Heaven, Hell, and the Negotiators

Standard Mekhami


Darker0001 says... #1

I've been brewing up this same kinda deck lol :P although it's Esper rather than mono-black and I've been trying to actually make it competitive if at all possible :P

Esper Servitude

February 14, 2013 12:50 a.m.

heuertag says... #2

Could throw in Basilica Screecher maybe... I know it doesn't have a death trigger or anything but the extort could help since tons of low cost spells and could chump block a flyer if needed.

February 15, 2013 1:30 a.m.

Mekhami says... #3

Thanks Heuertag; definitely considering and testing that now!

February 15, 2013 6:56 p.m.

Mekhami says... #4

Considering Skirsdag High Priest as well.

February 22, 2013 2:34 p.m.

Cartel Aristocrat may prove to be a useful sac engine that's also a 2-drop. Pro-colors can be really relevant against aggro decks and their burn or just blocking in general. Doomed Traveler , while a 1-drop, is also a good sacrifice target since it's essentially two creatures in one. Lingering Souls is a BW staple and gives you more creatures to sacrifice. Lastly, I recommend Orzhov Charm - its versatility is very good, a Saving Grasp , Vendetta , or 1-drop Reanimate is relevant in many different areas. I really like the premise of your deck. Good luck to you sir! +1

February 26, 2013 1:58 a.m.

L3thalDarkness says... #6

Cough, Cartel Aristocrat , Cough

February 26, 2013 4:04 p.m.

mrbloo1848 says... #7

If you run Cartel Aristocrat, you really do want Doomed Traveler and Skirsdag High Priest. The first one makes Orzhov Charm even more powerful by being able to return him to the battlefield with its third mode for a surprise sac and since you already have a reliable sac engine, morbid is easier than ever to get to trigger the token generator. Not sure how many reanimators and flashbacks you run into at your LGS, but Rest in Peace just ruins their day so consider throwing those into sideboard, possibly in place of the Duress. If you want to use them, better have 4 so you have a better chance of drawing it in your opening hand where it matters most. You might also want to consider cutting a guildgate or two from mainboard. They are slow and you can fix the mana by either just putting in plains or using keyrunes instead, the latter being kind of a ramp. I've seen too many people run 4 gates and get screwed over by them. Also, Undying Evil is a seldom-seen card but it does get pretty funny when used in response to non-exile removal, triggering your Blood Artist and such.

March 4, 2013 11:04 a.m.

Mekhami says... #8

I definitely hear what you're saying about Doomed Traveler and Skirsdag High Priest.

About Doomed Traveler I think it's a bit too combo-y and not effective enough as a one-drop in a deck that probably wants to be getting a lot of damage in early. This deck really can't be considered mid-game; it's more aggro with some cute ways to finish in the midgame (I.e. sublime archangel and Cartel Aristocrat, Blood Artist and Bloodthrone Vampire, Obzedat, Ghost Council). By itself Doomed Traveler isn't that effective, and the combination with Cartel Aristocrat gets in 2 damage, or blocks twice. It's effective, just not effective enough that I want to cut something quite yet.

Skirsdag High Priest is something I play tested a lot with my immortal servitude 2-drops deck, and I just never liked it. If I saw it in my opening hand I sighed more often than I was thrilled. It seems like a win more; it has no effect when it enters the field, if it stays on the field, it can make some big dudes when you already clearly have a board presence. I was never happy with this card through its testing.

Rest in Peace has the unfortunate side effect of shutting down Blood Artist, Lingering Souls, Gravecrawler and Geralf's Messenger. Even Sorin, Lord of Innistrad's Ultimate, if it ever got there. Not something I wanna play.

Just thought about cutting gates as I was taking a shower, that's definitely happening.

Thanks for your input! I really appreciate it, and these cards will always be in consideration.

March 4, 2013 11:44 a.m.

mrbloo1848 says... #9

I forgot you benefit from death triggers too. In that case, if you see reanimators being a problem, try Beckon Apparition or Tormod's Crypt. At least you can target with those. If you don't see those matchups, just disregard my comment :)

Keep Doomed Traveler in mind. Both Bloodthrone Vampire and Cartel Aristocrat can benefit from it, if they let Bloodthrone Vampire hit through, they see only +4/+4 from the traveler but if you happen to have Orzhov Charm, that turns into +8/+8 (plus whatever other spirit tokens you have), which means you're hitting through for at least 8, plus the 4 from Blood Artist and you gain 4 life. Hitting for 12 and gaining 4 for 2 mana is pretty huge. But of course, they will probably have blocked her in the first place, in which case they will lose a creature when you pump her just enough to live through the fight. Combat tricks are huge in current meta and if they do spend a spell to kill her, that's a spell they can't use on your other win-cons. Also, if you do want to use exalted, then you might not even need Bloodthrone Vampire (other than before the angel resolves) when Cartel Aristocrat has a better chance to hit through.

I don't know what your LGS's meta is like, but standard in general is filled with creature-heavy decks that relies on combat and decks that pack mass sweeps to deal with them so exalted just isn't that great right now (of course with protection that's a different story so take this with a grain of salt). Should you want to stick with it, however, try to see if you can get your hands on one or two Silverblade Paladin for more threat. Worst case scenario, they will have to spend a removal on him. You just have to move some lands around to support him.

March 4, 2013 12:42 p.m.

GrimReaper072 says... #10

i suggest you switch out Bloodthrone Vampire with Bloodflow Connoisseur since you can actually keep the counters on connoisseur

March 6, 2013 1:16 a.m.

Mekhami says... #11

I'm keeping Bloodthrone Vampire for now because I'm playing a greedy 22 land, and I want to keep the curve as low as possible. I'm trying to hit hard, and hit fast; I see the upside to the connoisseur, but I feel if I added it i'd be obliged to add a 23rd land, and I'm trying to not have to do that.

March 6, 2013 4:34 p.m.

heuertag says... #12

congrats on the recent success!

March 7, 2013 1:39 a.m.

jokercrow says... #13

A black and white zombie deck... I like that ! +1

March 8, 2013 11:47 a.m.

kooltoolz says... #14

This Deck BLOWS, just play Aristocrats if you wanna do a sac deck.

March 9, 2013 2:28 a.m.

Mekhami says... #15

You're a moron, keep dreaming fag.

March 9, 2013 2:35 a.m.

kooltoolz says... #16

you keep dreaming, if you think this will even top 16 an FNM or event with more than 6 people

March 9, 2013 2:39 a.m.

Agog says... #17

I would consider trying Blood Artist, perhaps over Sign in Blood or Thrull Parasite (you will find it hard to extort the 4+CMC cards) and it sure looks to me you will have a lot of creature deaths with Cartel Aristocrat, Gravecrawler, Geralf's Messenger and Desecration Demon.

March 21, 2013 5:26 p.m.

Agog says... #18

Or perhaps swap with some of the higher CMC cost spells and increase the extortion and speed.

March 21, 2013 5:35 p.m.

Mekhami says... #19

I took out blood artist in favor of sign in blood; I just didn't feel like it was amazing for me ever. Sign in blood gets me action. I'm still testing but so far I prefer sign in blood. Also I'm looking to play midrangey and not aggro, so the higher end I want to stay.. It's tough, all of these choices are REALLY tight, we're looking at 1% edges with each of these changes and I'm just not 100% convinced without exteeensive testing.

March 21, 2013 6:01 p.m.

Mekhami says... #20

I am gonna try putting the Blood Artists back in actually. I just feel that once I get empty handed I'm losing, and topdecking a blood artist usually isn't as good as topdecking a Sign in Blood.

March 21, 2013 6:04 p.m.

x8bitGangsta says... #21

I think front line is a bit out of place here, especially since you are trying artist again. I would also personally drop restos, they are not as solid here as one may think. ( I tried them in my build you commented on when I first made it, it failed.) I would slip in the three thrull like you asked me in that slot. It would also allow you to lower your CMC and makes the charm of more use.

With the Converted mana cost being lowered I would take out a Vault, you would really only need one seeing how you will hardly even get to use it at all. For the two open spots, try slipping in your Sign in Bloods to test it,

I would say 4x crawler is a better choice than the Ghoul because it can come back. do a 4/2 split here.

Test these things out here and let me know how it goes for you. I actually like the sublime here and the demon, makes THEM sac or get beat on, but that can hurt you if they make it tap. If you never get to use vault consider dropping it and a plains for a guildgate, it seems like a bad choice, but I am glad I put in two to help me with mana.

March 21, 2013 9:13 p.m.

Mekhami says... #22

Vault is such a powerhouse in this deck I could never drop it. It's always great to see, and gives me so much versatility and makes my opponents have to factor that in to every decision. Just having it on the board is a real threat.

I'll consider resto angel, but man that card can be so good... you might be right though. I'll test that one out.

Frontline medic has also been a total powerhouse whenever I see it. If my opponent doesn't get rid of it, I get free attacks into a board of anything, and it handles bonfire, rakdos return, and sphinx's so so well, which are all cards i don't like to play against. Like I said, I've never seen that card be anything but great, my opponent almost always focuses their attention on it as soon as it comes out.

Archangel is such a powerhouse I might run a second one. It's that good.

March 21, 2013 9:20 p.m.

Mekhami says... #23

This deck got 21st place out of 308 at the Dallas TCGPlayer 5k. 7-2 overall record. Very proud of it.

April 16, 2013 2:09 a.m.

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