This deck is one that's whole purpose is to be built around stupid loopholes and an exploitation of innocent rules.
If I ever use this it will likely only be for laughs in extremely casual play.
The Ridiculous Combos:1. Zhur Taa Druid + Elite Arcanist (w/ Triton's Tactics exiled) = Infinite damage loop / a game win.
2. Sanguine Bond + Exquisite Blood + Any form of damage = Infinite damage and life gain loop / a game win. 3. Sanguine Bond + Blood Tribute (kicked) = Kills one player instantly, gives you half of the life they had. 4. Vampire Hexmage + Dark Depths = The potential for a 20/20 flying indestructible creature as early as turn 3.
The Reason for Everything Else (and other uses for the above):1. Counterspell or Dissolve + Elite Arcanist = A continuous block against your enemies' ability to cast spells of any type.2. Go for the Throat or Doom Blade + Elite Arcanist = Because killing things is fun...3. Platinum Angel = Because what type of ridiculousness would this be if it didn't have a card that said I simply cannot lose...?4. Zhur-Taa Druid plus Exquisite Blood = Tap for 1 life, 1 mana and 1 damage to your opponent.
The Maybeboard:-Because of how good Dark Depths, Blood Tribute and Platinum Angel are I'm considering throwing more in.-Because of the usage of vampires for blood tribute I'm considering throwing in Nighthawks (one of the best vampires period) and Feast of Bloods (perhaps in place of some of the other kill spells). This would provide added defense as well as insure Blood Tribute a little better (while simultaneously decreasing the utility of Elite Arcanist).
Originality Note: While the deck itself is original, the individual game-winning combos are not. In other words I went online, I found the best combos and thought about how I could make a single deck that used some of them. Here is a link to a few different ones: