Holy Union Version 2.0
Getting ready for the rotation! —July 21, 2013
Thank you everyone for the support, and help making this deck what it is today. I appriciate all of the suggestions and likes and hope that even more are to come because I have put a lot of work into this deck. I am starting to work on switching out the cards that will no lo ger be legal in standard come the rotation. I will be resetting the comments so that they can reflect the changes to come. Thanks again and please continue to help me make this deck the best it can be.
The card draw thru the elf is actually pretty good, its also a desperation target for resto in case nothing else out is better target like thrag, and u would otherwise being flashing her in just to chump block.
July 10, 2013 2:21 p.m.
@Behgz the lifegain that the pilgrim gives me is an essential part of my early game survival. When paired with a smiter or paladin in the first two to three turns gives me a good boost to launch me into the midgame where this deck is best. Thanks for the +1!
July 10, 2013 5:53 p.m.
NiRouBolas says... #5
I would plus this if it had 23 or more lands...lol i would bet money that you have a lot of mulligans despite how good some of the hands might be. the cards and synergy are amazing. but i think you're undercompensating in land quantity for the reality that angel of serenity is a 7 drop and some of your spells are tricky to play. if you dont get ramp, then your back could be up against the wall in a hurry. good deck tho. just had to be the one to say it. if it were up to me, which is most definitely is not...I would go -3 elvish visionary, -1 ajani, caller of the pride, + 2 garruk, primal hunter, +1 cavern of souls, +1 gavony township.
Lemme know about my Slivers!!! http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/aurelia-the-sliver-leader/
If you comment on mine, I'll plus you. And if I plus you, then you should plus me :P
July 14, 2013 7:53 p.m.
Hey whats up boston check out my sideboard I think its soild let me know what you think about using somthing like it as your sideboard
July 14, 2013 7:59 p.m.
@NiRouBolas I dont know why you think I mulligan frequently. In reality I dont more often than do. To be honest I find myself drawing lands when I dont want to but dont want to go under 21. With the pilgrims and farseeks I hwve more than enough mana sources. I dont believe I am under compensating anything. The deck has great flow and rarley are there any mana problems.
July 15, 2013 12:04 p.m.
PrinceOfNeurosis says... #8
+1 from me. This is a very cool (and different) looking selesnya brew. Clearly you've already celebrated some success at your local FNM so I don't really have any suggestions. Kudos. Please feel free to check out my main brew The Voices of Selesnya if you haven't already, and comment or upvote if you like my ideas.
July 16, 2013 11:16 p.m.
@PrinceOfNeurosisthanks for the +1 and comment. I was trying to go for something different that would still be able to compete.
July 17, 2013 1:37 p.m.
Other than the big cards (ie Voice of Resurgence and Archangel of Thune ), Brave the Elements is looking to be really good at bare minimum to side since most of the cards you don't want to be effected are white. Pithing Needle , Dryad Militant and Rest in Peace are other good options to choose from, with Banisher Priest or Fiend Hunter getting a mention for Restoration Angel shenanigans while you still can. Honorable mention to Fiendslayer Paladin and Imposing Sovereign . I know that Sovereign will probably be super good when Innistrad rotates out and might be a lot stronger in play than on paper, but that is up for you to decide.
July 20, 2013 4:14 a.m.
student-of-life says... #12
I enjoy using Cloudshift with a lot of these cards
Behgz says... #1
This looks like a great build, +1 from me.
3x elvish visionary and 3x nearheath pilgrim is an interesting choice, does the life link make a significant difference compared to say centaur healer.
July 10, 2013 2:14 p.m.