This is a brew for a Bant Flash Control Deck, which focuses on preventing our opponent from doing anything with impact.
This will be achieved three-fold in this deck:
1) Gathering information on our opponents hand:
This will primarily be done via Gitaxian Probe, and a one-off Telepathy (yes, i did it!), the later only being a one-off since it lacks the all-so-important card draw from the probe and cannot be recurred once it has been dealt with.
2) Using this information to prevent specific cards from being cast altogether:
Most of this work will be done with Nevermore. Later in the Game we can reset it with Cloudstone Curio to make sure we can always prevent the best cards in our opponents hand from being cast.The other working horse will be Chalice of the Void, which wants to be played carefully, since you can lock yourself out of casting something pretty easily!You have to get the right mix of naming cards your opponents hand, that overlap in CMC with your cards the most, with Nevermore and setting Chalice of the Void on the appropriate CMC that are not covered by Nevermore! This will be pretty tricky at times!
3) Deny your opponent key lands/colors to prevent him from casting specific spells:
Modern Decks have a greedy, greedy mana base, but this enables them to be so versatile, explosive, aggresive in just a few turns. Even if you deny them a clor for just a turn, this can have a maor impact on the course of the game. We carry this into execution with two routes: one is to stifle their fetch lands with Trickbind, which cannot be countered or fetched in response to thanks to Split Second. The other way we accomplish locking them out af key color requirements are 3 maindeck Ghost Quarter.Later in the game we can assemble a powerful loop with Ghost Quarter
Life from the Loam
to continuously deprive them of any land we might not want them to have.Ghost Quarter is also a very reliable way to kill Inkmoth Nexus's which can be a major pain in the b**** if we dont have our Pithing Needle's game one.
We have a pretty standard permission suite with some number of Mana Leak, which will be more efficient in this deck thanks to our land destruction, Trickbind to counter activated abilities (there are many...) - first and foremost of fetch lands - as well as a one-off Voidslime, which can be a Cancel at worst or a pretty awesome ace up our sleeve by countering triggered or activated abilities, in case there is a Chalice of the Void on CMC 2 that prevents our Trickbind's from being cast. 2 Cryptic Command and 2 Mystic Snake round out our permission department by being great spells on their own, and again being on a different CMC then Trickbind and Voidslime to avoid getting shut down completely by our own Chalice of the Void.
Noteable combo: Cloudstone Curio
Mystic Snake
Restoration Angel
Since this list does not run maindeck removal outside of counters or Chalice of the Void
we have to minimize the life loss we accumulate from our landbase.Consider, that we also must somehow make up for having essentially no land drops on the turns we Ghost Quarter something.Thus we play a generous amount of basic lands and to run with them 2 Search for Tomorrow.
Nota Bene: a suspended Search for Tomorrow will not get hit by a Chalice of the Void on CMC1 on resolution, since its CMC is 3, and you can still suspend them for in said scenario!
With this land base we also can run one-offs from the new BFZ land cycle: One Canopy Vista and Prairie Stream each. To get an additional attacker, we also run 1 Lumbering Fallsand 1 Celestial Colonnade. Hexproof and Flying are just great buffs for defending/attacking.
Lastly, to have a tutor effect in your deck is always nice!This is why i assigned the last slot in the deck to a one-off Idyllic Tutor to find us a Nevermore when in need of one.
The sideboard is stacked with options against many of the decks prevalent in modern:
2 Auriok Champion and 2 Leyline of Sanctity come in against burn and BG variants or the occasional Mono Black Deck.
Rest in Peace and Stony Silence are both competing for the "White's best hate card"-title if you ask me, so including these in the sideboard seemed like a good idea. Especially with Idyllic Tutor main board who can find them at any given moment we might need them.
Pithing Needle is great against every Infect variant our there, Abzan Company (no Viscera Seer activations), Affinity, as well as every deck relying on planeswalker.
If we know our opponent has acces to artifact/enchantment hate in their sideboard, we can also board in a number of
Meddling Mage
's to counteract them bringing in hate against Chalice of the Void and Nevermore by switching them out to the side.
We also run 2 Supreme Verdict against creature based decks which is pretty important i think. Having access to two seepers after boarding gives you some calm, since this deck is weak to token generation.
One more Surgical Extraction to fight graveyard shenanigans and Storm some more, as well as having one more card that gives us information on what our opponent is working with in his hand.
The Reclamation Sage is currently in the side against any Hexproof Auras or Affinity decks since we can reset him pretty easiliy.
I have some cards that i thought about adding/switching out after testing a bit, but im still not sure as to how big the benefits may be:
One Boseiju, Who Shelters All
to circumvene our own Chalice of the Void, perhaps switching out one Lumbering Falls or one basic Island.An additional Mana Leak, cutting 1 Search for Tomorrow or Idyllic Tutor.One Rest in Peace for additional graveyard hate outside of Surgical Extraction for the
Meddling Mage
or the sideboard copy of Surgical Extraction. We can tutor for Rest in Peace so the second copy of Surgical Extraction will not be as hardly missed.
Also i found
Earthen Arms
to be a interesting option as a one-off. It can be a 6/6 land creature on it's own or bump our Celestial Colonnade/Lumbering Falls, to present a faster clock later in the game. I'd only have it in the sideboard though, as an additional boost in strenght if the mainboard should not suffice.
If anyone has suggestions, thoughts about the deck, critique... your welcome to let me know.