Built a slightly more budgeted build of this using painlands and gates instead of temples and shocklands. Also made it a tad more enchantment themed. Trying to find room for Triton Tactics as no one can argue with a one drop suprise defenders plus heroic trigger. +1s and suggestions are appriciated. Just look at my profile for it.
July 21, 2014 7:55 p.m.
Just built this deck for 8/10 Game Day, and I can't honestly say I was happy with it's performance. Maybe I'm just not a person who can handle aggro of this caliber. However I will be holding on to it in case I think of ways to improve it (or Khans makes it better) or even just to practice with an aggro deck, since it pretty thoroughly obliterates any deck without a turn 5 win con. However in a competitive environment those are very few and far between. Here is the breakdown of my record: Match 1: Dimir Control based around Waste Not and Whispering Madness : 2w-1L - The first round went without a hiccup. Game 2 he had side boarded in extra removal that forced me to sacrifice (so there was no targeting), and I was only able to play the 1 creature in my starting hand, Battlewise Hoplite , after mulling to 5 with 2 lands, Gods Willing , and Triton Tactics . Third round I side boarded in the Dispel instead of Retraction helix, and was able to wipe the floor with him. Match 2: 0-2 Green Beatdown. This was a horrendous match up, since green ramps so much harder. Not even Pacifism s and Retraction Helix could slow him down, and I couldn't swing at him because of the fatties. Second game was same as the first. Too big, too fast, not enough answers to 5 creatures swinging for 12 damage by turn 4, especially after missing a land drop. This opponent went on to win the tournament though so I guess I wasn't the only one. Match 3: 1-2 Gruul. Didn't draw enough answers to Eidolon of the Great Revel after it was side boarded in for the 3rd game. Absolutely grinded heroic triggers to a halt. I also couldn't draw anything to stop his Shivan Dragon . In fact this deck has almost zero answers to flying besides RH, which came up in the fourth round as well.Match 4: 1-2 Izzet Ensoul Artifact Deck. Most of the defensive spells in this deck require the enemy creature to have a color. Scuttling Doom Engine and Soul of New Phyrexia were major problems that I couldn't find the spells to deal with, and couldn't protect my creatures/hit my opponent directly because I didn't have a color to name, and Chief Engineer made it easy for him to recast Soul any time I bounced it.
August 10, 2014 10:29 p.m.
what if the 4 Temple of Enlightenment got replaced for 4 Rogue's Passage to sort of make up for the now absent Aqueous Form ?
September 5, 2014 4:42 p.m.
Peaceful_Ninja says... #5
What can we do to make this build modern playable? Is there even a shot?
October 9, 2015 7:42 p.m.
I don't understand why Hero of Iroas is here if you have only 4x Ordeal of Thassa.
xoanon says... #1
The evasion from Akroan Skyguard and Aqueous Form have been awesome in my U/W Heroic build.
July 14, 2014 2:21 p.m.