Her Royal Fluffness: Gorestorm

Commander / EDH seshiro_of_the_orochi

SCORE: 167 | 119 COMMENTS | 12071 VIEWS | IN 66 FOLDERS

Fairmount says... #1

December 9, 2018 11:44 p.m.

Peepeeboy says... #2

Curious on how Grothama and caller of the pack have been. Caller seems like it could get out of hand.

December 10, 2018 1:35 p.m.

Peepeeboy: I didn't have too many chances to play the deck yet, so I can't say too much about caller. If I ever get to cast it, I hope it will beat some faces. Grothama only is in the maybeboard for now, and I'm not sure if it works here. But a 10/8 for three mana with the potential to draw a lot of cards seems pretty strong.

December 10, 2018 2:10 p.m.

RxPhantom says... #4

My Goreclaw deck has become one of my favorites. Swinging with fatties is such a simple, yet fulfilling joy. I have a few questions and suggestions.

  1. I also want to know if Caller of the Pack works out. Seems pretty killer!
  2. I've been on the fence about Bow of Nylea. Any thoughts on that one?
  3. Same with Shamanic Revelation. How often does it draw you a ton?
  1. Ramp via land tutors. Nissa's Pilgrimage is great for mono-green, is strictly better than Cultivate, but I'd still run both with Kodama's Reach and Nature's Lore.
  2. Reliquary Tower. My deck has a whole plan for getting this out so I can draw cards with impunity and keep deploying threats.
  3. Flying hate/Reach. Whiptongue Hydra, Arbor Colossus, and Ulvenwald Hydra have proven to be very valuable for me, and the last one helps with #2.
  4. Someone else suggested Woodland Bellower, which has been great for me too. I run a package of Eternal Witness, Reclamation Sage, and Mwonvuli Beast Tracker.

That's all for now; I think I've thrown enough at you. I could probably discuss Goreclaw shenanigans all day.

December 12, 2018 5:26 p.m.

RxPhantom: thanks a lot for the awesome input. I really like all of these suggestions.

Pilgrimage and kodama's reach are perfect. It's just hard to decide what to kick for them.

My tower is in my k'n't deck...but goreclaw is great enough to put it over here. Good call!

Whiptongue is a weird card. I always think "yeah, powerful card", and then I look at it and it underwhelms me. Arbor colossus and especially ulvenwald hydra are great fits. As I only have colossus, I'll add that for now.

The three small creatures are cool, I'll add them if I can get my hands on bellower.

Regarding your questions:

I have only just played very few games with the deck, so I can't say too much about caller. In theory, it should be a blast. Bow of nylea has some great upsides for the deck: the combination of deathtouch and trample is ridiculous. Each of the four possibilities of the activated ability are useful here, and the chance to put a dead Panglacial Wurm back into the library is awesome. Revelation is one these spells that are great when you have a good board. As the deck is good at flooding the board and basically all of the creatures have power 4 or greater, it should draw a lot. Unfortunately, I added it after my last game with the deck, thus I can't be too sure here.

I hope I answered your questions accordingly. Is your goreclaw deck uploaded here? I'd love to have a look at it. Btw, if you like mine, an upvote would be very kind :)

December 13, 2018 2:28 a.m.

RxPhantom says... #6

Upvoted! And thank you for the upvote!

Holy moly, I can't believe I overlooked the deathtouch/trample synergy with Bow of Nylea. I need to make room for that soon. I also like Myogin of Life's Web quite a bit, and I'll have to pick one up.

As for making room for more ramp, I'd ditch Grow from the Ashes and Manalith. Also, slow fetches like Grasslands, Evolving Wilds, and Terramorphic Expanse really don't do all that much for a mono-colored deck; they actually slow you down. You're just going to use them to get forests, right? And a forest would just enter untapped.

I know what you're saying about Whiptongue Hydra, but after a few recent games, I'd say it's essential. Flyers are one of green's biggest weaknesses, and the hydra just won me a game against both an angel deck and dragon deck. It was glorious.

Anyway, the only other suggestion I have is that you should actually make room for more fat fatties!

December 13, 2018 10:06 a.m.

RxPhantom: good suggestions again, but there is one very important reason for the fetches: they're a free way to search my library so I can drop panglacial wurm.

December 13, 2018 10:20 a.m.

RxPhantom says... #8

I figured, but consider this: are all of those slots, which slow you down, worth it to enable just a single card? I run Panglacial Wurm too, but I'm ramping so much that I can often cast him off of a Nature's Lore, Nissa's Pilgrimage, or Mwonvuli Beast Tracker. Actually, my favorite way to get him out is Sakura-Tribe Elder, which can be sacced at instant speed and still gets me a land. Panglacial Wurm is cool and unique, but it's not so great that it's worth handicapping your whole deck.

December 13, 2018 12:28 p.m.

RxPhantom: good point indeed. I'll have to add an elder I guess. I guess I'll drop manalith and replace the fetches with some forests.

December 13, 2018 12:48 p.m.

RxPhantom says... #10

I could suggest stuff all day, but it's hard to resist the narcissistic urge to make your deck look like mine. I think you need to get in a few games with it; only then will strengths and weaknesses will become crystal clear. My original build was vastly different than the current one. I wasn't ramping enough, hating flyers, or drawing enough cards. I think I'm going to make two to three more swaps before it's a lean, mean, beatdown machine.

December 13, 2018 3:55 p.m.

RxPhantom: I'll try to. For now, the deck looks fun to play and pretty balanced. As you can see, I have a pretty big maybe board, so the changes will keep on coming. Thanks a lot for all your help.

December 14, 2018 12:25 a.m.

thijmnesoy says... #12

looks niiice!

December 29, 2018 5:07 a.m.

Hey, mate! Sorry I haven't gotten around to your creation before now. In truth, I've barely been on TO for the past few months. Been real busy. But, enough about me. I should think it speaks volumes that the first place I go to when I return to TO is here :)

Dude! The deck looks amazing. It has everything you could want from a MonoG Commander deck! I REALLY dig you harvest/myojin-combo! that shit is rediculous! I applaud your sense of self-control. You've managed to include a good selection of artifact/enchantment removal - something I have a stupid tendency to skimp on.

Well done mate! Sorry, again, for the long wait. Be seeing you again soon :) stay frosty!

December 31, 2018 4:19 a.m.

The7thBobba: everything's fine or are there any problems left?

Thanks a lot for the feedback, I've already put a good amount of thought into it. Do you have any ideas on what to add?

Oh, by the way, I hope you'll have a great new year's eve.

December 31, 2018 7:02 a.m.

thanks for the sympathy, man :) no worries. I'm doing a lot better :) I'm good :)

The deck realy shows your forethought :) I had a few suggestions, but they are already in your maybeboard :)

you too, man, you too :) thanks for a great year on TO ;) stay frosty!

December 31, 2018 11:35 a.m.

The7thBobba: that's great to hear. It's good to hear from you again :)

January 1, 2019 6:19 a.m.

Lanzo493 says... #17

I've always liked Vigor when it comes to Timmy decks like this. Also, Bellowing Tanglewurm and Lead the Stampede (if you're playgroup is okay with infect) can win games alone. Emerald Medallion is yet another mana reducing effect that not only benefits your whole deck but also gets your commander out a turn earlier. For ramping a bunch in monogreen, Karametra's Acolyte can pull a lot of weight. Well, Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx does the same thing, too. Whisperer of the Wilds is also a good mana rock.

January 13, 2019 12:55 p.m.

Lanzo493: thanks for the comment and the suggestions. I'm not the biggest fan of infect myself, so I'll pass on lead the stampede. The other cards are great fits, thanks a lot :)

January 13, 2019 2:38 p.m.

Triton says... #19

Genesis Wave and Craterhoof Behemoth are good additions to the deck!

January 14, 2019 1:29 a.m.

Triton: thanks a lot :)

January 14, 2019 2:01 a.m.

bushido_man96 says... #21

I think you should consider running Beast Within along with Terastodon , as they are both upgrades over your current removal spells. I think you should consider adding Emerald Medallion to help smooth out the curve a bit more. If it were me, I think I'd consider taking out Bow of Nylea ...yeah, it gives deathtouch, but you've got creatures that are big enough to kill just about anything, anyways. It might be a slot better suited for Growing Rites of Itlimoc  Flip. I'd run Rishkar's Expertise over Shamanic Revelation , and Shamanic Revelation over Hunter's Prowess . Crop Rotation , Hour of Promise , and Tempt with Discovery are all spells that can help you get to Reliquary Tower .

Looks like a fun deck full of fatties, for sure!

January 14, 2019 11:43 a.m.

bushido_man96 says... #22

I think you could cut Opal Palace , Forge of Heroes , and Oran-Rief, the Vastwood from your lands. Again, you are concerning yourself here with putting +1/+1 counters on creatures that are already huge. If you were running a +1/+1 counter theme, then sure, I could see it. But with this build, I don't see it. You would be better off I think slotting in Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx , and a few other utility lands like Wasteland , Ghost Quarter , and a Tectonic Edge to get rid of other problem lands. Caged Sun would be another ramp option that could make for some explosive plays.

January 14, 2019 12:12 p.m.

bushido_man96: thanks for the comments. I finally have some time to answer:

Terastodon is in the maybeboard. Beast within will be added as soon as I replace it in my turtle tribal. Medallion is in the maybeboard, too. Bow of nylea is here for the synergy with my tramplers as it allows them to deal all but one of their damage to my opponent when they get blocked. Expertise is a little too expensive, but I'll add it if I get to trade for it. The ramp spells are great ideas.

I totally get what you're saying in the second comment. These lands were meant to make goreclaw less vulnerable, but you're propably right about that.

Thanks for the very construvtive feedback. The deck is a lot of fun for sure.

January 17, 2019 3:48 a.m.

RxPhantom says... #24

Hey! I played a few games recently after making a ton of changes and thought I'd share with you. First, Myojin of Life's Web is obscenely good, but Siege Behemoth is its best friend. I had a hand several creatures in hand, ripped a 9-card Rishkar's Expertise , and then, using Myojin, dropped 12 creatures onto the board, and since Siege Behemoth gave all my creatures the Rhox ability, I was able to deal lethal to two opponents at once. It was grand. Also, Vedalken Orrery has been awesome, and I second other commenters' recommendations for Emerald Medallion .

January 18, 2019 1:53 p.m.

RxPhantom: great to hear from you. Behemoth was added to the maybe board and will propably take the place of Rhox .

Vedalken orrery is way above my budget, but it would help a lot for sure.

Guess I'll have to go shopping for pieces again ;D

January 19, 2019 2:37 a.m.

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