Hero of Fabled Fleecemane Satyr

Standard Pr37z31


infinitemana says... #1

Even if you can't afford some crazy cool lands, Selesnya Guildgate is cheap and worth the downside. Instead of Skylasher , you could try Elvish Mystic or Phalanx Leader .

January 14, 2014 6:51 p.m.

Pr37z31 says... #2

I'm thinking of adding Voracious Wurm to this deck actually. It would combo well with the high amount of lifegain that this deck typically puts out.

January 15, 2014 6:57 p.m.

MangoPunch says... #3

I dig the Selensya aggro... That's a lot of enchantments, Phalanx Leader could be a really good fit in this deck either for a few Boon Satyr or Centaur Healer . I know Boon Satyr and Fleecemane Lion ramp nicely, but have you thought about other mid-range like a Mistcutter Hydra ? Maybe take down the land by one and add 4x Temple of Plenty if you want to keep it budget.

Would love advice on my Selensya Aggro deck: Uncommon Bonds (GW Aggro)

January 16, 2014 4:25 p.m.

anewsome says... #4

These colors don't support a whole lot of card-draw right now. Maybe Garruk, Caller of Beasts but you really want more critters to take advantage of him.

Speaking of critters, may I suggest you look at Witchstalker 3/3 for 3 with hexproof and upside? Seems good in a deck like this.

Good luck!

January 22, 2014 10:57 a.m.

Pr37z31 says... #5

I'd love Witchstalker and I've been keeping a keen eye on him for some time waiting for his price to drop. Garruk is a bit expensive, both cmc-wise as well as money money-wise.

Thanks! So far I've been winning quite a lot more games than expected.

January 22, 2014 11:05 a.m.

notan88 says... #6

My humble recommendation would be playing the Witchstalker , a great enchantment carrier and anti-control card.
Also an odd Rogue's Passage to get the damage in late game.
If you want cheaper aggro creatures who become awesome late game blockers take look at Soldier of the Pantheon .
Mistcutter Hydra is a great sideboard card against the U Devotion and control decks.You could get some tips from these deck tech videos from the pro tour, GW Hexproof, GW Aggro and Selesnya Aggro, where they explain each choice for their deck.
I love the Skylasher in the sideboard against Nightveil Specter :)

January 24, 2014 2:28 a.m.

Pr37z31 says... #7

notan88 I have had witchstalker suggested to me by everyone, and I would run them if I could afford a playset... I am constantly keeping an eye on the price in hopes of grabbing them when they are cheaper. Mistcutter Hydra is also a card that I would add it I could afford it, keeping it in the sideboard against those blue decks. Soldier of the Pantheon is not something I would really want to run in this deck, as I cannot give him Unflinching Courage , which is a huge card in this deck. I like the Rogue's Passage idea, I will run one or two to test them out. Thanks for the comment and the videos!

January 25, 2014 1 a.m.

notan88 says... #8

I like this deck so I checked around and these are some of the creatures that caught my eye.

Gladecover Scout starts with protection and needs evasion.
Suntail Hawk other way around, starts with evasion and needs protection.
Dryad Militant always castable, great aggro and a atleast not negative ability ;)
Experiment One great aggro card but worse Aura carrier since that probably would negate his Evolve.

Another interesting Aura is Gift of Orzhova which would give your deck even more Lifelink and some good evasion. would go well with Gladecover Scout :) If you need more protection Ranger's Guile and Gods Willing are great, maybe as sideboard cards against control.

Other questions for me are the cheapness of Giant Growth versus the flexibility of Selesnya Charm . Do you go full aggro or safe it up with the charm from the start. I think that depends on the Meta where you play, and if you board it in often you just switch I guess, never mind. Also if you go the full 4 Gates that might slow you down, If your devoted to aggro maybe cut 1 or 2 back but that's totally up to you. Will be great when the Scry land show up :D

I'm sorry for the essay but I was bored :) and I hope you get something useful out of this.

January 25, 2014 4:27 a.m.

fnmfan1997 says... #9

love what you're doing here. Solid idea +1! Maybe try a bunch more heroic cards since you have so many targeting equipments? Just a suggestion. Also add in the Mistcutter Hydra instead of the Skylasher . It is simply the better pro blue card. Also maybe try the ordeals or Gift of Orzhova as other awesome equipments. Other than that, love the deck, bet of luck, and make sure to check out my deck over at http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/the-perfect-curve-2/ and leave suggestions if you want? Haha best of luck!

February 21, 2014 12:33 a.m.

Pr37z31 says... #10

I actually, sadly, don't own any Mistcutter Hydra . They are in the maybeboard just to keep up with their price if they ever go down (which is probably never). and yea I'll check out your deck. Thanks for the +1!

February 21, 2014 1:40 a.m.

DarkTetris says... #11

Mistcutters are only $5 each now so they would aren't relly expensive :)

Depends on your meta at the moment too. At my local store mono-blue isn't really played anymore. I am actually considering moving to another store because pretty much the only decks that are played are R/g monsters, mono-red, mono-black and bant control.Gods willing is a double edged sword becuse it can make your enchantments fall off if you bring them against the wrong match up haha. They are still pretty good though. Would brave the elements help too? You have boons so not sure if they are good for you. Plus the scry 1 is nice off the gods willing.

Keep the updates coming as I used to run a deck kind of like this which gets crushed but a couple of them :D

February 22, 2014 3:38 p.m.

Pr37z31 says... #12

DarkTetris I completely forgot that giving pro would do that, thanks man. I think I should be safe though, except from the typical white utility removal, but I will keep it in mind. Also $5 for each Mistcutter Hydra is incredibly expensive for me, as I am a poor college student. Most of my budget for this deck went towards Temple of Plenty .

February 22, 2014 5:55 p.m.

DarkTetris says... #13

Don't worry I have made a unflinching courage or two fall off my creatures before haha!Fair enough I am broke too. I guess if you win some boosters at FNM and pull a Xenagod you could trade for a play set easily ;)Temples are worth it I love the scry early game in these kinds of decks.

Let me know how it goes next time you play it and what you played against. Good luck!

February 23, 2014 1:12 a.m.

Pr37z31 says... #14

Thanks, I'll definitely do that!

February 23, 2014 1:18 a.m.

fencerman2 says... #15

Ready and Rootborn Defenses would give you the indestructibility to keep your creatures alive. Not to mention that Ready untaps any creatures for you, essentially giving vigilance.

February 23, 2014 9:13 p.m.

Pr37z31 says... #16

fencerman2 I could see Bow of Nylea being replaced in the sideboard by one of those in the future. Strangely I have a few copies of Ready and not Rootborn Defenses , so it looks like I'll be using Ready haha!

February 23, 2014 10:58 p.m.

If you are looking for Blood Baron insurance, give Celestial Flare a shot.

March 19, 2014 3:55 p.m.

Pr37z31 says... #18

smoothtraveler35 That's a pretty good idea, I could put that in my sideboard in place of Blind Obedience , as this deck actually keeps up with aggro fairly well. Thanks for the tip!

March 19, 2014 4:31 p.m.

chocolate101 says... #19

why no shocks they are totally worth it and Advent of the Wurm ] is really great you need it, it comes in at any time and it can kill and opponents creature without them knowing it is coming in and maybe a few Phalanx Leader s Rogue's Passage is unessesary this deck is great and you don't need shocks

March 30, 2014 1:54 a.m.

Pr37z31 says... #20

chocolate101 Rogue's passage has won me games, it is an absolute necessity when you can end the game if the opponent didn't have all of those blockers. Advent of the Wurm is a card I would actually consider for the reason of getting rid of a blood baron, but since I have no money I will stick to grabbing some Celestial Flare when I get the chance. Also not having any money is why I don't have any shock lands, and is why I grabbed some scry lands instead because they are cheap and because they work in this deck as a turn one play. Phalanx Leader doesn't quite fit in this deck, as this deck focuses on a single creature. Phalanx Leader fits better in a white weenie deck or a token deck with weenie bestows or whatever.

March 30, 2014 4:34 a.m.

chocolate101 says... #21


March 30, 2014 10:58 a.m.

Lackbossed says... #22

soo, I really like this deck, and i've been playtesting it on MTGO. if you are playing against a deck with no removal u pretty much just make a 10/10 firststrike, trample, hexproof and lifelink turn 4-5. But against lightning strike and shock u have to think about when to strike. the enemy basicly just keeps up all his mana until u either play a moster or u go to ur end fase. this way u lose the race and you really want something like a loxodon smiter. If he decides to use up all his mana in his turn u really need to make it count, what u wanna do vs boros burn is to make ur dude hexproof. and when u start the lifelink train there is no point in him even trying. another match up is vs mono black devotion. u dont have to be as careful in this match up, as he likely uses all the mana on underworld connections, nightveilspectres, and dececration demon. its here pacifism and selesnyas charm is ur best friend. the only reason i lost in this matchup was the playset of devour flesh. ur hexproof and god's willing wont help you.

April 2, 2014 4:15 a.m.

Pr37z31 says... #23

Lackbossed I actually feel really honored that you liked this deck enough to play it on MTGO! I'm also very very glad you did this testing and told me about it, as I do not really get to playtest it very often, being a college student with little time or money (and my friends being just as busy as me). All of your advice is superb and I thank you for it!

April 2, 2014 4:43 p.m.

Nilock says... #24

You might want to add Gladecover Scout so you can have a place to put those auras and know it's protected. It also adds a more aggro to your deck.

April 9, 2014 6:54 p.m.

RorakKuroda says... #25

One of the better options for aura decks like these is Gladecover Scout . Default hexproof is a must have, else your opponent is going to wait until you try to put an Alpha Authority on your dude, and it'll get removed. Witchstalker is excellent for the same reason. The creatures that can really get away with not being default hexproof are Hero of Iroas and Fiendslayer Paladin .

I'd also recommend a red splash. Madcap Skills and Boros Charm are incredibly useful in a deck like this (Not to mention that Alpha Authority +Madcap Skills =Unblockable).

It's true that, in a meta without much removal, you'll do fine. But as it stands right now, the best decks run removal, and a lot of it. Mono black plays Hero's Downfall , Bile Blight , Devour Flesh , etc. Esper runs Doom Blade , Detention Sphere , and Supreme Verdict . Boros burn runs.... well.... burn. It's not too difficult for you to resolve a creature, but if you can't protect it, then you'll be screwed in the long run.

April 9, 2014 6:58 p.m.

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