
New budget deck concept built around heroic enabling cantrip ("replacement") effects. I'm aware it's almost certainly worse than Infect, but it also looks like a lot of fun to play.

For an increase in power, Monastery Mentor could probably replace Seeker of the Way. If you could untap with Mentor out, you'll likely win, meaning that in doing so, you may wish to include 4-of Ajani's Presence or Gods Willing to further ensure she stays alive. You would probably cut either Carom or Angelic Gift for it. At least, that's my theory.

Deck Description:

We run 8 Heroic creatures and 6 "Prowess" (style) creatures. Seven cost 1 mana and seven cost 2 mana, keeping our creature count low, but helping ensure we hit 1-2 threats.

We run a variety of protection spells to keep our creatures alive, and almost all of our spells cantrip, keeping a steady stream of spells going. Multiple spells have other uses (e.g. Valorous Stance or Niveous Wisps). Using either Vanguard of Brimaz or Launch the Fleet we can go wide when we need to, but primarily this deck goes "tall".

Myth Realized is sort of a super-Prowess creature, as it keeps its prowess "levels" across turns. We only run three because the mana to use it each turn can really add up.

Seeker of the Way provides incidental life-gain and benefits from all of our heroic enablers almost as much as the heroic creatures themselves do. Ideally, you want one "prowess" creature and one heroic creature out at the same time to make the most of the spells.

Forbidding Watchtower is a budget manland who helps ensure there is a target for many of our targeted cantrips. It's not ideal, but it's also a good blocker when we need one. We don't run the full four because the effect of too many ETB Tapped lands will really slow the deck down.

Card Selection:

Below I have listed the possibilities for other cards, as I see it, as this deck is still under construction. Feel free to suggest things not listed here, but be aware I've considered everything here. I'm keeping others that are currently unused because as the deck changes, certain cards may become more viable that currently aren't.

Ideally we want a balance of creatures with just over half of them being Heroic, and slightly under half having an ability similar to Prowess.

  • - This is almost a super-prowess creature, that starts at 0 and taxes us a W to activate. As such, it's rarely going to be our primary creature, but is incredibly powerful mid to late game.
  • - Our primary creature. Fantastic ability vs. burn and in combat, making him nigh unkillable vs. cards that don't destroy.
  • Lagonna-Band Trailblazer
  • Phalanx Leader
  • - The best white prowess creature. If we were Red/White, we'd probably run Monastery Swiftspear in its place. Its lifegain is not to be underestimated in many match-ups.
  • - Gives us the ability to go wide incredibly easily, but comes out a tad late. If we were red/white, we would run Akroan Crusader in its place for a superior effect.
  • Akroan Skyguard
  • Hero of Iroas
  • Kor Spiritdancer
  • Fabled Hero

The core of this deck is running cards that cycle when we cast them, so we don't run out of "gas". Below are the main cards considered.
Cards in this category ought to cost 1-2 mana, or offer a truly fantastic ability.
Instants and Sorceries:
Instants and sorceries tend to be more desirable as their effects aren't permanent, but often that's a downside. They also tend to be able to cantrip cheaper.

  • - A basic minor effect to trigger our abilities. Often very relevant on creatures during the first few turns of combat.
  • - Our strongest cantrip. Makes the game happen faster.
  • Scout's Warning
  • Swift Maneuver
  • - One of the closest things to removal that we run main deck, it cycles, and is potentially very relevant at throwing off combat maths, as well as dealing with problem creatures such as Young Pyromancer. It's also able to trigger Heroic on two separate creatures if you choose to redirect (potentially 0) damage to one of your own creatures, making this spell very versatile.
Enchantments are predictable and expensive, but their effects last, and so they are useful cantrips. They also have potential synergy with Hero of Iroas, making them cheaper; although this should never be relied upon.
  • - Probably the weakest of our cantrips, it's evasion, shores up our flying defence, and cantrips at the same time. Potentially could be even stronger with Hero of Iroas.
  • Chosen by Heliod

The core of this deck is keeping creatures alive, and we can trigger Prowess while also saving them from enemy removal. Spells that offer "Protection" also allow for bypassing blockers, allowing them to play double duty in the late game.
Ideally, protection spells cost one mana, as they are otherwise impossible to keep open while also maintaining tempo.

  • - The best protection spell for triggering Prowess. Accept no alternatives. It's the closest to a cantripping spell we'll get at one mana.
  • - The indestructible and the ability to hit two targets helps protect us from most board wipes, it can trigger Heroic twice in the late game, and can protect vs. Artifact creature damage in combat. The downside is it doesn't blank as many targeted removal spells as Gods Willing, making this mostly a meta call.
  • Brave the Elements
  • Gods Willing
  • - A protection spell that can stop the Splinter Twin combo. Probably not quite as good main deck as Emerge Unscathed, but still incredibly useful. Would be even stronger if it could grant protection from artifacts.
  • - A protection spell that also doubles as removal and can trigger prowess if needs be. The debate isn't whether we run them, but how many. In a R/W deck, we might consider Boros Charm instead, however the ability to kill a Deceiver Exarch, Tasigur, the Golden Fang, Gurmag Angler or Tarmogoyf should not be underestimated.

We also have to factor in cards like general removal, heroic enablers, and other potentially useful cards. Below are a list of those that made the short list.

General mono-white sideboard options:

  • Hallowed Moonlight - Good against token strategies, decks that cheat things into play, and also good against things like Splinter Twin.
  • Aegis of the Gods - Good against Burn, Targeted Discard, and many other things besides (sacrifice effects especially). Our protection suite can help keep them alive.
  • Aura of Silence - Good vs. affinity and boggles, and many others besides. Sort of an expensive disenchant.
  • Celestial Flare - Anti-bogles tech. Also good vs. things like Geist and similar.
  • Disenchant - General purpose utility spell.
  • Hushwing Gryff - Good vs. all sorts. Flash is good, and our protection suite can help keep him alive.
  • Kataki, War's Wage - Affinity hoser. Again, relying on the protection suite to keep him alive.
  • Nevermore - Catch-all vs. many decks with threats that we can't deal with (e.g. protection from colourless).
  • Oust - Our budget replacement for Path to Exile. Nowhere near as good, but still decent in many of the same match-ups.
  • Rest in Peace - The best graveyard hoser. The only problem is that we have no way to protect it. If only Samurai of the Pale Curtain hosed half as well...
  • Suppression Field - Great at doing all sorts of work. Shuts off our Myth Realized, and our Forbidding Watchtowers, but otherwise leaves us unaffected. Generally worth bringing in.

Heroic Cards:

Prowess Cards:


Updates Add

I built a similar version of the deck and found that because I had not accounted for the effect of the cantrip spells, it ended up mana flooded in every game.

As such, I've removed two Plains, so we'll see how it plays when I finally purchase the rest of the parts of the deck.



The Ajani's Presence will bring the number of defensive spells up to 8. When compared to Gods Willing, it makes us more resistant to non-targeted removal, and gives us a little extra damage, at the expense of losing out to Exile effect (Path to Exile, Unmake, Oblivion Ring etc) and Pacifism style effects.

I'm not sure it's the right configuration, so I'm going to experiment between the two of them. I'm not sure 8 defensive spells is the right amount, as Protection can double for unblockable, making it marginally more versatile.


Date added 9 years
Last updated 9 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

0 - 2 Mythic Rares

5 - 7 Rares

13 - 4 Uncommons

27 - 2 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.38
Tokens Cat Soldier 1/1 W, Soldier 1/1 W
Folders Deck Concepts
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