The concept is simple: white weenie heroes with enchantments.
The heroic mechanic is pretty sweet as it pumps your guy just for being targeted, but then gets the buff from the aura you are attaching to it (or other spell targeting it). One problem with auras is that they are so easily answered. This is why Gift of Immortality is so awesome. Even if your guy dies, he comes back, then next turn so does Gift of Immortality.
Phalanx Leader and Hero of Iroas are the early dudes out there. Even though everything is relatively cheap, Hero of Iroas cuts the cost a few auras like Battle Mastery and others.
A combo that you've got to love is basically any of your creatures plus Gift of Immortality
Murder Investigation
. Getting both on a hero automatically pumps it up 2, so ostensibly you're looking at a 3/3 or a 4/4. Then if it dies, it just comes right back, but you also get that many 1/1 white soldiers.
On the note of pumping out little guys, I love Brimaz, King of Oreskos and Ajani's Chosen and Vanguard of Brimaz. Sure they aren't huge, but each time their abilities trigger you get another little guy. Ajani's Chosen seems to be made to rock with Heroic. All of this really helps when you bring out Eidolon of Countless Battles.
Tethmos High Priest is primarily there to bring back your Phalanx Leader and Hero of Iroas, but that seems pretty conditional.
Pacifism and Blind Obedience and Banishing Light are all there for control. I like Blind Obedience because it's cheap, it taps everything they have which helps with haste creatures, and it lets you Blood Artist anytime you cast a spell and have extra mana.
And it would be really rare, but imagine Brimaz, King of Oreskos and Ajani's Chosen out on the field, then play Ethereal Armor
Murder Investigation
Vanguard of Brimaz