Hocus Locus

Legacy MagicMarc


SpiritKing says... #1

Wow, cool deck!

I've been looking for some budget decks to get into Legacy other than Dredge and this might just bei what i want...it seems fun to play and ca kill surprisingly spontaneous.

How does the deck do for you?

January 22, 2016 10:03 p.m.

MagicMarc says... #2

I am still playtesting it. It is a little slow and clunky at the moment. I am still working out the best way to ramp it.

For this to be competitive for Legacy you would have to go a different route I think because this would be too slow. At the mana cost for the Emeria Shepherd you would have to find faster ramp or Instead you would cheat out the Emeria Shepherd with something faster like discarding it early and using something like Dread Return or faster.

January 23, 2016 12:24 a.m.

SpiritKing says... #3

I do have some Veteran Explorer and Innocent Blood in my collection, that could ramp me a good bit.

I'm pretty sure as well that some changes have to made, but still...this is a nice starting point for me.

Since i dont plan to go anywhere big with Legacy it wont have to be that competitive, just so that i have something fun to play with at my LGS Legacy events and win one round or another.

January 23, 2016 12:55 a.m.

MagicMarc says... #4

That would speed it up a bit. If you were going to splash for the black for Innocent Blood, you could also swap Goblin Bombardment with something like Viscera Seer which would help filter your draws. As well as being a fast sac outlet for the Veteran Explorer. As a matter of fact I will add it to the maybeboard for now and work on getting some and try them out.

January 23, 2016 11:55 a.m.

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