(Help this deck) Akroma's Diamond Sword

Modern Thaloudcheese


pheonix_222 says... #1

Spirit Link is Lifelink and Pacifism for 1 mana.

if this is truly supposed to be modern and not casual Time Spiral , Congregate and Brainstorm are illegal.

card:Golem's Heart seems like a waste. With all these expensive creatures you should have some ramp. Azorius Signet , Gilded Lotus or Solemn Simulacrum might fin in here.

November 24, 2012 5:20 p.m.

Thaloudcheese says... #2


November 24, 2012 5:21 p.m.

pheonix_222 says... #3

I didn't notice before but 18 lands is too few. You'd probably want 21-24 especially with such expensive cards.

November 24, 2012 6:34 p.m.

Thaloudcheese says... #4


November 24, 2012 9:02 p.m.

GobOnThese says... #5

If the deck is focusing around Martyr of Sands it should really be mono white so you get full benefit. imo i would drop most of the big creatures for faster one or creatures that take advantage of lifegain better. i would switch Serra Angel for Serra Avenger and i would add 2 more Serra Ascendant i would keep the 1xFelidar Sovereign add 1xBaneslayer Angel . you should also deff add 4xcard:Ajani's Pridemate and maybe 4xHonor of the Pure and 4xSquadron Hawk i'd also take the expensive enchantments and artifacts to make the deck faster, other wise i love the deck and theme +1 check out my modern bant deck smells like troll spirit, if you want

November 30, 2012 8:30 p.m.

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