- -2 Sun Titan
- -1 Avacyn, Angel of Hope
- -1 Sigarda, Host of Herons
- -1 Gisela, Blade of Goldknight
- -1 Descendants' Path
- -1 Untamed Might
- -1 Day of Judgment
-1 Forest
+2 Serra Angel
- +1 Herald of War
- +1 Abundant Growth
- +3 Emancipation Angel
- +1 Somberwald Sage
- +1 Mountain
Took out the Sun Titan b/c its not going to be bringing back much with such high cost creatures. Serra Angel at least gives me Vigilance for 5 mana cost and is a decent body at 4/4. Was going to put in Archangel instead but too high a mana cost. Took out Descendants' Path, as a friend told me he thought it was hurting more than it was helping. I personally like the card but maybe a little more play testing and some advice on the forums will help me change my mind about it. Since I took out the Descendants' Path, I opted to put in Emancipation Angel for the low cost and its utility. I can't think of a better flyer for 3 mana cost. Also put in the Abundant Growth b/c of the draw card effect and bouncing it with Emancipation Angel is pretty nice, plus the ability to convert a mana to any color is pretty useful. I removed one of Sigarda and Gisela and Avacyn, as I don't really feel I need more than 1 in the deck since I inserted Emancipation Angel for some early havoc. I also included one more copy of Herald of War since once she starts gaining counters, Angels and Humans cost 1 less for each counter.