule it seems like you can choose to put him back in the command zone. Neat.

Everything else should be straight forward with the burn spells and what not.

*Special Note: Grafted Exoskeleton is not in the deck by choice because I like having friends.


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If anyone is still reading this in 2024, after a very long time piloting this deck, I have to say War Elemental and Knollspine Dragon have been INCREDIBLY underwhelming. They look slick and cool in theory but in practice they clog up your hand "waiting for the right moment". I think EVERY TIME I had them I wished it would rather be a land or mana rock or SOMETHING else. And even IF they are "ready to go", Hidetsugu is usually ready to end the game anyway.

You know who is a goofball wildcard pick? Vulshok Refugee. You throw him against similar red decks that try to burn the table and they just CANNOT get rid of him. Even against multicolor generals with red in the casting cost. I'm not gonna call him "super secret tech" or anything of that sort, but he REALLY comes in clutch at the most bizarre times.

Ashling the Pilgrim has also been a standout super-star in the deck. Keep pumping her up to threaten the board with a giant bomb going off. Or drop a Furnace of Rath or other damage doubler then set her off.

Lastly, I am re-evaluating a lot of the burn spell choices. It's not that they are bad, but 95% of the time I don't use them unless it's knocking off a creature or dropping someone to a even life total. What I'm saying is there's easier ways to do that. Much like I stated at the beginning of this, they just clog up my hand.

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95% Casual


Date added 12 years
Last updated 6 months

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

7 - 0 Mythic Rares

28 - 0 Rares

22 - 0 Uncommons

6 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.42
Folders EDH/Commander, AWEsome, New Commander, Good EDH, I like it, Decks, Red, Cool decks, Rr, EDH Ideas
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