Hey Nico It's Your Cousin Roman Let's Go Bowling
I don't want to seem desperate but PLEASE COMMENT ON MY DECK.
February 27, 2015 12:56 a.m.
A nice removal package..I think it looks a bit slow, maybe you need more T1 action, and 2-3 more Thoughtseize coulod help here.I don't get why Bolas is here.. He'll stick in your hand for ages.
February 27, 2015 1:08 a.m.
Thanks for commenting zertsdfg. I might be open to running more Thoughtseize. The deck does a lot of damage to itself as is, thus the need for Batterskull and Vampire Nighthawk, but with Treasure Cruise and Dig Through Time out of the picture, I don't have any reason not to run more handrips. Not sure what to take out, though. I do actually have to run at least one copy of Nicol Bolas, as that's the point of the deck, but other than that, I try to run my deck pretty tight. I think I'll drop a Ral Zarek and a Dreadbore for two more copies of Thoughtseize, and see how that works out.
February 27, 2015 1:15 a.m.
drstevenstrange says... #5
i really do like it. I love anything with nicol bolas but maybe something for more draw. If you dont get jace its hard to keep getting material
March 22, 2015 1:44 a.m.
drstevenstrange I appreciate the suggestion, but I have a full playset of Serum Visions, as well as three Electrolyze, besides the singleton Jace Beleren, and the two Phyrexian Arena. Are you certain I need more draw? That's ten cards with "Draw a card" printed on it. What would you suggest? An older decklist of mine ran Consult the Necrosages for draw, with the added bonus of a discard mode, but I couldn't afford the sorcery speed. Do you think I should add a singleton Jace's Ingenuity?
March 22, 2015 2:26 a.m.
drstevenstrange says... #7
im not really sure i just was play testing it and i felt like i ran out of stuff but thats perhaps cuz i was just going against nothing.
March 26, 2015 1:33 a.m.
15bernardom says... #9
Solid build; I like the fact that someone is actually playing Master of Cruelties!
On the other hand, I feel like you lose a lot of the "control" element by having no counter spells. I feel like 3-4 Remands help a lot in the early game, drawing you cards and stalling the board, and then a couple Cryptic Commands, Counterflux, or even Mana Leak would compliment that.
I personally dislike Dreadbore, because it's sorcery speed, but if it helps against a PW-heavy meta, then that's fine. Also, Vampire Nighthawk seems a bit out of place in a contol shell.
Anyhow, hope I could help out! And if you got time, check out my own deck, Keranos' Cruelty.
April 1, 2015 11:28 p.m.
UlrikLordOfFire says... #10
You should use Dismember for those indestructible creatures. Also you should consider Damnation or the cheaper alternative Mutilate. For mutilate to work Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth
April 20, 2015 11:39 p.m.
Those are both really good suggestions, UlrikLordOfFire. What would you suggest I take out?
April 22, 2015 12:05 a.m.
UlrikLordOfFire says... #12
Id take out one of each fetch land for urborg. The rest of the cards I mentioned are more sideboard material.
buildingadeck says... #1
Nicol Bolas is a jerk. Killing Ugin and stuff...
Aside from that, it looks pretty solid. Maybe Thoughtseize might be good as a one or two of since it hits more? Nice build.
January 25, 2015 12:17 a.m.