Hogaak: My Favorite (Infinite) Combo Deck
Commander / EDH*
SCORE: 69 | 104 COMMENTS | 28202 VIEWS | IN 39 FOLDERS
Ohhh you're right! Just one extra creature (which you're gonna have) makes this infinite. You don't even need to sac it per se:
- Sac Hogaak for +8 -3 cards (also making 2 citizens).
- Recast Hogaak, delving the 3 cards and tapping 2 citizens, Caldaia Guardian, and "other creature."
- Repeat process, but sac Hogaak plus a tapped citizen in step 1, and convoke using untapped citizens in step 2.
June 9, 2022 12:42 p.m.
killer_eye says... #3
Hi, it's me again just like to ask what's the reason why you're not running any kind of tutor here, is it your deck building restriction or anything else? Just curious about it, thanks!
January 30, 2023 9:28 p.m.
Hey killer_eye, thanks for commenting! Just realized that this list hasn't been keeping up with the times, endless spoiler season and all.
You can think of it as a building restriction. I've never been good with tutors; I tend to stall and get anxious about which card to pick. A lot of the time, and especially with this deck, the thought process is more like, "Should I keep the game going for everyone else's sake, or do I just end it now?" And drawing 8 cards just feels more exciting overall.
But hey, if my meta gets more competitive (and I can actually whip out this deck again), I may consider it! (Sigh, the life of the neighborhood Spike....)
killer_eye says... #1
It does go infinite just like the Desecrated Tomb method, just need to have an initial creature.
June 8, 2022 7 p.m.