Heartless Hidetsugu Hates edH (EDH)

Commander / EDH Angry_Graybeard


MagicBlake says... #1


I like this deck it is well rounded I can imagine that this would work well. It does several different things but it must be difficult keeping enough cards in your hand in longer duels and especially in a multiplayer setting. I would recommend some drawing effects such as Wheel of Fortune and Reforge the Soul .

Come check out my Heartless Hidetsugu / Ashling the Pilgrim Burn Deck (I switch between the two as generals from time to time).


August 28, 2012 11:26 p.m.

Hey thanks for the reply.

I'm cutting Alpha Brawl because that card has been HORRIBLE for me. I'm not saying it's a bad card, but it always boils down to:

A)Never having the mana to cast it

B)Maybe have 2 things to hit

C)Have nothing good to hit

D)First card I draw to stare at for the rest of the game

Adamaro, First to Desire is super awesome and actually inspired me to build his own deck, but in here he was just "good stuff". So he could go for a Reforge the Soul or other "Wheel" effect.

I may be the only person to say this, but Obsidian Fireheart has been very disappointing. That 3 mana to "burn someone's land" is actually a lot for me and I always think I'm better off with something stupid like a Copper Tablet instead. Whenever I draw him I wish it was anything else.

August 29, 2012 5:22 p.m.

doc_cthulhu says... #3

Hilarious deck! Might whip up something similar one of these days.

June 13, 2014 2:11 p.m.

NoobusMagnus says... #4

Just a thought, won't Lich's Mirror tuck Heartless Hidetsugu ? I guess at that point it wouldn't matter much to you, just thought I would bring it up in case the situation arose where it mattered.

August 18, 2014 2:30 a.m.

Orbrunner says... #5

It would, but for the vast majority of cases, if it went off, then every opponent is now either dead or at 1 life, and the Lich has a full hand of 7 to work with.

August 18, 2014 5:51 a.m.

tman007 says... #6

Gut Shot is a great way to switch someone fr odd to even. If you pay phyrexian and direct the damage to an opponent, you stay either odd or even and they switch. If you pay the phyrexian and deal the 1 to yourself, it is a good way to switch yourself to odd.

October 8, 2014 11:12 p.m.

RazortoothMtg says... #7

February 20, 2016 10:19 p.m.


Platinum Angel has been on the maybeboard. I didn't include it in the deck for numerous reasons I won't go into, but mostly because I don't want anyone to clone/gain control of it. It's not a fun card to be staring across at.

February 23, 2016 2:33 a.m.

JAGossett says... #9

Lol prepare to add a card to the deck that no one has ever heard of: Goblin Game. You're welcome xD

February 26, 2016 8:51 p.m.

davidaboden says... #10

I think with the damage redirect you have going on Stuffy Doll would be a great addition. Especially 1v1.

March 16, 2016 2:33 a.m.

smack80 says... #11

April 25, 2016 4:51 p.m.

Exquisite Firecraft and Skullcrack could be helpful. Pyromancer's Goggles might also be fun. Cool deck, +1

May 18, 2016 4:20 a.m.

HappyPappy says... #13

Repercussion seems like it my fit.

September 27, 2016 8:37 a.m.

Illusionist's Bracers for killing everyone at once.

October 18, 2016 8:24 p.m.


Illusionist's Bracers is pretty cool but it really just puts everyone down to 10 if they are all at 40 life. If damage doublers are out it's kinda just "win more".

Although I guess it does help War Elemental get that much bigger and lets Knollspine Dragon draw even more. It also does put people within burn range without damage doublers.

I'll think about it.

November 3, 2016 6:38 p.m.
January 1, 2017 9:15 p.m.

OMG, someone else using War Elemental! I love that card. had an old deck based around it - turn 1 Seal of Fire, turn 2 Lightning Greaves, turn 3 OMG roflstomp (etb trigger on stack, sac seal, get damage for trigger, and counters, equip boots, swing for 3, 6/6 shroud)

June 23, 2017 midnight

Stuffy Doll

August 9, 2017 9:34 p.m.

Bean18 says... #19

There is that meteor card from Ixalan that says destroy target land then deal 20 to each player and each creature. Can't for the life of me remember what it's called but its meaner version of inferno

November 29, 2017 3 a.m.

smack80 says... #20

I like Repercussion for this deck. It's fun.

November 29, 2017 9:41 p.m.

MrLinuxFish says... #21

The card you're looking for Bean18 is Star of Extinction

December 1, 2017 10:40 p.m.

Star of Extinction does sound super awesome with Furnace of Rath or something out and I do like the targeted land destruction. I'm not gonna write off Inferno yet because it's still my jam 20-something years later. I have killed people with it before.

I'll make space for it.

January 14, 2018 8:48 p.m.

kdmurphy001 says... #23

How has Knollspine Dragon worked out in the deck?

January 17, 2018 3:50 a.m.


Terrible ironically.

I had him in the deck for probably...5, 6 years now? I cast him maybe twice in all that time and drew something like 8 cards because I never had out Hidetsugu. If I did have out Hidetsugu, I was probably close to ending the game in some way anyway.

War Elemental has kinda been the same way. It sounds good on paper, but in practice they KINDA don't pull their weight. I am considering cutting the dragon for Star of Extinction. Also, I understand there are other cards kinda "just for fun" that COULD be cut but I rather like them and wish to keep them in.

I think the problem was there aren't enough "do damage from the battlefield" cards in the deck, since most of the direct damage is from Sorceries so I would never have enough mana to do damage then cast the dragon. YOU WOULD THINK with someone like Hidetsugu you "draw deck and win" and don't need said cards, but no. It just never worked that way.

January 17, 2018 7:51 p.m.

randog2009 says... #25

Mindmoil might help you assemble the pieces as well.

February 8, 2018 12:48 a.m.

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