
This deck is not too troubled if Hardened Scales is never drawn or played, even though it benefits almost everything in the deck creature wise. The combination of the right creatures and the right non-creature spells should be enough to make the deck hold out and hopefully crush my opponent without it. I would add in black for the card Winding Constrictor but I have terrible luck when it comes to getting the right mana on the field for what I need.

  1. 2 Armadillo Cloak + Fabled Hero is a fun combination to use as the double strike from Fabled Hero with cause your life gain to be quadrupled as well as making Fabled Hero a 8/8 with trample or a 10/10 with Hardened Scales if it is brought out before both Armadillo Cloaks.

  2. Favored Hoplite or Lagonna-Band Trailblazer being targeted by Solidarity of Heroes with Hardened Scales is nice to get 5 counters on a single creature with only 2 mana.

  3. Savage Summoning + Abzan Falconer creates a nice surprise for your opponent when they are not ready for an aerial assault.

Rare but fun experiences with the deck;

  1. Managorger Hydra can end almost any game easily and even gets insane later on if you manage to draw all three Solidarity of Heroes and target them all at it. Managed to attack my opponent for 167 damage.

Going Modern;

  1. Unfortunately Armadillo Cloak is banned in Modern so, I believe that Rest in Peace and Endless One would be good substitutes with two of each to make it more able to deal with other decks that use their graveyard, as you never need yours, and any that can protect themselves from any color but colorless. If Rest in Peace is used in the main board Relic of Progenitus could be taken out of the sideboard.


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Date added 8 years
Last updated 8 years
Exclude colors UBR

This deck is Casual legal.

Rarity (main - side)

2 - 0 Mythic Rares

19 - 2 Rares

19 - 5 Uncommons

8 - 8 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.83
Tokens Knight 2/2 W w/ Vigilance
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