"H(<NWNOZ)90°" EDH

Commander / EDH NotaNetDeck


LSea says... #1

So, I don't like two cards in this. Champion's Helm and Spawning Pit. Now I understand their importance but I feel as though protecting Hazezon Tamar with Champion's Helm is counter productive. He isn't worth protecting so much. Rather I would suggest getting rid of him before someone else gets the chance. Spawning Pit on the other hand is just slow and there are better sac outlets. Goblin Bombardment is (I think) a must. Gives you a sac outlet to get rid of Hazezon Tamar before the delayed trigger and if a board wipe happens great way to just deal some direct damage before the board wipe of multiple sand warriors. Suggestion for Champion's Helm would be Vicious Shadows, take advantage of the leave play on this. Torpor Orb has nothing on this. Also, it takes advantage of the Draw engine most EDH players play in every deck. It may not be what you are going for because this is a special deck but would step up the danger.

September 7, 2015 6:10 a.m.

LSea says... #2

OH YA.......Dragon Broodmother......Sooo Good.....So good.

September 7, 2015 6:25 a.m.

NotaNetDeck says... #3

Thanks for the feedback LSea! I like all your suggestions, too.

Slots are pretty flexible at this point and Champion's Helm is probably not the right choice. I've played Vicious Shadows before and in the right deck it can steal games; I'll have to see how it works here.

Goblin Bombardment is a great card that I definitely overlooked, but Spawning Pit is better than first blush would indicate. The ability to create bodies -- albeit at the cost of efficiency -- is very powerful in a sac outlet.

Dragon Broodmother is also a card, and I'll factor it in against token makers like Rampaging Baloths.

Let me know what else you think!

September 7, 2015 11:37 p.m.

LSea says... #4

NotaNetDeck i think you are underestimating Dragon Broodmother like i am underestimating Spawning Pit. Dragon Broodmother making tokens on EVERY upkeep is just too good. Second it is another sac outlet for Hazezon Tamar before the Delayed triggers on upkeep if you haven't got rid of him yet. The Devour 2 is nice to make a beefy flyer if you are into that sort of thing. In my opinion (Which granted could be wrong) is Dragon Broodmother over Rampaging Baloths even with all the ramp cards in this deck......If DBM was legendary it would be my commander instantaneously. It also works so well with Vicious Shadows and Aura Shards since you have the option almost every upkeep of adding and removing creatures.

September 8, 2015 1:39 a.m. Edited.

NotaNetDeck says... #5

I'd say that's all accurate, LSea. If it weren't a ramp deck I'd be worried about getting triple red (as with Kiki) but DBM sounds like a good fit.

I still like Rampaging Baloths and of course Omnath, Locus of Rage. Landfall helps bad topdecks out a lot.

Since these colors aren't normally mine, I'm probably missing a bunch of other staples too... maybe Aura of Silence?

September 8, 2015 5:35 p.m.

darthskat says... #6

+1x Shared Animosity -1x Coat of Arms so you don't pump someone else's gobos or elves

September 12, 2015 12:40 p.m.

NotaNetDeck says... #7

Good catch darthskat! The downside is no toughness boost (or first strike) makes my guys pretty easy to block but I'd say the switch is still worth it.

September 12, 2015 2:23 p.m.

darthskat says... #8

take a look at my deck if you want. The Golden Company. When i untap and get my doods, my fav thing to do is kick Goblin Bushwhacker. now my guys have haste and are 2/1's. then i slam down Beastmaster Ascension so when i swing it will automatically trigger (since ill obviously have 7 or more dorks). so now they're hastey 7/5's. but that was only 5 mana, i should have 2-3 left if this is my first time casting my commander and i drop a land. cast Shared Animosity and count Goblin Bushwhacker since he is a warrior as well, and now my 8 homies swing for 14x8 = 112 dmg. and because i ramp so hard early game this is still turn 4 or 5. no combos needed.

September 12, 2015 3:08 p.m.

NotaNetDeck says... #9

Yeah, I checked out your build darthskat and it looks pretty sweet, +1 for sure! Mine's definitely more budget-conscious (no Regal Force or Craterhoof Behemoth :( ) and I don't want to be playing as many lands. I am curious though, how come you're not playing Knight of New Alara?

Beastmaster Ascension's a great card that I forgot about! I've been killed T3 or T4 by it in a Prossh, Skyraider of Kher. I liked your reasoning about Fervor effects, too. I like Bushwacker, but I think I'll be replacing Battledriver with Fires of Yavimaya since I can cast it before or after Hazy.

There were a bunch of other things I liked in your deck, and I'll be using it as a reference point as I fine-tune. That's not to say I don't think mine's worth a +1, if you know what I mean ;)

September 12, 2015 10:23 p.m.

darthskat says... #10

I did consider the 3 lieges and the liege lord Knight of New Alara but for 4 mana I am casting a creature that is easy to remove that only pumps my Bros up +3/+3. Enchantments and artifacts are harder to deal with and as you can see can do a little more for a little less in some circumstances.

When I first started taking the deck seriously I found that I hated setting up plays. Cathars' Crusade and Ogre Battledriver both do nothing the turn they come out, telegraph my next move and get removed before I get to have fun. So with the exception of the red god whose name escapes me, all my fun happens after I cast my commander. Before that I turtle, ramp, play world police if need be and stay out of trouble. Patience is a vertue.

September 12, 2015 11:47 p.m.

NotaNetDeck says... #11

You're right about noncreatures being harder to deal with, but because of creature themes in the form of Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker, Domri Rade and various lords, I'd like to keep my creature count high, at least relatively.

I can tell you Cathars' Crusade, Ogre Battledriver, Coat of Arms, and Garruk's Packleader are on their way out, in favor of Beastmaster Ascension, Fires of Yavimaya, Shared Animosity and Shamanic Revelation respectively, thanks to your suggestions!

I agree with the logic about setting up plays and telegraphing etc., but what I was trying to say before was I'd rather stay away from one-shot effects like Goblin Bushwhacker and opt instead for static abilities like Fires, which I can play before or after Hazy hits the board.

Let me know what else you all think! :)

September 13, 2015 2:43 p.m.

CuteSnail says... #12

October 1, 2015 9:51 p.m.

NotaNetDeck says... #13

NecroPony, Greater Good will often net card disadvantage since I'll be saccing small things like tokens or Hazy. The Altars are good but I'm not sure I'd prefer either one to Spawning Pit (my worse sac engine) since this deck wants to pump out bodies. I do appreciate the suggestions, though!

October 2, 2015 8:44 p.m.

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