
Creature (2)

Artifact (1)


This combo deck is rude. It has the potential to combo out as insanely early as t1 but far more often it happens by t3-4 almost all the cards in this version are focused on speed. Digging into the deck to gather the combo is key and we do it with a bunch of cantrips. Heartless summoning is really crucial so we almost always want that in our opening hand. With that in play possible t1 with a simian spirit guide we can evoke mull drifter for one blue mana drawing us two cards. Grim haruspex comes out for 1 black mana making a mill drifter draw three. Sirim visions helps clean out the top of the deck if we're not getting what we need. Gitaxian probe is gitaxian probe we all know what it does. Muddle the mixture can either save a permanent or find us either a heartless summoning or a much needed myr retriever. Trinket Mage only finds altar of the brood but we need that to win so playing him is almost like playing 8 alters. There is a few versions of this deck running around but this version focuses on trying to combo out as fast as possible because it lacks any kind of interaction with the opponent. Any ideas or improvements suggestions as to how it can be more streamlined and more efficient please let me know also +1s are always appreciated.


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Date added 9 years
Last updated 9 years

This deck is not Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

28 - 8 Rares

8 - 3 Uncommons

20 - 3 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.12
Tokens Morph 2/2 C
Folders Competitive Modern, Heartless Retriever, Modern
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