Heroic Hoplites Tournament Deck

Standard I_H8_U_M8

SCORE: 354 | 332 COMMENTS | 118932 VIEWS | IN 263 FOLDERS

Felixlives says... #1

I am missing some cards to make this great Wizards only fools but i tried.

October 20, 2013 4:10 a.m.

Zamarneim says... #2

I've got a similar deck to this that I run myself, check it out: WUmanity Aggro

October 20, 2013 11:32 a.m.

I_H8_U_M8 says... #3

@Zamarneim Not even close to similar. your just spamming on my page and you don't even understand the mechanics of your own deck post which leads me to believe you just looked at one of these decks and basically copied it.


    "Good potential game example:

  • Turn 1: Soldier of the Pantheon
  • Turn 2: Battlewise Hoplite
  • Turn 3: Fabled Hero
  • Turn 4: Gift of Orzhova on your Freddie Hercules and keep a Gods Willing in hand for extra protection, then swing in for 8 damage in the air and gain 8 life"

For exactly what you said here above I believe you copied the deck. Because this is in no way a good example of your deck. Do you know what you have Hidden Strings ? Or how about Phalanx Leader ? You also typed the same Message on other decks. Heroic Hoplites Tournament Deck AND Hoplite's Fortune


October 20, 2013 2:44 p.m.

I_H8_U_M8 says... #4

@Zamarneim I hope that your new. Read those cards and think hard about how they can react with each other.

October 20, 2013 2:55 p.m.

DrewKungFu says... #5


+1 for affordable FNM victories!!

What's holding you back from moving Fabled Hero from your Maybeboard to the Sideboard or Mainboard? I feel that the double strike makes up for the 3cmc. Consider it's Turn 3 and your opponent has plenty of removal: Play: 3rd land, Hidden Strings + Aqueous Form + Ethereal Armor on existing Heroic and hold mana for Gods Willing /Swan Song => swing => drop Fabled Hero 2nd main. What would you play 2nd main on T3 instead of Fabled Hero ? Or would you be satisfied with your board and keep mana open to protect them with one of many counters?

tl;dr If you had to chose between protecting your T1/T2 creatures or playing another on T3, which would you chose?

October 21, 2013 2:03 p.m.

Zamarneim says... #6


October 21, 2013 2:53 p.m.

Felixlives says... #7

Man i am loving this deck i cant get over how cool it is. Its loaded with tricks. I am pretty sure when i have the cards for it im just going to tell my friends i came up with it so they think im as cool as you are.

October 21, 2013 3:04 p.m.

I_H8_U_M8 says... #8

@DrewKungFu Fabled Hero was originally on the sideboard but I wanted more control on my sideboard so I moved it over to maybe board. The rational for this is that I would rather protect a strong creature than put in a potentially stronger creature. Especially if I have an Aqueous Form on the creature. It's less of a risk in my opinion and I want to ensure my victories. But thats why its also on the maybe board. I understand that I can technically get Fabled Hero on turn 3, but I just felt that Phalanx Leader would be much more useful, lower CMC, can be played sooner, gives 1 counter to everything and lastly, cost much much less. This is a budget deck ;)

October 21, 2013 3:31 p.m.

I_H8_U_M8 says... #9

NUMBER 1 DECK ON SITE lol. (#1 on 2013-10-21) just wish I could recycle it.

October 21, 2013 3:33 p.m.

CW says... #10

I would go with:

3x Azorius Charm 3x Rootborn Defenses 3x Render Silent 3x Dissolve 3x Wavecrash Triton

for the sideboard.

October 21, 2013 6:32 p.m.

I_H8_U_M8 says... #11

@CW Azorius Charm already there. Rootborn Defenses Kinda expensive, still a maybe card. Render Silent already there. Dissolve bad counter compared to Swan Song or Render Silent . Wavecrash Triton is useless when I have Hidden Strings , Aqueous Form , Triton Tactics and Gods Willing I can't be blocked when I play one of those on a creature. Hidden Strings can prevent an opponent from blocking it when initially played.

October 22, 2013 12:52 a.m.

Rayle47 says... #12

Why would you have 3x Swan Song in the sideboard when you can use 3x Judge's Familiar that has both a board presence (on your side, not your opponent's side) and influences your opponents to play around it?

October 22, 2013 2:36 a.m.

Felixlives says... #13

Heya I_H8_U_M8 finally scraped up the dough to order the rest of the cards i need for this deck minus 2 Hallowed Fountain and i was wondering if you thought i could get away with a couple guildgates or should i just add another island and plains? I am not sure what direction to go ideally id get the rest of the hallowed fountains im missing but i just put in a $40 dollar order and cant afford another 20+ worth of land. Foil Artisan of Forms are going for the same price as non foil so i got those. Other than that im excited to put this together and maybe even take it to a local FNM. I have not gone to one since m13 so it would be nice to see how much my local meta has evolved since then. Any play tips or opponent matchups i should be looking out for or side board suggestions would be much appreciated. Again thanks for inventing such a fun trick filled deck that is competative and relativly affordable. Cant upvote you enough.

October 22, 2013 2:46 a.m.

I_H8_U_M8 says... #14

Rayle47 Mostly... For the Silly reason, this is a human deck, For the good reason like Shock and the countless other things that can deal 1 damage to Judge's Familiar . And finally Swan Song is always hidden in hand useless the opponent Thoughtseize me... Then I cry.

October 22, 2013 3:09 a.m.

I_H8_U_M8 says... #15

@Felixlives Don't use the guildgates to replace the Hallowed Fountain , the only reason for Hallowed Fountain is so that in enters untaped.

Versus Heavy Control decks wtih likely few creatures, sub Aqueous Form , Artisan of Forms for some Silence , Render Silent , Swan Song or Azorius Charm .

Versus Burn Deck, Artisan of Forms , Elite Arcanist for some Azorius Charm , Swan Song

Versus Midrange Thats up to you and your experience.

Versus Agrro Change nothing, well maybe sub in Celestial Flare

October 22, 2013 3:20 a.m.

Vigilante013 says... #16

This deck is really cool, but my problem with it is that in order to get a turn 3 win, it MUST have a perfect hand that real-life probability doesnt consistently allow. My buddies and I really like this deck so my friend constructed it and took it to game day.With the Allied dual lands from past standard out, there are too many 1st hands that had bad mana draws and forced my friend to mull, which is never good in aggro. Maybe shifting your mana/creature color base over a little to one color or the other instead of 50/50 would help. And when he did get good 1st draws, anyone running green or red(or both) in it stonewalled him. I noticed having some Cavalry Pegasus in it would REALLY help get "over" the green creature issue more consistenty. ;D But yeah, I like this concept. GO HUMANS!

October 22, 2013 3:29 a.m.

I_H8_U_M8 says... #17

@Vigilante013 Sorry but whoever was play this deck was playing it wrong then. :/. Green Red should never win against this deck. I've never seen it at least. I think you and whoever your friend is who played this deck weren't educated enough on the decks mechanics.

I agree you can get mana screwed, but thats the luck of the draw. My deck has a CMC of 1.7, so having 33.3% land which equivalates to 2-3 land on turn 3 is more than enough to play any card in this deck and Hidden Strings can provide even more mana.

I agree You can potentially get Color Screwed as well. but if you don't want to take the risk add guildgates to your deck, however this will decrease your odds of getting a turn 3-4 win.

This deck also should never try to draw first, play this deck first never draw. If you draw first your going to have to play cautiously against a red deck because they have most control on first draw with burn spells.

Green is the last deck to worry about, if someone swings for 3 damage at you take it and then next turn swing for 8 damage don't risk your creature for one of those beasts. Gods Willing or Aqueous Form , You cannot be blocked.

October 22, 2013 3:56 a.m.

fordtough says... #18

I really love the dedication you and these many players have shown in making this deck a competitively viable build from what I can tell. I'm curious as to whether or not people have tried this build on MTGO against some of the other frontrunners in this infantile meta, and if they have experienced success in doing so. I'll report with some observations after I solitaire against some of the PT Theros lists. +1 for sure, though! Keep it up!

October 22, 2013 12:23 p.m.

Vigilante013 says... #19

Im familiar with the deck mechanics, i build and play both U/W and aggro enough to know. A monogreen deck simply outraced this deck (suprising in know, but hat green deck won by turn 4 consistently), gruul bloodrush outtrampled this deck's protection and burn obviously burned. My friend has been playing since coldsnap so he is well versed in the game. He just wished this deck could pull a turn 3 win off more than just a very rare perfect hand. Even when playing first he had to mull more often than he liked. I just think this format has slowed down dual colors so much that going 50/50 on colors is tough for aggro. Still, its a good competitive deck, just way too reliant on a perfect first hand imo.

October 22, 2013 1:43 p.m.

Vigilante013 says... #20

Make no mistake, its a good deck and out of 30 people he got 7th @ gameday. Just giving you the results from a live playtest and what worked according to your deck plan and what didnt. :D

October 22, 2013 1:55 p.m.

Revan0117 says... #21

I love this deck! Made it for game day and made it to the top 4. The only thing I would change would be to remove the elite arcanists and the daxos because with both of these cards I just never had the opportunity to use them. I would also put mizzium skin in the sideboard because the only match I lost was against esper control, which kept killing my dudes and gaining advantage with elspeth and jace or sphenix's revelation. All in all a great deck vs everything else though :)

October 22, 2013 2:27 p.m.

Felixlives says... #22

What do you think about switching Triton Fortune Hunter for some Imposing Sovereign or even Banisher Priest in the side board?? I mean i like the potential draw card but i feel that some serious aggro decks could play out some threats that if unchecked could wreck shop on these hoplites what are your thoughts?

October 22, 2013 5:51 p.m.

I_H8_U_M8 says... #23

@Vigilante013 So if it was a bloodrush deck, would Pay No Heed have helped you out? I honestly havn't played a bloodrush deck against this deck since none of my friends play it.

@Felixlives I'll put Banisher Priest in instead of Triton Fortune Hunter just because hes a human. ;) Triton Fortune Hunter will be in maybe.

October 22, 2013 9:38 p.m.

Felixlives says... #24

Well him being human seems irrelevant in this deck considering there is no Cavalry Pegasus but its still good against Desecration Demon and that one ugly dragon for sure.

October 22, 2013 10:09 p.m.

Vigilante013 says... #25

@ I_H8_U_M8 I didn't get a chance to play it, I spectated my friend(I played this silly thing WW Budget Standard ). But yeah, Pay No Heed would have helped my friend but it wasn't in your decklist so he did not use it. He wants to add them now and he shifted out the Arcanists and both Daxos in favor of Cavalry Pegasus, making room for Pay No Heed in the sideboard, and he's shifting mana stuff etc. And yea, bloodrush is just really annoying against this deck...but if you never go up against it then no need to worry! :D

October 22, 2013 11:16 p.m.

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