High Baron of the Desecrated Council

Standard strateupjee


First time (maybe of many times that I recommend this now that gods are a thing) I will ever suggest Merciless Eviction . It's basically the only way to deal with god cards, and you're running the right colors to do it without prohibiting your mana spread. More Temples, less Guildgates. Throw in an Elspeth, Sun's Champion or two if you want another win condition.

September 22, 2013 8:26 p.m.

Goody says... #2

I would replace Spear of Heliod with Whip of Erebos . The whip can permanently reanimate Obzedat, Ghost Council .

September 22, 2013 8:30 p.m.

strateupjee says... #3

@fluffybunnypants I was thinking about Eviction, and do you really think it would have a place? and if so, how many copies? As for Elspeth, I cant get her at 30 bucks a piece right now, however in wonderland I would be running 2 copies.

@Goody I had the Whip in originally, and in testing, it was really iffy, a lot of times, all it was was a neat lifelink card, whereas most of my creatures (excluding Demon and Obzedat, who doesn't swing anyway usually) already have lifelink, and the anthem + attack deterrent I think is going to be a bit stronger for me, but we will see how it goes, anything else guys?

September 22, 2013 8:43 p.m.

Elspeth will drop in price soon enough. I think Eviction would probably find a nice place of Orzhov Charm , 2 would be fine, you could use the extra space for an extra piece of removal.

September 22, 2013 9:37 p.m.

strateupjee says... #5

I would put it over Blade just because blade has a restriction, Charm doesn't.

September 22, 2013 9:42 p.m.

Yep, but you can doom blade a fatty without issue unless it's black, if you're wasting removal on small creatures something else needs to be fixed.

September 22, 2013 10:02 p.m.

Coucho_Marx says... #7

Yeah, I'm not sure you need so much card draw here. 3x Read the Bones , 3x Underworld Connections and 2x Erebos, God of the Dead really seems like overkill, especially as you're not using Whip of Erebos to leech life back from drawing. Obviously, Erebos is pretty critical, so I think you could probably cut two draw cards pretty safely, perhaps one of each? That would still leave you with six draw cards, four of them reusable, and still with enough devotion.

Echoing others, I think you could put in two Merciless Eviction as well. I'd still keep two Orzhov Charm , as it can bounce one of your creatures before boardwiping. Two Doom Blade is alright, maybe put two Dark Betrayal in sideboard to replace against a black-heavy opponent? I guess you keep Blind Obedience in main for the extort, which is fine, but if you aren't considering siding it, I'd at least cut one for another Thoughtseize .

I think you could easily get away with just four each of Godless Shrine and Temple of Silence . You only need two of either colour to cast any card in your deck, and the scrylands will improve your draws. I'd also bump lands to twenty-five, but that's mostly personal preference, I'm pretty paranoid about making my land drops! (It's about a 47% vs 52% chance to hit five lands on turn five on the play, not accounting for extra card draw or scrying, if you were curious!)

September 22, 2013 10:35 p.m.

strateupjee says... #8

Well I will only be using Erebos' draw if I am really in a pinch, he is mainly to disrupt and be annoying to deal with, I may try to play 2 Evictions, the only thing is I would hate to wipe both creatures and enchantments just because I run so many of both, but I do see how it could be hella handy and may sideboard it if it doesn't make main deck, however I only have 2 scry lands at the moment and everyone at my shop is picking up their own personal playsets, so not trading any -.- and I was actually debating 24 or 25 lands, I just don't know where to make cuts, I know I am locking in my creature base (except if I can get 1 more Fiendslayer), and I wouldn't hate dropping one of each, hen dropping a Charm for 2 Evictions and a land, though can I ask why the big push for the Evictions?

September 22, 2013 11:09 p.m.

strateupjee says... #9

I wouldn't hate dropping 1 of each Read and Connections*

September 23, 2013 12:25 a.m.

strateupjee says... #10

Or maybe pull a Blind Obediance, and only run 2? Then I could leave in either a charm or one of my draw cards and still add the 2 Evictions and a land

September 23, 2013 12:27 a.m.

Coucho_Marx says... #11

Merciless Eviction is a better choice in new standard for a few reasons. With the checklands cycling out, and the scrylands coming in (as well as a bunch of other cards coming and going), the format is slowing down. This gives you more time to cast it, and it's a completely unavoidable boardwipe (unless you counter it, of course). Secondly, everyone's going to be using the Gods, their weapons, and possibly the enchantment creatures too (it's basically an enchantment set!). Merciless Eviction will happily annihilate every last one, as it ignores indestructible entirely. Basically, the new format has given you more time to use Merciless Eviction , and many more targets for it too.

That's cool on your scrylands, just get them when you can. I usually post decks I'm working towards, I'll likely have guildgates too until I can get my hands on some temples! On lands generally, I've seen a deck like this (and mine) with 26, though they were using two Mutavault as well. Just up to preference, 24 is a perfectly respectable number most of the time.

September 23, 2013 12:41 a.m.

strateupjee says... #12

That wa my guess, my only hesitation is that I am running so many enchantments, that wiping enchantments could hurt me too, and I usually post the "finished version" too but this is about finished and I wanted feedback on the exact deck I'll be playing Friday

September 23, 2013 8:50 a.m.

omnipath says... #13

I like it! You're right, we have similar decks (my enemy of my enemy). I'll playtest yours a bunch to see if the extra card draw works. You may find 3 Blind Obedience is too much - I tried that too, and decided to main 2 and side 1.

September 24, 2013 11:52 a.m.

strateupjee says... #14

Yeah I was thinking about pulling 1 xD I just had 3 on me and needed some filler haha

September 24, 2013 5:08 p.m.

RickyHoeppner says... #15

You need some one drop creatures. Try running 4 Rakdos Cackler . Its important to have something out on your first turn. If not at least your second. I would take out the high priests for 3 Rakdos Cackler . Blood Baron of Vizkopa just doesnt sit well with this deck. Replace them with some efficient cheap creatures.

October 4, 2013 12:02 a.m.

strateupjee says... #16

Honestly I really like the Bloo Barons in here, they dodge a shit ton of removal, and they gain me life, I love em. Can I ask why Cackler? Unleashed it can't block for me, and not unleashed it is just a vanilla 1/1 that will die so quickly it is silly. I like my Priests because they can usually 2 for 1 aggro decks, and shoot important things in combo decks.

October 4, 2013 12:12 a.m.

RickyHoeppner says... #17

Its just nice to have a 2/2 on your first turn and be ready to arrack on your second. Just a suggestion for something to put down on your first turn. The baron is pretty good I just suggested he leave cause he would be used to his full potential in a deck based on lifegain. But thay just depends on how well he worked for you. To figure out what you need to take out, just think of cards that you just sat on the entire game, and cards you were dissapointed to cast, wether you had the mana or not, you know. There are just better cards to spend 5 and 6 mana on.

October 4, 2013 12:25 a.m.

strateupjee says... #18

I have come to terms with playing the Baron as a 4/4 for 5, because I my current meta, almost all of his abilities (excluding the auto win 10/10 one usually xD) are relevant to make him stick on the board, and this isn't really an aggressive deck, I look to kill and stall until such a time as my board overwhelms my opponent.

October 4, 2013 12:46 a.m.

almalong says... #19

alright, so Erebos, God of the Dead doesn't fit that well as of right now, I see him as being more of a sideboard card, and Orzhov Guildgate is unnecessary as your number of multi colored cards is minimal at best, I'd change it to 2 swamps and a plains. and 3 blood barons are a bit too much for their mana cost, I'd consider another Fiendslayer Paladin or Desecration Demon both very powerful cards that are difficult to deal with most times, and Underworld Connections is kind of unnecessary with Erebos in your side board, I'd replace it with Soul Tithe to deal with an opponent who cheats out some big fatties, even indestructible ones like the gods. all in all it looks like its going the right way

October 4, 2013 12:47 a.m.

strateupjee says... #20

I may do something of that sort, however I find that having either 2 white or 2 blak by turn 3 is really important, and that is why I run so many duals. Also I may take the number of Barons down by 1 but the thing is no one near me is trading Demons or Fiendslayers, I was lucky to get my 2 haha

October 4, 2013 12:50 a.m.

Magiclover318 says... #21

How is your game play with a higher cmc? Do you ever have issues? Personally I never go above 3 and try to stay under 2.5 if possible. that being said I rarely use more then 23 or 24 lands

October 7, 2013 9:18 a.m.

strateupjee says... #22

It really isn't the bad, especially because almost all of the cards I can play under 4 cmc negatively impact their board, and once we get to late game, they don't stand a chance

October 7, 2013 8:25 p.m.

xzavierx says... #23

your curve seems really high. do you do alright vs. agro or heavy control?

lifebanes/another fiendslayer / more removal to get to mid range seems like a good plan. Also with your lifegain from blood baron , ghost council and fiendslayer a good thought may be arch angel of thune.

October 9, 2013 11:45 a.m.

strateupjee says... #24

My next big project will be getting some Thunes, however right now it isn't really an option. I actually do ok against aggro because I have enough removal early as well as I'm not afraid to toss a Fiendslayer under the bus to gain some life and survive, basically if they can't god hand and kill me by turn 5, they don't stand a chance. In the control match, I love it haha, I can almost always win the grind just because I run more threats, as well as more evasive threats in Blood Baron and Obzedat

October 9, 2013 1:30 p.m.

Namron88 says... #25

i like this its very similar to mine why not take a look and see if you can find any suggestions in it or maybe give me a few suggestions the undead jedi council also did erebos not work for you i use him to stablize my hand a lot like a sphinx revelation cept paying life instead but most of the time i have 30+ life anyway

October 10, 2013 11:21 a.m.

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