Maybe some of the next cards will help you; I'm not quite sure to be honest.
Vizkopa Guildmage, Basilica Guards, Exquisite Blood, Obzedat, Ghost Council
March 13, 2015 5:21 p.m.
Tyrannosary says... #3
The sideboard isn't exactly meant to surprise your opponent by changing the strategy, it's meant to stop your opponents decks from winning and to keep yours heading for the win
March 13, 2015 5:41 p.m.
If you want some inspiration for you deck take a look at the deck I built along the same idea. It uses the extort mechanic. Death Doesn't Free You From Debt
March 13, 2015 6:01 p.m.
Haxorous147 says... #5
I'd suggest adding in different ways of gaining health. you definitely have benefits from it, but the way you're getting the health is pretty easy to get rid of.
March 13, 2015 6:07 p.m.
ThisIsTheSix Thanks for the suggestions. I like the extort mechanic a lot so ill check that out and incorporate some cards with that. I love that Exquisite Blood. Thatd be perfect man. Thanks. Combos well with Sanguine Bond.
March 13, 2015 6:59 p.m.
CharlesMandore I dont really care about placing in tournaments but Id like to do well in casual play with friends.
March 13, 2015 7:05 p.m.
Vulcan64 nice deck. I definitely like your deck along with the extort mechanic but Id like to keep the religious flavor. I think Crypt Ghast would be a good addition to my deck though. Thanks!
March 13, 2015 7:10 p.m.
Tyrannosary true about your sb comment. It was more of a gimmick that I thought would be cool. I understand that it may not work in real play though so its not a must have.
March 13, 2015 7:14 p.m.
Nogoroninj says... #13
I suggest adding Rhox Faithmender and Archangel of Thune to this deck as well just to get more life and get more benefits out of life. Also maybe baron of vizkopa?
March 14, 2015 12:45 a.m.
I recommend Path to Exile for some creature control and Idyllic Tutor since you have so many enchantments. I would also add in some draw power such as Mentor of the Meek and Sign in Blood. You can also use Sign in Blood to kill your opponent if you have to.There is so many ways to play black/white it is honestly ridiculous. I like your idea and welcome to the game!! :)
March 14, 2015 3:31 a.m.
cookiejr6 thanks for all the suggestions. Ill definitely add some of those.
March 14, 2015 6:02 a.m.
Nogoroninj thanks, those are some cool cards. Really like the blood baron. I could use him because my deck is lacking some heavy hitters right now.
March 14, 2015 6:07 a.m.
This is deck is way too expensive for 20 lands. It looks like it could use 24 lands if not more. Cool deck otherwise. Hope you can tweak it to your liking.
March 15, 2015 10:14 p.m.
BigFace, thanks. ill tweak it. I agree its a bit expensive.
March 15, 2015 10:23 p.m.
Love Orzhov. Maybe you should add some ways to make High Priest of Penance indestructible so you can abuse his ability more. I like the themes you have going on, maybe add in a way to abuse all of the +1/+1 counters you're throwing around? Cruel Sadist would be one example off the top of my head.
I'd recommend adding some more removal. Maybe Recumbent Bliss and Orzhov Charm. Mortify is a classic, too.
Things you might want to consider cutting would be Zealous Persecution, Orzhov Pontiff, and a couple Blind Obedience since having multiples doesn't do you any good.
March 16, 2015 12:01 p.m.
Thanks ynalak7. I really like your idea about finding a way to abuse all the +1/+1s but Cruel Sadist seems like it would be too slow and get shot down before it has time to be effective. I may be wrong though. Trying to find a card that could possibly be better. I appreciate Mortify as well. I completely forgot about that card.
March 16, 2015 5:58 p.m.
I would agree with ynalak7. Those guys give you something to add on with your power drops. And keep your mana curve down. More direct removal would make you happier to.
March 16, 2015 6:01 p.m.
BigFace yeah im trying to figure out how to add them in.
March 16, 2015 6:41 p.m.
sqwarecircle says... #23
So I actually like this deck idea a lot. I like seeing different takes on the format and I can see this being pretty decent with some tweaking.
The first change I would make is definitely reducing the amount of Mikaeus in the deck. It's a strong card but having 4 of the same legendary is always awkward, getting two of them in a hand or drawing into one when you have a big one out already just feels painful. Playing only 2 or 3 would give you some wiggle room to add some other creatures that I'll suggest later.
Cathedral Sanctifier feels weak in my opinion. Gaining 3 life immediately may seem like a good idea for the deck but it isn't an ongoing thing like the soul sisters who could give more life. Also you're running so many 1 toughness creatures that you're going to get torn up by stuff like electrolyze.
Champion of the Parish is something I'd do some testing with. It may be strong or it may be something that gets killed early to often or something you end up blocking a pyromancer token with. It should have enough fuel to get counters often but there's also a good chance it dies early and against combo decks you need to hold the ability to stop the combo around turn 4 depending on the deck.
I really don't know how to feel about High Priest of Penance. He looks like so much fun, just block a 1/1 and he kills a goyf or Delver or something for free, but on the other hand direct kill spells just go around his ability completely. I feel like some match-ups he'll just become a 1/1 unblockable.
These next two are the only time's I'll say it, but Zealous Persecution is just bad, and so is Gift of Orzhova. Gift just turns a creature into a probably worse Vampire Nighthawk for the same mana, and Zealous Persecution is a bad combat trick.
Now I'll talk about some additions I might consider for the deck.
Vampire Nighthawk is super strong. It helps out your whole lifegain thing and it's a great flier with an actually relevant 3 toughness. With the amount of decks just running Izzet Charms and Electrolyzes now instead of actual lightning bolts, there's a good chance you'll get a 2 for 1 with him after a couple attacks (Assuming he resolves). Of course abrupt decay and other unconditional removal spells still hit him.
Lingering Souls is really good for this deck. The 2 flying bodies that also give you life for wardens/priests as well as a flashback. I like the idea of playing a lingering souls, flashing it back, then giving them all counters from a Mikaeus all in the same turn with 2 wardens/priests on board to gain 8 life and 4 2/2 fliers. A man can dream.
Sera Ascendant is super strong for a life gain deck. Don't really need to explain it.
Hero of Bladehold can make your attacking really strong, as well as dropping more creatures to add to your life total. It's basically a 4 drop that attacks for 7 damage on it's own.
Kitchen Finks is a very good choice because not only is it some extra life, but persist makes it a great blocker and attacker, as well as making it hard to remove. The extra power/toughness as well as persist just make it that much better than Cathedral Sanctifier.
Thalia, Guardian of Thraben is a good creature as well. Adding 1 cmc to noncreature spells is relevant in many match-ups. It hurts Delver and Twin decks the most.
Sign in Blood may seem counter intuitive due to the life loss, but honestly this deck does want some form of draw power to get to its bigger creatures or it may have a hard time ending a game. Read the Bones is also an option for this.
More removal also would help out this deck. It isn't exactly fast so 5 pieces of removal probably will not be enough. Bile Blight, Dismember, Go For The Throat, Path to Exile, Ultimate Price, Smother, and Disfigure are all great options.
When deciding on the final spells, the amount of creatures and amount of removal/auxiliary spells, thinking about how the cards work together against other decks is important. When playing against a Twin deck, do you have enough removal to keep it's Pestermites and Exarchs off the board until you can win? Can you keep a superior boardstate against Delver? Is storm something I can hope to kill before it goes off? Can I overwhelm Tron? Can I keep enough steam against an all out control deck? Are Jund and Abzan going to be able to kill everything you have and beat you dead with a Tarmogoyf?
You won't have a favorable match-up against every deck and a sideboard can help with that at least a little but if you can't deal with any of them you may need to move stuff around.
March 18, 2015 7:03 a.m.
Koalamaster123 says... #24
Ajani's Pridemate would work wonders in this deck. You may also want to try life gaining instants.
March 18, 2015 7:09 a.m.
wow sqwarecircle thanks for the detailed response. Im definitely gonna go through my deck and incorporate some of that stuff.
Tommeke19 says... #1
Since you want to heal and punish aswell, maybe look at extort. I have a deck that's based on extort and I like it a lot!
March 13, 2015 5:16 p.m.