Thank you all so much for the support and help! I've never had so much attention for a deck of mine. A gecko cookie to all that have taken a moment to check out my deck and leave a comment/+1. Thank you!
Sorry I haven't been active for the past couple weeks: I've been busy. I'll attempt to address all comments and suggestions in this update, as the quantity of comments is so huge that this is the easiest way to make sure everyone gets replied to.
cannon_Spectacle: I really like Ajani Vengeant
, but I think his CMC is a little too high. I'm trying to keep 4 drops to a minimum with this deck. The only ones currently are Marisi's Twinclaws, and those are often finishers. However, I do really like the idea of tapping down an opposing Goyf and repeatedly Helixing. I'm gonna put him in as a one-of instead Caller of the Pride. We'll see how he works out. Thanks for the suggestion!
Kala: High five! Sanctuary Cat is certainly cute, but I don't really think this deck needs a vanilla 1/2. The deck, after all, is supposed to win occasionally. Thanks for the comment.
Felixlives and Dorotheus: Prattle on, simple mortals. Your death shall be slow and painful when the catmageddon begins. Mind-controlling mitochondria? Ha! You have no idea of the full extent of our genius. If I were you, I would convert to Buddhism and spend the rest of my days at an isolated chapel in Tibet praying to us, the superior race, to give you mercy and perhaps, a quick and painless death.
Apocalypselater: Obelisk of Urd is good, but I don't think it's good enough for Modern. I'm not sure though, so I'll test it out. Thanks for the suggestion though!
elpokitolama and Ryotenchi: NAWT DA KITTEHS PLZ. That gif is a goddamn masterpiece though.
scorpix: Yep. That's about the only thing one can say about cats.
6tennis: Changed the Honor of the Pures for 2 Rancor. Thanks for the suggestion and +1!
MinscAndBoo: I think only 1 popped through. :) Thanks for the +1!
DaftVader: Personally, I think dogs make better pets as they're more active and fun, while (most) kitties like to sit around and brood. Cats, on the other hand, are definitely physically cuter and more likely to act in funny or unusual ways, which makes them the internet's favorites. That's my opinion. Anyway, thanks for the comment and +1!
zoo: Thanks for the comment! Certainly a shame there aren't any really speedy kitties. But I guess one can't have everything. :)
That's about it for the comments.
Just a few more things I'd like to say.
On a scale from 1 to 10, how competitive would you guys say the deck looks like now? Personally, I'd say a 6. As I don't own the deck IRL, I'd like to make the deck moderately competitive if I decide to build it in paper. Also, I think I'm gonna try to write a primer (using Epoch's template) for the deck over the summer now that I have more time.
Again, thanks everybody for the comments and +1's. Gecko cookies for everyone!