Naya may be a shard on Alara, but that certainly shouldn't stop us from combining red to Dromoka's green/white prowess. This deck was originally an old Jund Dragon deck, then it was a red-green dragon deck with a pretty solid base, and then I decided to splash white to make a deck that hits hard with monsters and dragons alike.
Dragonlord Dromoka may not have generated as much initial buzz as some of her other brethren.but shes a card that can stop entire classes of decks in their tracks. A 5/7 vigilant lifelinker hits hard, and this deck can slam her down early and cause a huge headache for most opponents.
This deck seeks to ramp up and hit its land drops early using Sylvan Caryatid, Courser of Kruphix, and
Atarka's Command
Fleecemane Lion
can be a bit tricky to cast early with only a splash of white in the deck, but it is a nice 2-drop to land at the start of a game.
Once this deck starts hitting the mana-ramp it can start dropping huge threats like
Polukranos, World Eater
and Stormbreath Dragon - then at six mana, here comes Dromoka!
If you get in just a little bit of damage, Crater's Claws should finish off your opponent.
Ajani, Mentor of Heroes makes your creatures bigger and digs through your library.
Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker
turns into another hard-hitting dragon and works as another spot removal.