
Commander / EDH* Thing2


Chompythebeast says... #1

Love the general, love the colors. I like how his abilities influence but don't dominate your theme / strategy - he encourages you to hit big and hard and be aggressive, but beyond that you have a lot of creative freedom building this deck. Kudos on going heavier on the aggro than on the control, by the way.

Alright, getting right into it. Combat phases and damage multipliers (i.e. Gratuitous Violence ) is good - you even get to run the one(s) that splash white! Nice!

I don't hate Phyrexian Arena , but it's always just felt so underwhelming to me. It just seems like such a compromise card - you want more card draw, but with no access to blue or green, you go for this one, old reliable. It'll probably last most of the game if you manage to get it out there on turn three. But what if you don't have it in your opening hand? What if you draw it 10 or 15 cards down? In that statistically likely scenario, Phyrexian Arena proves to be a truly Crabtree (read: mediocre) draw.

But amongst black's limited selection, there are a few solid creatures that I find more universally appealing, such as Harvester of Souls , Bloodgift Demon , Baleful Force , and the up-scaling creature version of Arena, Graveborn Muse . It's true they don't get out as early, nor are they as resliant as an enchantment, but you will actually be able to reanimate these guys in case they DO die, unlike the Arena. Also, most of them will probably net you more cards than the arena would, and they'd do it more quickly.

OH! And don't forget Memory Jar - in a deck that doesn't mind reanimating, it's super baller. Maybe that should be what you cut Phyrexian Arena for right there.

As for board wipes... you're running all the right colors, and your general likes it when you tickle him with them during your turn. But let me toss out there a board wipe that don't synergize with your general's indestructibility - Living Death . Living Death is amazingly versatile - it is very easily a Plague Winds + personal Twilight's Call, a true game changer. It also gets around other indestructible generals/creatures, something which none of your present wipes do. In almost any situation when your general is not in play, you are probably going to want this card in hand more than any other wipe - think of it like that.

The "almost" comes in when there are nasty artifacts and/or enchantments on the board. Right now, you have very limited coverage of those two permanent types in your arsenal. I would definitely put in Oblivion Stone and Akroma's Vengeance . I would also consider running All Is Dust , which does not play nice with Zurgo but which would round out a nice protective set against indestructible creatures and enchantments (while leaving you your brown mana base). But you would probably have enough just running the Vengeance and the Stone.

Debt to the Deathless , haha. I'd be pretty tempted to run that card if I were you.

With access to black, I like Betrayal of Flesh more than Defy Death - I think you'll agree.

I also like Chromatic Lantern more than Darksteel Ingot for tri-color decks. Whether you cut Ingot for it or not, I'd get that Lantern in there.

34 is obviously on the low-end of land counts. I really don't think you can offset that number with any amount of artifact mana, either. Though these are some of the hardest cuts of all to make, I think you would have more consistency if you added 1 more Mountain and 1 more Swamp to your land base. I know you're a little heavier on the white, but I find having a nearly "symmetrical" mana base (once again) gives the best consistency game-to-game in a 3-color deck.

Honestly, if it came down to a contest between brown mana and land mana, I am of the opinion that lands will win every time, up to a count of 36. At 36 lands, you will have an average of 3.64 lands in your opening hand, which is still a number that I feel could be a bit higher - so at 36 you are already doing a little compromise, and I really think it is the optimal mana level for virtually every EDH deck.

Also, you're running a Crucible of Worlds package, so you should probably have Buried Ruin in there too. It hits Burnished Hart and Memory Jar , not just mana rocks and equipment! Sun Titan is also really good at general-purpose reanimating (he'll hit your Oblivion Stone ), so I might try to get him back into the main build.

And finally, allow me to leave you with the set up to a little joke I wrote:

An Insidious Dreams (or any other black tutor), a Faith's Reward , and an Obliterate / Jokulhaups walk into a bar...

September 5, 2014 5:47 p.m.

aznb01777 says... #2

I would suggest running Buried Alive for Filth , Glory , and Anger . Other than that Academy Rector for Debtors' Knell would win the game pretty much if u play Obliterate / Jokulhaups

1+ cool deck, I would make one but have too many edh already lol

November 4, 2014 4:48 p.m.

Thing2 says... #3

Obliterate / Jokulhaups would be insanely good in Zurgo, I wouldn't even need the Debtors' Knell for a win with those cards. The reason I don't run them is because I hate land destruction. However if my play group starts destroying my lands regularly this deck will get a massive land destruction package. Thanks.

November 5, 2014 10:24 a.m.

Chompythebeast says... #4

The problem with Jokulhaups in this case really isn't the land destruction. It's the fact that you would only play it when it would leave the board naked except for your general. Then, depending upon the number of your opponents and their life totals, you would begin the process of swinging everyone down, one swing at a time. Meanwhile everyone else's turn looks like this: "Draw a Card - is it a land? - Go."

So the problem isn't that it's land D, the problem is that you would draw an uncomfortable amount of contempt from everyone while you performed your brutal work. It might even be considered a cheesy win by some... not by me, but by some.

November 7, 2014 12:17 p.m.

aznb01777 says... #5

like Chompythebeast said it is more than land destruction it is a win con for u unless ur opponent can get a land and path ur general lol.

November 7, 2014 6:59 p.m.

Chompythebeast says... #6

It's neat, but maybe Surveyor's Scope would be the easiest cut for Buried Alive. You have Land Tax and Burnished Hart and Weathered Wayfarer - the Scope only really shines in games where everyone else is playing Green.

You have Miraculous Recovery, but no Betrayal of Flesh. I like that card. The Entwine cost is steep, but when it's worth it, it's really worth it. I know Necromancy is cheaper, but it seems like you'll have mana to spare once Zurgo's in his Zoot Suit.

Also, just saying, Rise of the Dark Realms would be pretty solid here, especially after a Wheel or Reforge...

Or, if you prefer trying the cheaper and speedier approach, you could run Living Death and try to fill your yard faster than others do (which is easy in many or even most games if you're trying). Plus it can be fantastic even in the late game as a (situational) Indestructible-proof wipe, or if your opponents' yards happen to be light on creatures. Animate Dead, again, while cheap, would be a decent cut for either of these mass returns.

June 15, 2017 11:54 a.m.

Chompythebeast says... #7

Also maybe Myriad Landscape for Lotus Vale? You could go for your lands with two basic types. It's a bit slower, but you don't have to sac two lands, I dunno

June 15, 2017 11:59 a.m.

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